Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3306: : Imperial edict

Those soldiers who were infected with the plague spontaneously went to the place where the people infected with the plague were held alone.

This kind of situation, after the people infected with the plague learned about it, they were moved. These are the soldiers of the Jin country. In order to prevent the plague from spreading, they would rather sacrifice themselves.

The generals in the army are more of the common people. Under the leadership of Lu Bu, the relationship between the lieutenants and the common people is actually very harmonious. When the relationship between the common people and the lieutenants is harmonious, the effect will be huge. , The trust between the invisible, will make the soldiers have a more cordial feeling when dealing with the people.

On the night when he returned to the palace, Lu Bu issued an imperial decree. The ten-day period was too long. How fast the plague spread. If you wait for ten days, you still don’t know what is going on in Chang'an. Lu Bu can’t use Chang'an. The lives of half a million soldiers and civilians in the city were gambled, and only by finding a way to restrain the plague as soon as possible could Chang'an truly stabilize.

As for the orders issued by the imperial palace and government, they can only temporarily stabilize the people, and the most effective way is to restrain the plague.

During this period of time, the medicinal materials in Chang'an have not been consumed much, and medicinal materials have also been transported from various places, but these medicinal materials are currently hoarded in the checkpoints around Chang'an, so that when Changan needs medicinal materials, these medicinal materials can be more expensive. Fast delivery comes.

There is no need to worry about medicinal materials for the time being, even Changan consumes a lot of medicinal materials every day.

I can't find a way to restrain the plague for the time being, so I can only cook some soup for the people to prevent disease. When the plague broke out before, the lieutenant generals did this, and the effect was good.

The next day, the contents of the imperial decree were posted in the city, but anyone who has a way to control the plague, once successful, will enjoy the treatment of the prefect, and become the deputy director of the Chang'an Medical Center.

The content of the imperial decree has been discussed by the people, and the prefect is definitely in the eyes of ordinary people. The deputy director of the Chang'an Medical Center should also not be underestimated.

Among the crowd, an old man of about fifty people stroked his beard and nodded slightly. Although the person's hair was a little gray, he felt alive.

After reading the contents of the notice, the old man walked towards the palace. In fact, not many people went to the palace after seeing the notice. Those who could find a way to combat the plague must be healers. In the museum, this order of Lu Bu is also offering a reward to see if there are any medical experts in the city of Chang'an. If there are really experts who are willing to help out after seeing the notice, it is the most important thing for the current city of Chang'an. Meaning.

The horror of the plague is far beyond imagination, and the plague around Chang'an is even more terrifying than the current plague when the coalition forces of the princes attacked Bingzhou. If you can’t find a way to control the plague as soon as possible, you want to let Chang'an City live. After this plague has passed, it will inevitably be difficult to develop steadily.

And after finding a way to control the plague, even if there is a businessman Qianang who is doing business in Chang'an City, there is no need to worry about the plague. After the medicine is available, even if it is infected with the plague, it does not seem to be a troublesome thing.

Incurable conditions are the most terrifying.

There are not a few people who go to the imperial palace to try their luck. It is not that all the doctors with good medical skills have gathered in the Chang'an Medical Hall. There are also many doctors in the place where Cao Cao is governed. Some of these doctors did not go to the Chang'an Medical Hall, but Just live in the city.

The content of the notice now allows more doctors to see the opportunity to get ahead, and the doctors can enjoy the treatment of the prefect. It is estimated that in the whole world, only Lu Bu dared to do so.

Healers are respected, but their status is not high. It is difficult for many people who want to practice medicine if they want to become a doctor with superb medical skills. After becoming a doctor, if they want to improve their medical skills, they must contact more people. In the case of illness, you can only achieve something if you have more experience. It only depends on the guidance of the master. Although there will be a certain degree of achievement, the achievement will not be too great.

The medical practitioners naturally understand the truth in this respect, and this is also the truth that many medical practitioners are willing to go to Chang'an.

Chang'an has gathered many doctors, many of whom have superb medical skills. If you communicate with these people, you can promote the improvement of their own medical skills, which is of great significance to the doctors.

Regardless of the industry, if you want to improve your own capabilities, you definitely need to communicate with people with more experience. It is difficult to succeed just by relying on your own exploration.

On the way, the old man saw that many healers were heading to the palace. Needless to say, these people were going to the palace to contribute their own methods.

After these people saw each other, they also greeted each other. They were both healers. They also hoped to make a small contribution at this time. UU Reading www.uukanshu. In fact, doctors are from some countries. As the so-called parents of doctors, as long as they see a patient, they will help out. Otherwise, how can they be called a healer.

Now the situation around Chang'an is critical and they have the obligation to take action.

As for these doctors going to the palace, it is the imperial doctors in the imperial palace that conduct basic assessments of these doctors. If these doctors do not have enough talents, it means that even the imperial doctor will be difficult to pass.

In fact, this is also an opportunity for a healer to become famous. If they can show enough ability in this event and be recognized by the imperial doctor, or have a certain role in the development of the plague formula, they can have greater The reputation of Jin, even for the people of Jin, this situation is naturally what all the doctors want to see.

It is not that they have no pursuit, but Hua Tuo of Jin is famous all over the world, because Hua Tuo has made great contributions to the development of methods to fight the plague, and now he has become a prominent person in Jin. It is absolutely unimaginable that a doctor can have such an achievement in the past, and Hua Tuo's reputation was not obvious before, and many people have not even heard of it.

Jin is a country full of opportunities. According to Lu Bu's words, as long as there is talent, there will be opportunities. Even if Jin does not have such things as a place for talents to display their talents, Jin can also have special cases. .

It can also be seen from these things that the monarch attaches great importance to the development of the country.

The system of scholars, farmers, industry and commerce has influenced the world for hundreds of years. Today, Lu Bu is gradually breaking this system. Even the unshakable family is settled in Lu Bu's hands. Lu Bu has accomplished things that ordinary people can't imagine.

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