Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2332: : Not much use anymore?

But after returning to the county, Gao Ding was reluctant to bear the power in his hands and became a courtier under the rule of others. There is still a big difference from taking charge of a county. In Yueshang County, Gao Ding is absolute. Master, in the county, no one would disobey his orders, but after he came under Lu Bu, would he still have this kind of power?

Besides, Gao Ding once led an army to attack the city of Chengdu. In this regard, he had already offended Lu Bu. Even after taking refuge in Lu Bu, it would be difficult to get reused.

After learning that Yongkai invited the barbarian king Menghuo, Gao Ding breathed a sigh of relief. As for the barbarian king Menghuo’s ability, Gao Ding still agrees with him. If Menghuo can help Yizhou County in this battle, Chang'an Army It is certainly not that simple to break through Yizhou County.

When the army of the southern counties attacked Chengdu City, Gao Ding and others did not intend to involve the barbarian tribes. As the saying goes, the hearts of non-I races must be different. For barbarians, Han officials are still very wary of the barbarians. .

But the situation is different now. The southern counties have reached a critical moment of life and death crisis. If they cannot make outstanding performances in the process of fighting against the Chang'an Army, they will inevitably die without a place to bury them. Meng Huo’s joining has made Gao Ding see it. Hope of victory.

Gaoding would still be happy to see if Yueshang County can stabilize without a bloodbath. As for how much Yizhou County’s soldiers and horses will lose in this battle, Gaoding is not something that Gaoding needs to consider. The letter sent by Yong Kai was directly put aside for Gao Ding.

No need to think, Gao Ding knows what Yongkai's idea was. There is absolutely nothing as simple as letting the army of Yueshang County help Yizhou County to defend the city. Besides, his soldiers need training and stability at this time. However, the soldiers and horses of Yizhou County are able to provide respite for the soldiers and horses of Yueshang County.

E Huan disagrees with Gao Ding's actions. If Yizhou County fails, Yueshang County will definitely not be spared.

"Prefect, the Chang'an Army is strong. At this time, there are only more than 10,000 troops in Yizhou County, and 10,000 of them are soldiers of the barbarian tribe. If the prefect does not send troops to help Yong Kai, Yong Kai is very likely to be under the King of Jin. The army broke through." E Huan reminded.

Gao Ding meditated for a moment and said: "It's not the officer who is unwilling to help Yong Kai, but the bacteria are not stable. Many sergeants are young men who have just entered the army. They need some training before they can respond. The war coming down."

Seeing this, E Huan could only put out the idea of ​​persuading Gaoding to send troops to aid Yongkai.

Over the years, Yizhou County still has some enmity with Yueshang County. Gaoding wants to improve his own strength and will definitely invade the surrounding counties and counties, and Yizhou County is highly valued by Gaoding, not only Gaoding. Even Zhu Bao, the prefect of Zhangzhang County, was salivating for Yizhou County.

Although Zheng Ang’s forces were the weakest among the three, the three parties were scrupulous about each other. Although the small movements were constant, no one dared to push Zheng Ang in a hurry.

Gao Ding has naturally heard of Yong Kai's name. Although Yong Kai is an official under Zheng Ang, he lacks sufficient respect for Zheng Ang.

Gao Ding didn’t worry about the grievances in Yizhou County. The result he wanted most was that Yizhou County would be able to defend the city with the strength of the Qiang people during the Chang’an Army’s attack. In this case, Yueqi County It would be able to avoid greater damage. Once the Chang'an Army retreated, Yizhou County became his target of attack.

The situation in the southern counties was tense. Zhao Yun and Zhang Yun led five thousand troops to Qianwei County. At this time, Qianwei County was left with old and weak soldiers. After the Chang'an Army broke the coalition forces in the southern counties, Qianwei County and Qianwei County and Qianwei were officials of the country. One after another, they asked the State Shepherd House to ask for surrender.

Now that Zhao Yun and Zhang Yun led the army, they opened the city gate directly, and the officials in the city went out to greet them in person.

After Zhao Yun comforted the officials in the city, he began to send scouts to explore the news of Yizhou County. Zhengang must have thoughts about Qianwei's vassal country and Qianwei County. However, Zhengang has become Lu Bu's prisoner at this time, and can be used in Yizhou. In the view of Zheng Ang, it is already extremely difficult to save lives on the battlefield of the state.

In the room, there were only three people, Zhao Yun, Zhang Yun, and Zhengang. Zhao Yun asked, "How much power can Zheng Taishou control Yizhou County?"

Zhengang is one of the important support for the army to break through Yizhou County, and Yizhou County’s military strength is the weakest among the three counties. During the battle with the Chang'an Army, Yizhou County’s military strength has been greatly damaged. Even if the officials of Yizhou County had the means, it would be difficult to organize too many troops.

It would be a great contribution to Zhao Yun and Zhang Yun if Yizhou County could be calmed down before Lu Bu led the army.

"General Zhao, in the opinion of the officials, the most important thing is to inquire about the situation in Yizhou County. Only if they control more information about the Yizhou army, can the officials Zhengangdao.

Zhang Xi coldly snorted: "Zhengang, when you took refuge in King Jin, you didn't speak like that. If the vanguard army can break through Yizhou County, you will also have a lot of credit."

Zhengang said: "It’s not that the lower officials were unwilling to help the two generals to capture Yizhou County. It was because the two generals did not know the situation in Yizhou County very well. Although the officials were the prefects of Yizhou County, they were However, there is a huge family in Zhoujun, the Yong family. The Yong family has been in Yizhou County for many years, and the tree has deep roots. After the news that the official was captured on the battlefield reached Yizhou County, how could the Yong family let it go? Opportunity, even when the Xiaguan used to be in the county, he still had to give the Yong family a three-point face."

"I don't want the position of the Zheng Taishou in the county to be so unstable. In this case, if you attack Yizhou County, the Zheng Taishou is of no use?" Zhao Yun said slowly.

Zheng Ang was shocked. He naturally understood Zhao Yun's identity. This was King Jin's beloved brother, even if he died in Zhao Yun's hands, I am afraid that no one would complain about him.

"Can General Zhao tell me about the current situation in Yizhou County?" There is a begging in Zheng Ang's eyes. He does not want to die like this. After taking refuge in Lu Bu, if he can contribute to the suppression of the southern county, he will be able to do so. To preserve one's life, there is even no lack of a life of glory and wealth.

During the years Zheng Ang was an official in Yizhou County, he had a lot of secretly reduced wealth. If it weren't for the Yong family in Yizhou County, he would have gained more.

However, now that he is a prisoner, he will live and die without outstanding performance, without the slightest fluke.


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