Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2376: : Meng Huo and Yang Feng

It is still very possible to persuade Meng Huo to seek refuge, but Meng Huo’s status is special and cannot be treated in an ordinary way. It takes a lot of effort to persuade the success of the Nanban tribe. It's worth it to spend some time on getting it.

Only when the southern counties are truly stabilized, can Yizhou be called stable. Otherwise, if there are barbarian tribes raging in the southern counties, how many disasters will be brought to the people, and how many people will die because of the invasion of the barbarian tribes. middle.

Compared with the Qiang people in Liangzhou, the barbarian tribes have significantly fewer offensives against the Han people. What they need is a stable life. The barbarians don't want the tribesmen in their tribe to starve to death.

For Lu Bu to stabilize the southern counties and counties, he had to convince the barbarians to subdue his force. Even when Lu Bu was not in Yizhou, they did not dare to betray. The capture of the barbarian king by him was a good start.

"Since this is the case, the Barbarian King chooses one person, how about this king if he feels right?" Lu Bu said.

Meng Huo nodded and agreed. He suddenly discovered that King Jin was actually quite good at talking. He didn't refuse his request, and he was a prisoner. If he provoked Lu Bu's anger, he would definitely be beheaded. In fact, he was coming. Before the military tent, Meng Huo was ready to die.

After Meng Huo’s gaze swept around on the angry general, it finally fell on Yang Feng. Meng Huo knew that he must not choose too weak, otherwise, Lu Bu would not agree. Judging from the standing position , Yang Feng's position in the front shows that Yang Feng's position in the army is not low.

The most important thing is that Yang Feng looks slightly white and tender, and is not as rough as other generals. If you choose Yang Feng, the probability of victory is much greater.

"King Jin, this king wants to fight this person." Meng Huo pointed to Yang Fengdao.

After seeing Yang Feng’s choice, the generals in the tent turned red. They were holding a smile in their hearts. Otherwise, it would be bad if Meng Huo noticed the clues. Yang Feng was a famous warrior under Lu Bu’s tent. It is the marksmanship that overpowered Zhao Yun, which shows the strength of Yang Feng's martial arts.

After Lv Bu glanced at Yang Feng, he smiled slightly. Yang Feng looked a little thinner than Zhi Dianwei and the others. If Yang Feng was underestimated on the battlefield, he would definitely have to pay a high price, and Meng Huo affirmed. He looks weaker with bullying.

"Okay, Yang Feng, you come to fight the Barbarian King." Lu Bu said.

Yang Feng clasped his fists and said yes, a raging will to fight in his heart, only Meng Huo's contempt for Lu Bu, has successfully aroused the anger in the hearts of all the generals.

"Don't hurt the Barbarian King." Lu Bu added.

Although Yang Feng was reluctant, he still agreed.

Meng Huo had a feeling of being fooled. Lu Bu not only agreed to his request, but also told Yang Feng not to hurt him. Could it be that this person is a master.

However, since he said it in front of everyone, he would not violate it. He had not agreed to re-select the generals before.

"The tent is small, how about the diplomatic battle between Man Wang and General Yang? It just so happens that the soldiers in the army can get a glimpse of their demeanor." Lu Bu laughed.

Lu Bu naturally has a certain understanding of Meng Huo’s strength. Bravery is courageous, but the subtlety of his moves is much worse. Meng Huo’s strength is also extremely amazing. Yang Feng, with his exquisite marksmanship, is fully capable of Defeat Meng Huo.

In the open space outside the tent, Meng Huo confronted Yang Feng. Among the generals around, not only the generals of the Chang'an Army, but also A Huilan and Dong Shena were also invited. Meng Huo is very tall among the barbarians. He wanted to show the prestige of the two of them. In front of the powerful Chang'an Army, their king was just a weak one.

The situation in the arena is tense. A Huilan and Dong Shena are secretly cheering for Meng Huo. If Meng Huo can win and leave, it is the best news for the two of them. Meng Huo is a barbarian king and should not become a king. Captive of the enemy.

"Let's do it." Yang Feng held a spear, standing solemnly, giving people a sense of aloofness.

What the two took was foot combat. For foot combat, Meng Huo, as the leader of the barbarians, is naturally no stranger. In foot combat, barbarians are extremely good at it.

Meng Huo was furious when he saw Yang Feng's actions. He was a Barbarian King. Apart from capturing King Jin on the battlefield, he had never been treated with such contempt. Judging from the position of the generals in the tent, Yang Feng was in the army. The status is not very high, at least not Dianwei Gao.

"Suffer to death!" Meng Huo yelled, holding the long knife in his hand flat, and walking quickly towards Yang Feng.

In the face of Meng Huo’s attack, Yang Feng seemed to be unaware of it. He still stood quietly on the spot and confronted each other. If he had the advantage of speed, he could still occupy a lot of money, from the size of Meng Huo. Look, but it occupies a big advantage.

However, the generals who knew Yang Feng didn't have the slightest worry, defeating the Barbarian King was nothing to Yang Feng.

Yang Feng's momentum continued to rise, his eyes fixed on Meng Huo.

Meng Huo felt In anger, Meng Huo directly used all his strength to shoot the knife.

Yang Feng finally moved, and the spear in his hand flicked. Many people did not even see Yang Feng's movements. They saw a shadow of the spear coming towards the long knife, accurately hitting the back of the long knife, splashing a little spark.

The surrounding generals applauded in unison. Yang Feng finally made a move, but instead blocked Meng Huo's attack, it was indeed exceptional. Meng Huo must have an advantage in speed while running.

Lü Bu nodded secretly. Judging from Yang Feng's shot, his control of the spear has reached the extreme point. It is extremely difficult to accurately hit the back of the knife with the long spear when the enemy is shooting.

Dian Wei pouted. If it weren't for Meng Huo's remarks for a substitution at a critical moment, he would be the one who played this time. He hated his a little eagerness in the camp. If he was afraid of something, Meng Huo affirmed. Will not refuse.

There is no suspense in this battle in Dianwei's eyes. Even if Meng Huo is strong, he still wants to defeat Yang Feng. It is simply a fantasy. Even when he fights against Yang Feng, he still needs to win if he wants to win. With a lot of effort, Yang Feng is also one of the few people in the army who makes Dian Wei not want to challenge.

Weak enemies will find that Yang Feng's marksmanship is extremely fierce, and every move contains murderous intent. The martial arts generals find that Yang Feng's marksmanship gives people a sense of continuity. This feeling is very depressing.

Yang Feng relied on such marksmanship to occupy a place under Lu Bu's command.

After the fusion, Meng Huo suddenly felt depressed. Except for the first move he took the lead, the rest of the time was all on defense. Yang Feng’s marksmanship was like a snake, making Meng Huo tired. Handle.

(End of this chapter)

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