Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3045: : Cao Cao’s Worries

On the other side of the battlefield, Tai Shici led the wolf rider, which also caused a **** storm in the Cao army.

The situation on the battlefield was a bit urgent for Cao Jun. After the wolf cavalry rushed into the army, the soldiers in the army were panicked. They did not want to be the target of the wolf cavalry attack.

After Cao Cao learned about the situation of the two wings, his expression was a little low. At this time, the wolf mounted a fierce attack. According to the news from the battlefield, the target of the wolf mounted attack seemed to be the Chinese army. The advantage of the army has been carried through to the end.

"The army on the two wings of the order must stop the enemy's attack, not counting the casualties, and strive to trap the enemy cavalry in the army." Cao Cao commanded in a low voice.

Cao Cao also understood the difficulty of such an order for the soldiers in the army, but if the enemy cavalry is not blocked from attacking, it will definitely have a very bad effect on the morale of the army. What is needed is encouragement. If the wolf can be eliminated on the battlefield, it will be of great significance to the entire battlefield.

The wolf cavalry is an elite presence among the Jin country's cavalry, and it is a heavy cavalry, possessing a magnificent military exploits. Eliminating such an elite will enable the soldiers in the army to have greater confidence in victory.

"Prime Minister, it seems that the enemy is trying to launch a fierce attack." Kui Liang worried.

Cao Cao nodded. Facing the army of Jin, no matter it is a prince, there must be a lot of pressure. Jin's army is notorious. How many powerful enemies fell in the hands of Jin's soldiers and fought against such an army. Negligence will be the result of failure.

What the monarch, including the soldiers in the army, desires most is to be able to win the battle. After the victory, the generals in the army can get more credit, and the strength of the monarch can be greatly improved, which is of great significance.

However, it is not a simple matter to win on the battlefield, especially when the enemy is facing such brave and vigorous existence as the Jin Kingdom's army. If the army is negligent, it may be a scene of failure.

This battle is related to the general trend of the world. Cao Cao must be cautious. Failure means loss.

In the Cao army, there are indeed not many elites that can be mobilized. Near the Chinese army, there are Cao's elite Qingzhou army, and there are thousands of heavy armored soldiers in the Cao army. There has been a lot of damage.

When the Qingzhou Army fought the barbarians before, there was a lot of damage. All in all, Cao Jun was lacking in elites.

"Among the Jin Kingdom's army, there are elephant soldiers. What kind of power these elephant soldiers charge on the battlefield is not clear, but it is definitely not a simple team to be able to attach such importance to Lu Bu. It's very worrying too." Cao Cao said.

Xun You nodded in agreement. Past combat experience has fully demonstrated how capable Lü Bu had when he fought on the battlefield. Any army that dared to underestimate Lü Bu's fate today is even more representative of the army under Lü Bu's command. Invincible and invincible.

The strength of the Jin Kingdom’s army is already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even though many of the generals in the Cao army, they also admire the Jin Kingdom's army when it comes to combat effectiveness.

When the generals in the army are in awe of the enemy, what kind of thoughts will the soldiers in the army have? When Cao Jun is in his heyday, this kind of thought will not breed. When Cao Jun is at a disadvantage, it is likely to appear. A situation that Cao Cao didn't want to see.

At present, Cao Cao is the commander of the army, and he will certainly not allow lieutenants to retreat when fighting against the enemy. Victory is what Cao Jun needs most.

The wolf riding on the road, indeed encountered the resistance of Cao Jun, but Cao Jun believed that he was brave and fragile in front of the wolf riding. The wolf riding only relied on the power of the charge to tear the army apart. For the defense, a spearman who tried to step forward to block fell under the attack of the wolf rider.

However, the speed of the wolf rider gradually decreased in such a charge. After receiving the order from the Chinese army, General Cao Jun certainly did not dare to neglect the slightest. If they did not follow Cao Cao's orders, what would they end up like? And know.

Military generals still cherish their current position. Losing their current position means that they will lose the power in their hands. Besides, they are only responsible for executing orders, and they don’t need to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy and actually execute them. These orders are ordinary soldiers in the army.

The death of ordinary soldiers is nothing to the generals in the army, especially the generals in the Cao army. They can go to the positions of the generals. You can imagine the battles they have experienced, as long as the princes still have To rule the land, as long as there are people in the, it is relatively easy to form a new army.

After the soldiers die, there will be new soldiers entering the army, which will not affect the army's future engagements.

But the prerequisite for all this is that the army can win the battle and preserve the current governance, otherwise it is not to say that it is to recruit soldiers again, and even the safety of the generals cannot be guaranteed.

The battlefield is the most dangerous place. The soldiers who have experienced more battles will have a deeper understanding of the battlefield. As long as they are attacked, they will die.

Even after being injured, it is not a simple matter to survive on the battlefield. Among the Jin's army, soldiers can be treated if they are injured, but Cao Jun’s soldiers are not treated like this. They were brought back for treatment from the battlefield in front. Even if they could barely survive the war, it is very likely that the situation would be abandoned by the army.

The cost of rescuing a soldier is enough for the princes to train a new soldier again. This is also the reason why the performance of the soldiers on the battlefield of the two sides is so different. The soldiers of the Jin country can be treated even after being injured, even if When they died on the battlefield, their family members could get a pension, which was enough to allow their family members to live a stable life.

Don't worry about what's going on behind you, the soldiers will have less worries when fighting, and they will naturally be more brave.

In fact, the strategy of the monarch has a great influence on the morale of the army.

Otherwise, when the two armies are at war, why should we reward the soldiers who have performed meritorious service? The purpose is to let the soldiers in the army feel what kind of benefits they will get after fighting the enemy bravely on the battlefield.

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