Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2435: :Ultimate bone

Chapter 2435: Unexpected bones (for subscription) (page 1/1)

Sha Mo Ke came with King Doss. Lu Bu was quite satisfied. The tribe where Sha Mo Ke was located was too large. If he sent troops to defeat Wuxi Man, it would definitely damage the Chang'an Army. Ximan's army was afraid, and it was most appropriate to get Wuximan's refuge without a **** sword.

Even if the barbarians are arrogant, in the face of practical benefits and a stable life, Lu Bu believes that they will have a more reasonable choice. When the army against the Han people has no way to survive, they will surrender, and when their lives are stable, they will not easily betray. .

"Let Samoke come in." Lu Bu said.

As soon as the order was given, Lu Bu got news of Meng Huo's arrival.

Meng Huo persuaded King Mulu, but there was no big problem. King Mulu was clear about Meng Huo’s strength. Although he had 10,000 elite soldiers in his hands, he was known as 10,000 magic soldiers, and there were no five hundred elephant soldiers against Meng Huo. The slightest chance of winning, let alone facing the Chang'an army, after Lu Bu captured Yizhou County, instead of embarrassing the barbarian tribe, it gave the barbarian tribe a practical benefit. For Lu Bu, King Mulu agrees with it, so I chose to take refuge.

Afterwards, Meng Huo went to Yueshang County without stopping. He actually had only one bond with Wutugu, but the success of King Mulu’s trip gave Meng Huo great confidence. If he could persuade Wutugu to take refuge, he would Means to get more credit.

However, when thinking of the Wutu bones, Meng Huo first thought of the rattan soldiers under the Wutu bones. The barbarian tribes are not good at making weapons and armors, especially armors, which are extremely rare among the barbarians, but Among the tribes of bones, there is a kind of vine. After a certain method, it is woven into vine armor. It is extremely tough and stronger than ordinary armor in terms of protection. The most important thing is these vine armor. It is extremely light, and the soldiers will not have too much burden after wearing them.

The barbarians are brave at first, and with the help of vine armor, their strength is naturally high.

Wutugu is known as the lord of the Ugo country, but its Ugo country is near Yuyu, Yongchang County. There are not many Han troops in Yongchang County. Naturally, they will not provoke the barbarian tribes. Both can be stable in the county. That is to say, and Wutugu didn't mean to invade the Han Chinese city, but it was near Yiyu.

The arrival of Shamoke and Meng Huo at the same time allowed Lu Bu to see the opportunity to attack the Wutu bones. During this time, Lu Bu also had some understanding of the Wutu bones. His subordinates indeed had vine armor soldiers, and they were worth 10,000. It is said that Wutugu, the lord of Ugo, is two feet tall, feeds on snakes and beasts, and rides giant elephants. Among the barbarian tribes, he is also an extremely brave person.

What moved Lü Bu the most was the rattan armour under the command of the Wutu bones. The rattan armour is definitely lighter than the armor. It is said that rattan armour is stronger than ordinary armor in terms of defensive ability. If the rattan armour can be equipped in the army. If it is, it will inevitably be able to greatly enhance the combat capabilities of the soldiers in the army. With the same protection capability, lighter armor provides the soldiers with more flexibility on the battlefield to respond to the battlefield situation.

Cane armor is afraid of fire. If the cane armor is equipped on the cavalry, how can it be so easy for the enemy to attack with fire.

After seeing Meng Huo, Sha Mo Ke was slightly taken aback. The two had met before, but the arrival of Meng Huo made Sha Mo Ke feel urgent. This time the Chang'an Army attacked Wu Tu Gu, which was Wuxi. A good opportunity for barbarians, even though they are also a tribe of barbarians, they also want to get more benefits for their tribe.

If Wuxi Man’s punishment can be alleviated, it is of great significance to the Barbarian tribe. At the beginning, Samoko chose to fight against Lu Bu and led the army to Qiongdu City. He owes Wuxi Man to Qiongdu. He needs more efforts. Come to benefit Wuximan.

"The King Man persuaded King Mulu to take refuge, but he has done a great job. I heard that you know something about Wutugu?" Lu Bu asked.

Meng Huo clasped his fist and said: "The subordinates had a relationship with Wu Tu Gu before, and he is bold. If his subordinates go to persuade him, he will definitely be able to let Wu Tu Gu take refuge in King Jin."

Lü Bu laughed and said, "Okay, there is a barbarian king, so why can't you calm down Yongchang County faster."

This sentence made Meng Huo extremely useful. He ran for Lu Bu in order to get more benefits. Whether it was a barbarian or a Han, after they paid, they naturally hoped to get the corresponding credit, and as a monarch, As long as you control the minds of your generals, you can make them more obedient to orders.

This was when Meng Huo was eager to perform. Lu Bu naturally would not refuse such a request. It is extremely important for the Chang'an Army to get the help of the ugly bones without a **** sword.

After seeing this scene, Samok suddenly became anxious. If Meng Huo went to persuade Wutugu, wouldn't he have missed the King Jin, the road to Ugo is complicated, and his subordinates I am familiar with the road to Ugo. "Samoko hurriedly said.

Lu Bu nodded slightly, and did not express too much opinion, "The Barbarian King and Dosi will leave first."

The two hurriedly left, and Meng Huo took a deep look at Samoko. Obviously, Samoko grabbed the credit for his work. If Samoko succeeded, wouldn't it mean that he was General? More credit will be missed.

"Samoko, you led an army to fight against this king, but you thought there would be today." Lu Bu said in a deep voice.

Sha Mo Ke hurriedly saluted: "Before his subordinates had eyes and no beads, now Wuxi Man is obedient to King Jin's orders and will never betray."

After a long silence, Lu Bu said, "Get up."

The waiting for this period of time was a huge torture for Samok. When facing Lu Bu, he felt what was called inviolable majesty, as if he only needed a look in Lu Bu's eyes to make him die without a place to bury him. , He is the leader of the barbarian tribe, and he is also a temporary figure in Yueshang County.

"You talk about the situation of the Wutu bones." Lu Bu said: "If you can help this king break through the Wutu bones, this king will definitely relieve Wuxi Man's punishment."

"Thank you Jin Wang." Samoko was overjoyed.

After listening to Samoke’s remarks, Lu Bu frowned slightly. According to Samoke’s words, it is indeed not easy to attack the bones. There are miasma in the southern counties and counties, even if they encounter this kind of thing, no matter how many troops there are. It's not useful, and there is actually a river of peach blossoms in Ugo.

"If you are allowed to lead the road, how many troops can be guaranteed to enter the Ugo country unconsciously." Lu Bu asked.

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