Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2870: : Decisive Battle of Jiangdong Army (11)

Chapter 2870: Decisive Battle of Jiangdong Army (Eleventh) (Page 1/1)

The water displayed by the Jizhou navy shocked Zhou Yu. He found that after the Jizhou navy fell into the water, they did not lose their combat effectiveness. They were still able to swim in the water in an attempt to board the Jiangdong Army’s warship. The speed of the army swimming in the water is not slow, and their offensive has brought a lot of influence on the Jiangdong navy.

The advantage in numbers allowed the Jiangdong Army to form an absolute suppression of the Jizhou Army.

Among the Jiangdong Army’s navy, there were thousands of people. These people were simply dressed, and they held tools that could pierce through the warships of the army. This was the real power of the Jiangdong Army for fighting under the water. The Jizhou navy had a good record in this area before, and many of the sterns on the boats were traumatized. Now the navy in Jiangdong has to teach the Jizhou navy a painful lesson under its control, and let the Jizhou navy take the lead. The behavior paid a heavy price.

The effect of the dispatch of the navy was extremely obvious. At this time, Sun Tu led the navy, although he was still raging on the battlefield, but the influence of the Jiangdong Army was greatly restrained.

The stern warships were silent. Although the speed of the sterns was very fast, their speed was slowed down in such a confrontation. Sometimes a stern of the Jizhou army faced several enemy battlefields. Siege. Under such circumstances, the ships of the Jizhou navy were silent from time to time.

The Jiangdong Marine Corps fighting below showed strong combat effectiveness. They had experienced such battles, more than the Jizhou Army, and the team of 1,000 people turned their attention to the two boats.

The soldiers in the cabin quickly discovered the anomaly.

The soldiers on the battlefield near the ship are trying their best to climb on the ship.

The situation on the battlefield suddenly fell into a disadvantage for the Jizhou Army.

The warship of Rogue came to the battlefield at this time. There were eight soldiers on the battlefield of Rogue, of which four were used for maneuvering and the other four were used for offensive purposes.

The speed of the sudden warship is faster than that of the stern, its size is smaller, and it travels more freely on the battlefield.

In the Jizhou Army, there is not much difference between the number of warships and the number of warships of the Jiangdong Army. This is also one of the important methods of the Jizhou Army. If the warship is contaminated with fierce kerosene, it is impossible to be good. Among these warships, there are six altars of fierce kerosene, attacking the soldiers on the warship. The main goal is to attack the enemy warship. , As long as the loss of the enemy's stern warship reaches a certain amount, it can also cause heavy damage to the enemy.

Six altars of fierce kerosene, if properly controlled, would be enough to wipe out the three warships, and the fierceness of the sudden warships can be seen in general.

However, this is nothing more than a sudden warship in the Jizhou army. After being equipped with fierce fire oil, the sudden warship can indeed have unexpected effects.

Gan Ning’s goal is to use the enemy’s stern warship as possible in this confrontation. When the Jizhou army’s stern warship can gain an advantage in number, even if it can’t win, He won’t suffer a big defeat. It was hard to get Jizhou’s navy training to be successful. Gan Ning naturally didn’t want the Jizhou navy to be seriously damaged when confronted with the Jiangdong Army. Otherwise, he, the navy general, would become his hand again. There are no soldiers without warships.

When a navy general does not have enough ships and sailors in his hands, it is the greatest misfortune. Besides, Lu Bu handed over the naval affairs to Gan Ning's hands, and Gan Ning would do his best to be grateful.

The battle with the Jiangdong navy can affect the situation on the Jizhou battlefield. Ganning can still see this. No matter how powerful the Jiangdong army is, the most important thing for Ganning is to defeat Jiangdong. military.

Now it seems that Gan Ning’s goal is indeed somewhat unrealistic. The Jiangdong Army has been fighting for many years and is well-trained. If you want to eliminate the Jiangdong Navy from the battlefield, it will be easier said than done. How powerful was the Jingzhou Navy back then. In the end, he was defeated by the Jiang Dong Army.

It was the defeat of the Jingzhou navy that left the world without naval forces that dared to contend with the Jiangdong Army. Today, the Jizhou navy has demonstrated extremely powerful strength in the Jiangdong Army’s offensive. This strength is far from ordinary. The navy team can be compared.

Even Zhou Yu had to admit this. Although Jizhou's navy was not formed for a long time, the soldiers of Jizhou's navy were extremely crazy when facing the war.

In the next battle of the warships, Zhou Yuche thoroughly realized what is called true madness. The warships of the warships launched a charge against the enemy's warships, and withstood the enemy's arrow attack. These sudden warships chose to avoid instead of fighting back.

After the two sides approached, the soldiers on the battlefield were preparing to inflict more damage on the enemy on the warship but they were greeted by the fierce oil thrown by the soldiers on the warship. At the beginning, the soldiers on the stern warship were unknown. Therefore, although they had heard of the fierce fire oil before, they didn’t really see it. After the raging fire oil burned into the raging flames, the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army immediately understood that they were on the warship. , What a terrible thing is in the hands of the enemy soldiers.

Such an offensive method made the Jiangdong army’s officers shamelessly scolding, but what they had to deal with was an offensive method like a sudden warship, which has a huge destructive power on the stern and ordinary warships, as long as After being hit by the violent fire oil, under normal circumstances, the soldiers on the stern warship can only choose to dive. Otherwise, if it is contaminated by the violent fire oil, the sea will burn even if it jumps into the water, and the navy soldiers swim in the water. After moving for a while, the damage from the fierce oil can be avoided.

But after losing the warship, they can play a very small role on the battlefield. When facing the attack of the enemy warship, they don't have much ability to protect themselves.

One after another, stern warships ignited blazing flames when the Jizhou Army attacked.

Zhou Yu, who noticed the situation on the battlefield, flicked his eyes. So many stern ships were caught in the fire. Needless to say, it must be his own stern ships that are being attacked by the enemy, and only the Jizhou navy has suffered. The use of dry offensive methods, but there is no fierce fire oil in the Jiangdong Army.

"The Governor, the means of not wanting the enemy is so terrible, there are a large number of fierce oil on these sudden warships." After Lu Su finished speaking, his expression was full of worries. The Jizhou navy's means were indeed. Quite a few, can be reflected in the course of this confrontation.

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