Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3373: : Has been developed

In the past, Lu Bu did not pay attention to etiquette matters, but the main task of the craftsman's workshop was to build equipment and develop more powerful equipment.

However, under Guo Jia’s suggestion, Lü Bu understood that letting the craftsmen in the craftsman’s workshop come out to greet them can make them feel greater glory, and make them more attentive when building weapons and weapons, and let them know that they are from now on. This is the most important point for the people of Jin in the future. If they can't even fully understand their identity, this will be the greatest sorrow.

Lu Bu accepted Guo Jia's suggestion, and only then did the craftsmen in the craftsman's workshop come out to greet him.

As Guo Jia expected, the craftsmen in the workshop attached great importance to this welcome. This is the first time Lu Bu came to the workshop after he became the emperor. The craftsmen in the workshop were also extremely excited. They became the citizens of the Jin country. , Which makes them seem to find a sense of belonging.

Under Lu Bu's rule, these craftsmen have no regrets, even if they have put in a lot of effort, it is very important for them to have a stable life. If it were not for Lu Bu, some of them might have died. , Even if you were lucky enough to survive the disaster, I am afraid that your wife will disperse, even if you can live such a stable life now.

Craftsmen cherish everything at present, and naturally they are extremely disgusted by Xiao Xiaoxiao who want to cause chaos in the workshop. It can be said that as long as they want to destroy all the people in the current workshop, the common people are disgusted.

Only after experiencing the war, will you understand that the current stable life is hard-won, turbulence will cause more people to lose their lives, and the turbulent life is not what the people want. After getting accustomed to everything in the Baibo Valley, it is actually for the craftsmen. Said it is the same.

Although their freedom is restricted in Baibo Valley, they don't need to worry about safety. Besides, the Baibo Valley is already self-sufficient. There are even bazaars in the Valley, and the population in the valley will increase.

The bustling Baibo Valley just proved the life of the craftsmen in these years. In the valley, the largest number are children. These children are still more interested in the profession of craftsman. Most of them are the descendants of craftsmen, maybe I will become one of the craftsmen in the future.

Now that there is a school in Gunei, the children of artisans can be sent to the school to read and read. In fact, they can let the children read, which is what artisans most hope to see. Artisans’ current status in Jin is not low, but reading literacy can be greater. Future.

These craftsmen also understand the truth. After becoming a craftsman, they will be exhausted all day long, and if their children can learn something and become officials of the Jin country, that will be a matter of glory.

Under the leadership of Ma Jun, Pu Yuan, and Cheng Tie, the craftsmen in the craftsman's workshop knelt down in unison and said, "Long live my emperor, long live, long live my emperor."

Lü Bu quickly stepped forward and lifted the gray-haired old man Cheng up and said, "You are the hero of the craftsman's workshop. You don't need to bow to me when you see me in the future."

Old man Cheng was also excited with tears in his eyes. I thought that at the beginning, he came to Jinyang by chance, but he was valued by Lu Bu, and he has great prestige among the generals. He can't forget that all of this was led by Lu Bu. Here, if there were no Lu Bu, their family might have taken Dong Zhuo to Chang'an and died in Chang'an.

When the world was in turmoil, Chang'an was a nightmare for the people, but it was impossible for the people who entered it to live out of it. Dong Zhuo's tyranny is well known in the world.

Lu Bu is also brutal in the eyes of the people of the world, but Lu Bu's brutality is for the family. In the eyes of the people, Lu Bu is a great savior, and they are willing to follow Lu Bu to accomplish a career.

Being able to have the status today is unimaginable for Old Man Cheng. The life in Baibo Valley makes Old Man Cheng feel relaxed and happy. Living here makes people feel at ease. Every day I have nothing to do and drink a small drink with children around him. Accompanied, contented.

"It is the blessing of the craftsmen in the workshop that the saint can personally come to the workshop." Old man Cheng said, at this time he was already a little bit silly.

Lu Bu smiled and said: "Over the years, the craftsmen in the craftsman's workshop have made great contributions to the Jin country. How can I forget the craftsmen in the craftsman's workshop."

After everyone entered the craftsman's workshop, it was inevitable that they would greet each other, and Cheng Tie and others talked about the things in the craftsman's workshop. There were other people on the side, and Cheng Tie didn't talk about gunpowder.

Then, under the leadership of Cheng Tie and others, Lu Bu wandered around in the workshop.

The artisan workshop has also undergone a lot of The things produced by the artisan workshop have made a lot of profits for the Jin country, and Lu Bu is not stingy in treating the artisan workshop. The current artisan workshop has also gone through some When building a craftsman's workshop, it is enough to rely solely on the strength of the people in the Baibo Valley.

Looking at the craftsman's workshop in front of you, the feeling is shocking, and the craftsmanship under Lu Bu has developed to its present scale step by step. s hard work.

The craftsmen in the craftsmanship workshop are extremely satisfied with everything in front of them. The people in Baibo Valley are relatively rich, which is unmatched by the people in Chang'an. They are in the valley and rely on their own efforts. There is a large amount of savings, and after the craftsman has made the credit, there is also a reward, which has also greatly improved the living standards of the people in Yanai.

After inquiring about some situations in the craftsman's workshop, Ma Jun and Pu Yuan left one after another.

Inside the room, Lu Bu, Guo Jia, Cheng Tie, and Dian Wei guarded the room.

"Cheng Tie, tell me what I asked you to develop." Lu Bu said.

"Sage Qi, the minister is fortunate not to humiliate his life. Now the gunpowder has been developed, and the craftsmen are now studying how to control these gunpowder." Cheng Tiedao, he naturally admires Lu Bu very much. What Cheng Tie didn't expect was that there would be some in the world. This kind of thing, especially the explosion produced after the gunpowder is put together to ignite, is absolutely shocking.

Lü Bu nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, with gunpowder, there will be greater convenience for lieutenants in the future when they fight."

"When the craftsmen in the craftsman's workshop were developing gunpowder, seventeen people died." Cheng Tie said here, his face pale, probably because he wanted the tragic death of these craftsmen.

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