Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2356: : Battle Elephant Soldiers (Part 1)

Chapter 2356: Battle Elephant Soldier (Part 1) (Page 1/1)

The soldiers of the Chang'an Army retreated very quickly. Meng Huo laughed a lot when he saw this. The Chang'an Army, which was previously unparalleled on the battlefield, looked like this after the war elephant appeared. What else can stop the war elephant from advancing? .

If Meng Huo is careful, you will find that the Chang'an Army threw something on the ground during its march. These things are exactly the iron brier, which is an ordinary means to deal with war horses, and put the iron brier on the cavalry passing by. On the road, if the cavalry is not aware of it, it is likely to cause considerable damage to the cavalry.

These iron tribulus are bigger than the ordinary iron tribulus, and ordinary soldiers will get injured if they step on them accidentally.

The sharp part of the Tribulus terrestris gave off a little bit of cold light under the sunlight, but the high-spirited brutal soldiers on the elephant did not notice this. Meng Huo was more confident in winning. Although these soldiers retreated not slowly. , But the war elephants move faster, as long as they catch up with these pawns, can the enemy's bed crossbows still be able to play a role, unless the Chang'an Army can ruthlessly abandon the soldiers in front.

During the retreat, some generals kept turning their heads and watching. Nearly three hundred war elephants charged up with shocking momentum, and the ground was trembling slightly. The huge body of the war elephants added a three-point deterrent to the elephant soldiers.

A war elephant is a brave presence on the battlefield, but the soles of the war elephants are a little soft. When they touch sharp objects, they can pierce the soles of the war elephants. How difficult is the action brought about, if there are too many stab wounds on the soles of the feet, the test for the driver will be even greater.

Under the control of the driver, a war elephant fought against the Chang'an army. Several iron briers pierced into the feet of the war elephant. The war elephant neighed, but under the control of the driver, it still moved forward, more and more The Iron Tribulus pierced into the soles of the war elephant's feet, and every step forward would cause huge damage to the war elephant.

This war elephant went crazy under the constant damage. The pain on the sole of the foot made the war elephant mad. The driver on the war elephant was shocked when he saw this scene, but the war elephant under him did not listen. His command kept jumping on the ground, and the formation of nearly three hundred war elephants was very loose. This was also able to ensure that they could cause more damage to the enemy and avoid the enemy’s bed crossbow. Bring too much damage to the war elephant.

If a war elephant becomes crazy and does not obey the control of the driver, the most unlucky thing is the soldiers on the war elephant. They basically have no reason to be spared. After the war elephant is overturned, even if it is not dead, it is seriously injured.

The driver tried his best to stabilize his figure on the war elephant, his expression was full of horror, and the other three soldiers around him had been lifted off by the war elephant.

The crazy war elephant would not obey the commander's commands. In the end, the driver could hardly maintain his figure under the madness of the war elephant and fell to the ground. Then he saw the iron tribulus scattered on the ground, which was much larger than usual. An iron tribulus happened to pierce his leg, and he let out a miserable cry. At the same time, he also understood why the war elephant would suddenly go crazy, and these **** Chang'an army actually scattered iron tribulus on the battlefield.

Then the driver saw the iron brier under the sole of the war elephant, and the blood flowing continuously.

At this time, the war elephant would not be merciful because of the identity of the rider. After jumping wildly, the war elephant found that the pain on its soles had not been alleviated, and the gentle war elephant that was usually in the eyes of barbarians became crazy again.

More than 30 war elephants appeared on the battlefield like this, making the rear plan to follow Li Qi in awe. Judging from the situation just now, these war elephants no longer distinguish between enemy and us. After entering the range of these war elephants , One can imagine what the fate will be like.

The five war elephants turned around and ran towards the army where Li Qi was. They madly dropped the war elephants and ran rampant in the army. The swords and guns of the sergeant caused very little damage to the war elephant. A celebrity soldier fell under the collision of the war elephant. On the ground, all soldiers trampled by war elephants are bloody.

Among the army that followed Li Qi, there were many soldiers who had never experienced the battlefield. They had never seen such a cruel scene before, and they could only stab their weapons against the elephants in vain.

Li Qi hurriedly issued an offensive order. The impact of the five-headed war elephants going crazy in the army made the lieutenants panic. Thousands of soldiers faced the five crazy war elephants, but they had no choice. Bows, arrows, knives and guns poured out towards the war elephant.

After seeing this situation, the soldiers holding the fairy mirror were excited and hurriedly informed the Chinese army of the situation on the battlefield.

Guo Jia smiled and said: "I don't want the lord to deal with these war elephants with such methods, even without the help of a crossbow, it is not difficult to defeat these war elephants."

Lü Bu shook his head and said: "The speed of the war elephants is not slow. If it is to catch up with the war elephants, it will definitely cause huge damage to our soldiers ~ After these crazy war elephants enter our army, the same is true. It's hard to kill."

The soft soles of the war elephants are the deadliest defect of the war elephants. If this shortcoming of the war elephants can be overcome, the war elephants are absolutely invincible on the battlefield. If these war elephants initiate a charge against the enemy, compare it to that. The momentum of the wolf rider's charge was even astonishing.

"If the lord gets these war elephants, he will definitely be able to provide a great help on the battlefield in the future." Guo Jiadao, he has a certain understanding of Lu Bu's mind, and Lu Bu's desire to subdue the barbaric tribe must be a fancy. The combat capabilities of these war elephants.

Lu Bu nodded slightly, making no secret of his yearning for the war elephant.

After Meng Huo noticed the situation in the rear, he was shocked, more than 30 battle figures looked like crazy, and the elephant soldiers did not encounter the enemy's resistance on their way forward.

While Meng Huo was thinking about these issues, the Chang'an sergeant in front suddenly dispersed, and hundreds of crossbows aimed at the rumbling war elephant.

Liu Yi's complexion was a little heavy. The bed crossbow and Lianbow are the most important means to fight against these war elephants. If they fail to succeed, their soldiers will definitely have to take a lot of damage. Judging from the situation just now, the ones that appeared after the war elephants approached. The damage will be greater, and Chang'an army generals will throw more iron tribulus on the ground.

Just after the distance of three hundred steps, Liu Yi gave the order to release arrows. As long as one more round of crossbow arrows can be made, the elephant soldiers can cause more damage.

It's not that Lu Bu didn't want to use the Thunderbolt, but the Thunderbolt was extremely troublesome to move on the battlefield. When blocking and dealing with the Ballista, the speed of the Thunderbolt couldn't keep up, not to mention the faster moving elephant soldiers. NS.

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