Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2363: : Meng Huo's determination

Chapter 2363: Meng Huo's determination (seeking subscription) (Page 1/1)

Yong Kai did not expect that it was precisely because of his failure in the war outside the city that the Wang family became unhappy.

Not only the Wang family, but even the Li family have more thoughts about what the defenders in the city look like. The Li family naturally knows. With these improvised troops, can they really fight against the Chang'an Army, but the Li family doesn’t. The intention to give up was mainly because the Jin King’s treatment of the family was too cruel. Although the Yizhou family was safe and sound for the time being, it seemed to the Li family that it would be extremely risky to seek refuge with such a monarch. If things happen in the future, the family’s strength will appear. More serious damage.

The aristocratic family values ​​the interests of the family very much. It is not when it is a matter of life and death that they will not make decisions easily. They want to make the family stronger. Even if there is war, they do not want the family to be shattered in turmoil.

Eighty percent of the private soldiers in the family were handed over to the army, which gave the Li family a lot of fear. The private soldiers are of great significance to the family. Without enough private soldiers in their hands, it is difficult for them to feel safe, listen. It is said that under Lu Bu's rule, private soldiers are not allowed in the hands of aristocratic families, even if they are guards, the number is very small.

The southern counties and counties were unwilling to obey the orders of the prefecture and shepherd's house. How could they be willing to be oppressed by this kind of oppression under Lu Bu's rule.

The Li family continues to wait and see. If Yong Kai leads the army and it is difficult to defend the city, they will take refuge in Lu Bu. If they defend the city, it will be a great help to the Li family. The Li family is in the defense of the city, but they have made no contribution. Less power, this has a great effect on improving the status of the Li family in the city.

Only by giving can we have greater gains. The Li family disagrees with the Wang family's way of doing things.

On the night when he returned to the city, Yong Kai not only summoned the Patriarch of the Wang Family and Li Family to the Taishou Mansion, but also the important officials and generals in the army were given orders. It is a matter of life and death of Dianchi Lake. At this time, we must unite as one. , In order to go further on the road against the enemy, otherwise, once the city appears to take refuge in others, the lieutenant soldiers will not have great results even if they work **** the battlefield.

A strong city is often breached from within. Even though Yong Kai was only the Patriarch of the Yong family before, he still understands some truths. He is also a member of the family, and he is also extremely concerned about the behavior of the family when facing danger. Clearly, if the aristocratic family's determination cannot be mobilized, it would be difficult for the aristocratic family to willingly invest the strength of the family into defending the city.

After a long time of discussion with the group, Yong Kai was still quite satisfied. Judging from the look of the civilian generals, he was extremely obedient to his orders.

Yong Kai was planning how to defend against the Chang'an Army. The morale of the barbarian army was also very low. They endured a terrible grief on the battlefield. The most important thing was that the pride in their hearts was defeated by the Chang'an Army in this battle. Soldiers are invincible in the eyes of barbarians and soldiers. Every time elephant soldiers go out in battle, the barbarian army can easily win the victory.

The confrontation with the Chang'an Army this time disappointed the barbarians. Their greatest reliance, heavy losses, 500 war elephants, only 18 returned to the army.

After returning to the camp, Meng Huo also came to his senses. After this battle, the barbarian soldiers lost more than 4,000 people. The 10,000 barbarians who fought in the battle have only left more than 5,000 people. The elite elephant soldiers are no longer there. Have combat effectiveness.

Meng Huo knows how difficult it is to train elephant soldiers. This is also the reason why Meng Huo still wants to attack the enemy despite the fierce attack of the Chang'an Army. The strength of the elephant soldiers is seriously damaged. , His status in the barbarians will be reduced a lot.

At this time, Meng Huo transferred all the hatred to Lu Bu. If it were not for Lu Bu, the barbarians would not have suffered such a heavy loss.

"Man King, the Chang'an Army won a big victory, and his subordinates suggest that Man King lead the army back to the tribe." Dong She said.

Ah Hui murmured in agreement: "Man King, our army is seriously damaged. If we don't leave, there will be danger. The enemy army has nearly 40,000."

Meng Huo’s face was uncertain, and he was silent for a long time: "The soldiers under this king are brave and good at fighting. How can they easily retreat because of the elite of the enemy. As long as they stay in the camp, the enemy can do nothing." It would be a great shame for Meng Huo to return to the barbarian tribe in a desperate manner if he couldn't get the result he wanted.

The shame of previous failures requires the Chang'an Army to pay a sufficient price. "Tell the big cave master to send five thousand elite soldiers. This king does not believe that the elite barbarians can't defeat the district Changan Army?" Meng Huo coldly snorted. .

Dong Shena and Ah Hui murmured at each other, and they could only agree. Meng Huo’s prestige in the barbarian tribe was not something that the two of them could Now that Meng Huo made a decision, they would do their best. Do your best to help Meng win the victory.

However, the loss of the elephant soldiers made them panic. Without the help of the elephant soldiers, would they be able to win when facing the Chang'an Army? For the first time, the two had doubts about the combat effectiveness of the barbarian army.

The barbarians who died in the southern counties have always shown a strong side. No matter how powerful the enemy is, they will not easily retreat. However, this time, they have encountered a huge challenge. The Chang'an army is too elite. Even defeated the elephant soldiers, so that the most powerful elite elephant soldiers of the barbarian tribe did not have the strength to fight.

After the two left, they were silent for a long time, and their eyes gradually became firm. He must win. In order to win, it is worth paying more.

Judging from the situation on the battlefield today, Yong Kai’s army is relatively weak. As long as the barbarian army can defeat the Chang'an army, he will take advantage of the situation to seize Dianchi. It’s just that this kind of words cannot be said for the time being. The words in Yong Kai's ears will bring a lot of trouble to the barbarian army. After all, Yong Kai is a Han Chinese. At a critical moment, if he chooses to take refuge in Lu Bu, Meng Huo has nothing to do.

The next day, learning that Meng Huo did not lead the soldiers to leave, Yong Kai felt relieved, and sent a large amount of rice to the soldiers of the army to reward the soldiers of the barbarians.

Meng Huo has great prestige in the barbarian army. After Meng Huo announced the order, the generals in the tribe hesitated, but no one opposed it. They believed that Meng Huo would lead the tribe to a stronger situation.

The Chang'an Army led a large army to the outside of the city on that day and surrounded the barbarian tribe's camp.

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