Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2654: : Liangzhou Army marched into the city

Cao Jun’s cavalry generals looked worried after seeing the situation on the battlefield. Judging from the situation of the battle, more and more enemy cavalry entered the city, and when fighting against the enemy cavalry, his side was completely weak.

However, Cao Jun’s generals understood that they could not retreat at this time. Once retreated, it meant that the defense of the city had failed.

Cao Jun's cavalry did not retreat when facing the Liangzhou cavalry attack. They fought stubbornly on the battlefield in an attempt to delay the enemy's more time.

But their efforts were in vain after the Liangzhou Iron Cavalry had completely entered the city. The Liangzhou cavalry used their powerful combat power to tell Cao Jun's cavalry what is called an elite cavalry.

When Cao Jun's cavalry suffered too much damage, the cavalry generals had to issue an order to retreat. If there were so many cavalry in the city, it would be even more unfavorable for the army's situation if they were all lost in these fights.

Pound set out five hundred cavalrymen to hunt down the cavalry cavalry who had fled, and then encircled and suppressed the remaining Sergeant Cao near the city gate.

The soldiers of Cao Jun had already panicked in the sudden situation, but now their cavalry retreats when facing Liangzhou iron cavalry, the panic in their hearts can be imagined.

General Cao Jun was in chaos facing the enemy troops entering the city, and Liangzhou cavalry quickly took control of the situation near the city gate.

When Pound saw this, he was secretly relieved. If his cavalry moves one step at night, this raid on the city gate is likely to fail. He understands that all this is in exchange for the soldiers fighting in the city. If they hadn't fought their lives at the gate of the city, it would be impossible for one's own cavalry to enter the city.

After the cavalry entered the city, Wei Yan led Qiang infantry into the city, leaving five hundred people to guard the south gate, Wei Yan led thousands of Qiang soldiers to the north gate, and Chen Lan and the other lieutenant went separately. Capture the east gate and west gate.

Wei Yan secretly remembered Li Ru’s command in the army. Yan Xing led the cavalry to ambush the enemy in the vicinity of the North Gate. Wei Yan wanted to prevent the enemy from leaving the city, so that Yan Xing could not get any credit outside the city. .

This kind of credit-grabbing behavior has nothing to say even if Yan Xing knows it. If a general wants to get more credit on the battlefield, he must rely on his own efforts and his skills are not as good as others. If he secretly complains, such characters It will attract the disgust of others.

Military generals pay attention to purity, and they like it and don't like it very clearly.

After the Qiangs entered the city, Pound led the cavalry towards the enemy’s camp. In order to plunge the enemy into greater chaos, it is necessary to break the enemy’s camp. From the current situation in the city Judging from the situation, there are indeed a lot of poisoned soldiers, as can be seen from the south gate.

There are certainly not many people in the city. In this case, the city gate can be captured, which shows how bad the situation at the South Gate was at that time.

When the two armies are at war, it is indeed not bright to use such inferior means to spread it out, but all this is to be able to win on the battlefield.

The process is not important to the soldiers in the army. What they want to see is what kind of results will be achieved after a war is over. If they can't win after paying a heavy price, then the previous efforts are in vain.

After the cavalry and Qiang army entered the city, the soldiers of the various divisions entered the city according to the previous orders. After they entered the city, the most important task was to eliminate the Cao army and the soldiers in the city, and to the greatest extent cause the Cao army to be damaged.

Cao Jun was not given a chance to resist in this war.

After the soldiers of the Liangzhou Army entered the city, they were a little shocked. The main reason was that they encountered too many Cao soldiers who fell to the ground. It can be seen that something must have happened in the city before they entered the city. Reduced the difficulty for them to seize the city.

The soldiers of the Liangzhou Army are brave and good at fighting, but they are still happy to see the city so easily. They can achieve greater victories at a lower cost, which is of great significance to the lieutenant soldiers. The lieutenant soldiers fight On the battlefield, all hope to save their lives, even the soldiers of the Liangzhou Army. If there is a chance to survive, no one wants to die on the battlefield.

It's just that once the war starts, they can't control the remaining things. In order to win, they can only fight with the generals.

Cao Jun was very weak in resistance. The lieutenant soldiers suffered most of the losses after He Kang's successful poisoning. Faced with the Liangzhou army soldiers who entered the city, they retreated steadily. Many Cao army soldiers were stunned by this change. They have lost their fighting spirit.

The lieutenant soldiers lost so much inexplicably, making them feel fear. They are elite Cao soldiers, but when the battle they face is too cruel for them, they will have more thoughts.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and the Liangzhou army who entered the city was like a broken bamboo. Some took the opportunity to hide in the homes of the soldiers who wanted to harm the people were also found for the soldiers of the Liangzhou army.

The people in the city dared not show up, the Liangzhou army outside the city caused the people in the city to be extremely uneasy. Although there were more generals in the city than the army outside the city. However, the arrival of the Liangzhou Army has affected the normal life of the people. The closed city gates have cut off the way for many people to survive. It is extremely difficult for them to live in the city.

At this time, the people will not walk out of their homes easily. Many of them have experienced wars. The best way to deal with them is to hide in their homes. After the war has subsided, they will remain the people in the city. , As for who the owner of the city has become, there is not much to do with them.

Regardless of who is the master of the city, ordinary people are at the lowest level. If they want to survive, they have to work harder. At this point, the people have a clear understanding. They talk about the rulers of the city. There is no good feeling, no dislike, they are used to this way of life.

Not only the people of Xingyang, but the city that Lü Bu initially captured was also the same, but under Lü Bu’s rule, gradually changed over time. They were stabilized, and they didn’t have to worry about food and clothing or safety. Worry, in this case, their gratitude to Lu Bu can be imagined.

It is precisely because of this that the family's strategy to incite the people against Lu Bu is doomed to fail. Lu Bu's prestige among the people determines that more people will follow Lu Bu instead of walking on the road of Du Kang Lu Bu. .

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