Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2385: :Adjustment power

The aristocratic family in the city is even more popular. The Patriarch of the Li family fell into contemplation after learning about the enemy’s attack on the city. The possible situation is the fall, the enemy will not give up Dianchi easily.

With the strength of the defenders, the Li family did not see much hope in order to survive the crazy attack of the Chang'an Army.

Patriarch Li thought of the letter sent secretly by Li Qi’s order, about Li Qi’s situation, is an absolute secret in Li’s family, and there should be no leaks. If Yong Kai knows that Li Qi has taken refuge in King Jin, he will give it to Li. What a disaster the home brings.

For Li Qi's move to take refuge in the Jin Dynasty, the Li family leader is quite fortunate. With Li Qi in the Chang'an army, it may be able to bring more benefits to the Li family.

Thinking of the content of the letter, the Li family moved, and opened the city gate to welcome the Jin king's army to enter the city. The Li family will become a hero. Maybe it will be able to get more benefits because of the credit. How cruel Lu Bu treated the family , It's just a rumor, but I haven't heard of such a thing in Yizhou specifically.

Not only did the Li family think about it, but also the Wang family, especially after the letter from the life-threatening people, the Wang family felt that they should do something, otherwise it would be extremely dangerous if the family had no credit after the Chang'an army broke the city. Regarding the matter, as for mentioning the Chengdu City King's Family in front of Lu Bu, I am afraid that he will die sooner.

Lu Bu is extremely jealous of the power of the aristocratic family. He does not want the aristocratic family to grow stronger. It is imperative to curb the development of the aristocratic family. Therefore, when the aristocratic family acts at this time, it must be more careful. If you stay in the handle, it might be a disaster for the family.

Naturally, the Wang family didn't want to accompany Yong Kai to go crazy, they wanted the family power to get the greatest protection from the turmoil in Yizhou.

The Wang family and the Li family began to mobilize their secret forces, preparing to give Yong Kai a fatal blow. At this time, Yong Kai was still annoyed by the enemy's attack. If he successfully blocked the attack of the Chang'an Army, he could get more. Many things, if he fails, he understands what it means to the Yong family, but Yong Kai has no retreat, he must continue this confrontation, even if it is to pay a high price.

In the great tent of the Chang'an Army, Lu Bu smiled after receiving news from the city. The family in the city had such behavior. In his expectation, if under such circumstances, there would still be no family in the city. The other actions are the biggest strange thing. He has been dealing with the family for too long, and he knows the nature of the family very well.

However, no matter what choice these aristocratic families make in the end, what cannot affect Lu Bu’s plan in Yizhou, weakening the family’s current strength, and allowing the people to obtain land, is imperative. Not only that, the aristocratic family will also hold hands. The private soldiers handed over. Such a move may bring about turbulence in Yizhou, but for Lu Bu, such turbulence is worthwhile. After the turbulence, Yizhou will be more stable, and the people will be more towards the prefecture. Trust.

The aristocratic family in Yizhou is extremely powerful. Lu Bu understands this. This is also the reason why Lu Bu did not immediately attack the family after he broke through Chengdu. , As well as the powers that the family secretly possessed, the fields, and the private soldiers must be carefully counted. As long as this is done, the next time they deal with the family, they will be quicker.

Guo Jiadao: "The Lord will determine Yizhou County. Within these two days, if Zilong can defeat the Golden Ring Sanjie and seize Wei County, then Meng Huo will definitely take refuge in the lord. With Meng Huo, the southern counties will It will definitely stabilize at a faster rate."

In the nearly four months of dispatching troops, the Chang'an Army has experienced battles, but the hard work of the lieutenants and soldiers on the battlefield has yielded fruitful results. Liu Bei has already become a passing feat under the attack of the Chang'an Army and has benefited. After the state, it means that Lu Bu's strength will be further improved, and the next thing Lu Bu has to face is Cao Cao, the biggest enemy.

The battle with Cao Cao must be protracted.

As a counselor, you must always consider things in the favor of the monarch. If you can get the help of the barbarian tribe, it will not only make the southern counties more stable, but the barbarian pawns on the battlefield will inevitably not be underestimated. strength.

After the war in Yizhou is over, the Chang'an Army will be more powerful after rest and reorganization, even if it is facing the powerful Cao Cao.

In the battle against the Cao Jun, the Chang'an Army’s soldiers had enough How urgent the situation outside Huguan was back then, but the Hezhou Army defeated Cao Jun and Jiangdong Army with a weak force and achieved the final Even Xu Chu, a fierce general in the Cao army, died on the battlefield of Bingzhou.

The confidence of the Chang'an Army is piled up one after another. When facing a war, the lieutenant soldiers have sufficient confidence to win. They will not shrink back because of the strength of the enemy on the battlefield. What they pursue is victory. Only constant victory can make them stronger.

Confidence builds up gradually after the victory. Other princes understand this truth, but the army under their command can hardly reach the height of the Chang'an army. The main reason is that the system in the army cannot be easily changed. Lu Bu is strong. It lies in the support of the people for the army.

At the beginning, this advantage may not be reflected, mainly because Lu Bu's strength was still weak at the time. However, when Lu Bu's power gradually grew, the power brought by the support of the Bai people was best manifested.

The support of the lieutenant generals and their ownership of the army will make them more powerful. Besides, the system of the Union State Army is difficult for other princes to do because they need to worry about the family.

Although the aristocratic family allowed the princes to achieve certain development, their existence also restricted the development of the princes.

Lv Bu smiled and said: "After the southern counties are put down, it is the beginning of the Yizhou family. By then, this king will become the enemy of the Yizhou family again."

"The Lord's actions are for the stability of Yizhou, but for the people of Yizhou, even if the family opposes it." Guo Jiadao, following Lu Bu for so many years, he is very clear about Lu Bu's philosophy towards the people and the family.

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