Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2585: :The inside should be combined with the outside

Zhao Fu is a school lieutenant in the city. In the eyes of generals like Hua Xiong, the lieutenant is the general at the bottom level. It is not worth mentioning. He has a high status in the army, but now he has become a general at the bottom, and he doesn't even have a salary to get in the army.

Originally, Zhao Fu was a general under Zang Ba. After Donghai County was breached, he was instructed by Chen Gong to stay in the army, just to wait for the opportunity to come, but now Zangba led the army to arrive. Zhao Fu’s task is to help the army. Into the city.

Chen Gong's secret plan did not tell Zang Ba, it was not that he did not trust Zang Ba, but that the fewer people who knew about these things, the greater the safety.

When Cao Cao led the troops and the giant thunderbolt carts absolutely suppressed the defenders, Chen Gong had already planned secretly.

Donghae County has a vital role for the coming Qingzhou Army. After breaking through Donghae County, it will be able to gain a greater advantage for itself on the battlefield, thus putting enough pressure on Cao Cao.

When the two armies are fighting, if they can contain more of Cao's troops on the battlefield in Xuzhou, it will have a huge effect on the entire battle.

As a counselor, at this time, you must consider from a holistic perspective.

After Chen Gong got the news from Zhao Fu secretly, his face was happy. Zhao Fu will be responsible for the defense of the city gate three days later. Of course, he will be a lieutenant in the defense of the city gate. He really has the right to decide. He is a general in the army, but this situation is already extremely important to Chen Gong.

With Zhao Fu's support at the gate, the private soldiers of the small family will attack the gate more smoothly.

Three days later, in the dark night, there were dense black shadows coming towards the north gate. As they marched, they were very familiar with the guards in the city.

These people are the private soldiers of the family. The Zhang family, the Li family, and the Wang family have contacted eight small families, and the private soldiers of eleven small families gathered together, reaching more than 600 people. The private soldiers of the small family are facing each other. They are also crazy when fighting, and there is no doubt about their loyalty.

Besides, these people didn't get much news at all before they acted, and it's difficult to leak it to Hua Xiong.

More than 600 private soldiers of the small family were divided into groups, and more than a dozen groups of forces came toward the city gate.

Two of the private soldiers were teams that encountered patrols.

In the light of the fire, the attire of these private soldiers made the patrolling soldiers more vigilant, bows and arrows were wound, and they were aimed at more than a hundred private soldiers.

The commander of the two private soldiers naturally knew the mission of their trip. There were only more than a dozen soldiers on the opposite side. If they swarmed up, they would surely be wiped out quickly.

However, the patrol soldiers rang the gong in their hands and encountered such suspicious characters in the city. Naturally, the patrol soldiers did not dare to despise. They will not end well.

The private soldiers came to the patrol team, and this patrol team of more than ten people, when facing the private attack, kept the formation to fight.

The madness of the private soldiers manifested at this moment. After they were ordered, they would show their fearless side. Even if their enemies are extremely powerful, it is nothing to these private soldiers. What they want is Charged forward and made the enemy pay a heavy price.

After paying the lives of more than forty private soldiers, the patrolling team was defeated by private soldiers. Seven people died in battle, four escaped, and one was seriously injured.

The fact that the patrol team can achieve such a record in this situation is enough to prove the strength of the defending army. This is also related to the lack of cooperation between the private soldiers of the family. When the private soldiers charge, they pay attention to high Morale and unending spirit are much worse in coordination.

The elimination of this patrol team attracted the attention of more defenders. In such a quiet night, the sound of the gong and the sound of fighting were transmitted very quickly.

It was the private soldiers of the Zhang family, the Wang family, and the Li family who were in charge of the attack. After learning that the private soldiers in the rear had encountered the patrolling soldiers, the private soldiers of the three families immediately led a team of more than 500 people toward the north gate. Kill, they are only three hundred steps away from the north gate at this time.

The sound of the gong attracted the attention of the North Gate defenders, but they did not dare to act rashly before they received the command of the general. At the critical moment of the battle between the two armies, the movement of the lieutenant soldiers must be ordered by the general. If you move at will, it may affect the overall situation.

After the sound of the gong, the leaders of the three families led the densely packed people in black to kill and rush to the city gate.

The killing of more than five hundred people was extremely shocking. The generals guarding the city gate did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly ordered the defenders to defend. Needless to say, these people were the internal response of the enemy outside the city.

There are more than two hundred soldiers near the city However, after seeing the situation of the city gate, the defenders on the city wall will definitely send reinforcements at an extremely fast speed. If this is the case, the city gate will still be safe and sound. The most important thing is to resist these rebellious attacks.

More than two hundred defenders were fighting against more than 500 private soldiers. The battlefield quickly fell into a white-hot state. The defenders were at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. However, when they were fighting against the enemy, they did not lose the wind, relying on the army. The cooperation between the soldiers steadily blocked the crazy attack of the private soldiers.

After the battle, the generals of the city gate found that these enemies were nothing but this, they looked extremely crazy, and their personal strength was average. With more than two hundred defenders, they were completely able to stop the attack of these people.

Zhao Fu glanced at the fighting situation at the city gate, and approached in the direction of the general. By Zhao Fu's side, more than twenty soldiers followed closely.

Once the stalemate between the two sides is long, and the defender on the wall arrives, this action will be a failure, and this opportunity is extremely rare, and it will be even more difficult to succeed next time.

The private soldiers attacked frantically. After seeing the movement at the city gate, the soldiers on the wall began to kill them one after another. The private soldiers were under increasing pressure.

The commander of the private soldiers did not give an order to retreat, and their task was to seize the city gate at all costs.

If this operation failed, none of the small families united in the city would be spared. Their operation this time was unexpected and was carried out under circumstances that Hua Xiong and the family in the city did not expect at all.

As for this private soldier operation, the family in the city can easily find them. At that time, it is time for the family to fall.

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