Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3547: : West Qiang Country

The Yizhou army can threaten the safety of Jiangdong. It is precisely because of this that the situation Jiangdong most does not want to see is Lv Bu's seizure of Yizhou.

At the beginning, there was nothing in Yizhou with Liu Bei. Whether it was Sun Quan or Liu Bei, their strength was relatively weak at the time. The two sides had a great possibility of uniting together. However, after Lu Bu captured Yizhou, the situation Great changes have taken place.

Lu Bu's strength is strong. After occupying Yizhou, he does not need to unite with Jiangdong, and he can also have a place among the princes.

"Holy, there is a country west of the Guanghan vassal state, named Xiqiang Kingdom, its monarch is named Cheriji, and there are many soldiers and horses under his command. The Qiang State sent troops to Yizhou and Liangzhou, which would be able to contain the strength of the Jin State to a greater extent, so that our army has a greater chance of winning against the Jin Army." Zhou Yu said slowly.

"West Qiang State?" Sun Quan looked pensive when he heard the words. Sun Quan would definitely not think of uniting West Qiang State if he kept it in the past. After all, the distance between Jiangdong and West Qiang State is too far, but now he unites with West Qiang State. After success, it is of greater significance for the Jiangdong army to reduce more pressure during the battle. After the joint success, Jin will have greater troubles when fighting Jiangdong.

At this time, no matter whether the opponent is a foreign race or not, as long as it can be used by Jiangdong, it is good. If the Jiangdong Army faces the Jin Army alone, it will definitely be in more danger.

"In Gongjin's opinion, who should be sent to the West Qiang State to persuade it?" Sun Quan asked.

"You only need to send people who are eloquent and eloquent to the West Qiang country, and if you make great profits, you will be able to succeed." Zhou Yu said that Sun Quan's promise to such a thing is good for Jiang Dong.

Sun Quan nodded slightly, understanding the meaning of Zhou Yu's words.

"Chen bid farewell." Zhou Yu arched his hands.

The things that should be said have been said, Sun Quan also explained some things. After returning to the army, Zhou Yu has a new training direction, that is, to let the soldiers adapt to the fighting method of fierce fire oil as soon as possible. It is not an easy task to see the Jin army use fierce fire oil, and to actually use fierce fire oil in the process of fighting against the enemy.

"There is Lao Gongjin in military affairs." Sun Quan said.

"This is the matter of the minister." Zhou Yu said hurriedly.

After Zhou Yu left, Sun Quan fell into contemplation, and occasionally received fierce fire oil. The Jiangdong Army did have more means to fight against the Jin Army, but it is still unknown whether these means will succeed. The Jin army has been in possession of fierce fire oil for longer, and has an advantage in combat that the Jiangdong Army cannot match.

The number of the Jin army is too much. After uniting with the Western Qiang State, it is indeed a part of the strength that can divide the Jin army. If it can make it difficult for the army in Yizhou to dispatch, the impact will be even greater, but the Liangzhou army will sit back and watch this. Did something happen? What is the strength of the West Qiang Kingdom? Sun Quan also has no confidence, but if it can be used by Jiangdong, it is always good.

"Ling Su, come to see me immediately after returning to Jianye." Sun Quan said.

As for the candidates to be dispatched to the Western Qiang Kingdom, Sun Quan has already thought about it.

Three days later, Lu Su returned to Jiangdong. After the team entered the Jiangdong territory, the guards of Zhenyuan Escort left. Lu Su also breathed a sigh of relief. He was very worried all the way, lest he detained the war horse for the Jin army on the way. , If it is to find an excuse for the Jin army to detain the war horse, what can Wu State do? Is it impossible to protest to Jin State?

Especially when passing through Jingzhou, the intensity of the interrogation can be said to be strict, and many businessmen are prevented from going to Jiangdong at this time.

Most of these businessmen who went to Jiangdong were small businessmen. Seeing that Jingzhou had a stricter control, they could only choose to leave or sell the goods in Jingzhou. Even if they did not go to Jiangdong, they could still do business.

But after the merchants in Jiangdong enter Jingzhou, they will be subject to strict interrogation. Maybe they will be detained. It is rather unlucky. There are not a few people in Jiangdong doing business. Some families rely on the way of doing business to survive. Jiangdong’s area is limited. , When more powerful families develop, the family that goes with will definitely be subject to many restrictions in terms of development. At this time, the younger family must seek a way to survive.

The survival method of the Jin family is a good reference for the Jiangdong family. As long as the family can survive, everything is good.

This has also caused many families to have the heart to go to Jin. Anyway, in Jin and Jiangdong, the survival is the same. In Jiangdong, it will be even more No one is sure that the Jin Dynasty will let Wu go. The situation in the country continued like this. After the two sides failed to develop the state of Wu, they arrived at the jurisdiction of the state of Jin and needed a longer time to adjust. If they went to the state of Jin in advance, this situation would be avoided.

Although Lu Bu treated the aristocratic family cruelly, it was basically fair to all the aristocratic families. As long as the aristocratic family could abide by the rules of the Jin country, there would be no more dangers. Such fairness was exactly what many small families needed. .

At this time, it is absolutely difficult to travel to Jin State, especially after Jingzhou strengthened its control, it is even more difficult to successfully transfer from Jiangdong to Jin State, whether it is Jiangdong or Jin State, for this The phenomenon will definitely be scrutinized.

There are many families in Jiangdong. It is difficult for the small families to survive. It is also necessary to worry about embezzlement from the big families. If it is targeted by other big families, maybe the family’s efforts for many years will become Bubbles, this is also the place where many small families are most worried about. They don't want the family's years of hard work to become a stepping stone to the strength of other families.

But in Jiangdong, do they have more power to choose at this time? Jiangdong’s situation is not very good. Anyone with some vision can see this, but Sun Quan does not want to admit defeat at this time, he must have other s method.

Sun Quan can also get a lot of benefits from the aristocratic family. Sun Quan's actions before, but took the opportunity to embezzle many aristocratic families, making these aristocratic families the foundation of Sun Quan's power.

At this time, Sun Quan will naturally not let the aristocratic family leave. Regardless of whether these aristocratic families have developed in Jiangdong, they are all Jiangdong families. At a critical moment in Jiangdong, it is a duty to obey the monarch’s orders, not to say These aristocratic families came to Jiangdong and saw that they could easily leave without a chance.

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