Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3354: : Exploring Bingzhou

In the past, Lu Bu was in the palace and treated a few women with ordinary care, but when he came to the battlefield, Lu Bu was a demon in the eyes of the enemy, and in the eyes of the people, Lu Bu was a different sight. Such a husband is right. It is what these women want.

The people of the Jin country love Lu Bu. Zhen Mi and Qiao Shuang knew this. They just didn't really get in touch with them, and they would never be able to realize how fanatical the people are towards Lu Bu.

When officials carry on the policy, they will inevitably mention that this is the will of the Holy Spirit, which invisibly enhances Lu Bu's influence among the people.

Although I only watched it roughly, Lu Bu is quite satisfied with the development of Jinyang City. The houses in Jinyang give people the impression that they are tidy and majestic. People walking on it will not appear crowded.

Only when Jinyang is more prosperous can Lv Bu be satisfied. At the beginning, he has achieved one by one in Jinyang. Lv Bu naturally hopes that Jinyang's prosperity can continue.

The current prosperity of Jinyang certainly has many gaps compared to Chang'an. The main reason is that Chang'an is the capital city of Jin, and the speed of development is not comparable to that of Jinyang. Most of the resources are leaning towards Chang'an. This is true for any monarch. Only when the capital develops better can the country be prosperous.

In the palace, Lv Buduan sat in the top position, and below was Jinyang's civil officials and generals. Jinyang was the state governor of Bingzhou, and more generals were gathered in Bingzhou.

Lü Bu looked at the civilian officers and generals below, and sighed in his heart. When he was in Jinyang, all of them were familiar faces, but now Jinyang has undergone earth-shaking changes. Of course, this change refers to the changes in the officialdom. Lu Bu is all strange.

However, this does not hinder the admiration of Lu Bu by the civilian officers and generals below. They regard Lu Bu as an idol. It is precisely Lu Bu that has given many people the opportunity to show their talents. I'm afraid it is still unknown.

"You are all the main officials and generals of Bingzhou. It was only after possessing Bingzhou that I had a firm foothold among the princes and achieved what I have now. The Bingzhou army is one of the most elite troops in Jin. I hope to keep it going." Lu Bu slowly said: "Not only must the military strength be strong, but also the city must be developed more so that the people of Bingzhou can lead a prosperous life."

"Whether it is a civil official or a military commander, they play an important role in the stability and development of the land. Only when the civil servants and military commanders complement each other can they achieve greater development."

"Here," everyone said in unison.

Lu Bu turned his attention to Li Su and Cao Xing and said: "Li Zhoumu and General Cao can introduce me to the officials and generals in the army."

After hearing Lu Bu’s words, the officials and generals present unconsciously raised their chests. It is also important for them to be able to let Lu Bu know them. It is best to impress Lu Bu. In this case, whether it is It is of great benefit to both generals and civilians in the army.

After Li Su and Cao Xing had introduced the generals in the army, Lu Bu nodded and said: "You are all dependent on the development of the state. When the Jin Dynasty is in the war, I hope that the state army will achieve greater success on the battlefield. The training is the foundation, daily training, there must be no slack in the slightest."

"Here." After hearing Lu Bu's words, the generals were still quite excited. From these words, they could feel that Lu Bu attached great importance to the generals. The monarchs valued the generals in the military, which means the generals. The status of will be promoted.

In fact, up to now, when facing civilian officials, the generals still feel that they will lower their heads. This is also the sorrow of the generals. No matter how much effort the generals put in, they are ultimately vulgar fighters, but in front of Lu Bu, they feel it. Pay attention to.

"Tomorrow, I will go to the army to check and personally inspect the soldiers in the army. Then note that you are responsible for the affairs of the officialdom. Not only is the army strong. If there is a problem with the development of the land, it will also be detrimental to the state." Lu Budao.

"Here." Jushou arched his hands.

"During my time in the merged state, Wei Gong may have to send officials to assist you. I ordered people to investigate the merged state in order to achieve faster development in the merged state." Lu Bu said slowly.

Li Su held his hand and said that he naturally did not intend to violate Lu Bu's order in the slightest. As long as it is from Lu Bu's order, no official will violate it. Of course, if there is an error in Lu Bu's order, the official will promptly raise it. of.

This rule was also put forward by Lu Bu, in order to prevent the monarch from making more mistakes. No matter how wise the monarch is, he is not the saint after all. In normal times, there will be mistakes. If the monarch makes mistakes, no official dare to point it out. If it is not, it will be detrimental to the Jin country.

And such rules also made the officials of the court more convinced of Lu Bu. Before Lu Bu became the emperor, he treated officials with magnanimity. After he became the emperor, he still paid attention to the opinions of officials. Trust is increased, and encountering such a monarch is actually lucky for the courtiers.

There are so many emperors in history who have the sole authority and cannot tolerate the slightest violation. Such emperors are not willing to admit their mistakes easily. Although they have established the emperor’s inviolable majesty, they have also contributed to the development of the country. Will bring unavoidable harm.

The establishment of supervising officials and strict supervision of officials under the rule of the government can help Jin to avoid more problems in the process of development. The advantages of this are obvious.

At present, Jin State is developing towards the situation that officials want to see. They can feel Lu Bu's belief in revitalizing Jin State from Lu Bu's behavior. This alone is enough for most officials who want to do something.

If even the emperor had no confidence in the revitalization of the country, what actions would the following ministers have?

Jin is powerful in the eyes of outsiders, and the monarch of Jin, Lu Bu, is about to become the lord of the world. However, Jin is not a military and military country. When attacking enemy cities, he did not forget his own development.

Only after the national strength becomes stronger can the army be supported to win the battle against each other. This is the best news for a country. The military can only make the country ruined.

How powerful was the Qin Dynasty in the past, it unified the universe, but it perished in a short period of time, mainly because the country’s policies were wrong, and a reasonable policy can be formulated for a longer period of time, otherwise it can only go to the Qin Dynasty. path of.

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