Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3569: : The emergence of elite

If the Jin Kingdom is only aiming at calming the world, it may allow Wu to linger for more time, but what Lu Bu needs is more territory, and during the battle, he cannot let more problems appear in the rear and solve Jiangdong’s problems. The problem has become an imperative.

No matter what efforts Jiangdong makes for the stability of the two sides, it cannot change the heart of Lu Bu's battle against Jiangdong, break Jiangdong, Jin's strength can be even greater, as for Jiangdong wants to rely on a woman to influence the war. It’s impossible for Lu Bu’s concubine to have a better appearance than Sun Shangxiang among his concubines.

Diao Chan, Cai Yan, Zhen Mi, and Qiao Shuang are all beautiful women.

The monarch could not give up his lofty ambitions because of the female sex, and Lu Bu would not allow this to happen. Only by calming down Jiangdong as soon as possible can the Jin country achieve faster development.

Besides, after many years of fighting in the Jiangdong Jin Kingdom, it can be said that the people have no livelihood. How many people have been displaced due to the war. Sun Quan will not treat the people like Lu Bu, and there are many families in Jiangdong. Sun Quan can not completely control the situation in Jiangdong. , Still not necessarily, when the influence of the family increases, it is not easy to make the governance truly stabilize.

If there is no aristocratic family to stalk it, ordinary people will not have more violations of the monarch's orders. This situation is what Lü Bu needs most.

At the beginning, Lu Bu may face many difficulties, but when the system under Lu Bu's rule is gradually determined, with the support of talents provided by the school, Lu Bu's development speed will be very fast. This is also Lu Bu. The reason for being able to stand out faster among the princes.

It’s not that the power of the aristocratic family is not strong enough, but what Lu Bu needs is the power of the stronger people, so that more people can stand on Lu Bu’s side. In this way, Lu Bu will get more in the process of doing things. support.

It was precisely because the aristocratic family neglected the power of the people that it came to Lu Bu's hands. The wise family could survive under Lu Bu's rule, but the influence of their family was definitely incomparable to before.

Only by reducing the influence of the aristocratic family and allowing the people under the rule to get real development can the country gradually become stronger and stronger.

Relying on this strategy, Lu Bu successfully created a powerful empire.

The day when the army goes to war is getting closer and the city of Chang'an is a bit busy. In fact, in the eyes of ordinary people, this is not much different from the past, but the officials in the DPRK can feel that for this battle, Jin What kind of preparations did the army make?

Chang'an is the most important city in the Jin Kingdom. The army stationed outside of Chang'an is also the most elite among the Jin army. There is no shortage of grain, grass and equipment in Chang'an. Now these grain, grass and equipment are shifting to the battlefield of Hangzhou and merchants. It was during the battle against the Jiangdong Army that the soldiers of the Jin Army were able to perform better in combat.

The quality of the equipment has a great impact on a battle. The lieutenant soldiers use sophisticated equipment. In this respect, Lu Bu recognized that only the soldiers in the military have more sophisticated armors and use them more powerfully. Only after the necessary equipment can we survive better on the battlefield.

It is of great significance to allow lieutenants to better protect their lives during the battle.

Any soldier who has experienced the battlefield is a precious existence in an army. Only in this way will there be more soldiers who have experienced the war, and the army will become more elite.

If an army loses 70% of its soldiers in the process of fighting against the enemy, even after the war is over, the soldiers in the army will be replenished as soon as possible, but in future campaigns, can these soldiers surpass their previous record? Can the lieutenant soldiers get a greater promotion?

After the battle, more soldiers in the army can be preserved, which will have a greater impact on future battles.

The armor of the soldiers and the swords in their hands are also the capital for them to survive the war.

The Jin army has always been ahead of the other princes in this respect. In the battles, the advantages in this aspect have been best manifested. This is also the reason why the soldiers under the other princes envy the Jin army, at least in the Jin In the army, there is no need to worry about the armor of the weapon, and the elite of the army even use the weapon forged with 100-smelting steel.

Such as the trapped camp, the Xianden dead soldiers, and the euphorbia soldiers. These are the leaders of the Jin army’s infantry. It is a high-ranking lieutenant who can use hundreds of steel-smelting forged weapons, which is already a good treatment.

From this aspect, it can be seen that Lu Bu attaches great importance to the development of lieutenants, so that lieutenants can have more advantages in the process of fighting against the enemy, without affecting the combat effectiveness due to the disadvantages on the blade armor. Play.

In recent years, the Jin army has emerged many elites. Among the cavalry, the flying cavalry, the wolf cavalry, and the sun bow cavalry, including the cavalry team on the grassland later, also showed strong combat effectiveness in the course of combat, which made the princes The army was terrified after seeing it.

The trapped camp among the infantry, the first ascended the dead, the eucalyptus, and the Modao Army are the pride of the infantry. They are the existence that can fight the enemy cavalry on the battlefield.

The Thunderbolt Army and the Repeater Army in the equipment team, including the Strong Crossbow Army that shines on the battlefield, are all invincible.

The Perak Army has made a lot of credit for the Jin Army's battles over the years. The advantages in equipment have allowed the soldiers in the army to have no more psychological burden when facing the enemy, so that they can let go of their hands and feet.

It is precisely because of the development of equipment in the Jin army that it has changed the combat methods of the previous army. When the army is attacking the city, it does not need to follow the original method. As long as the number of thunderbolt vehicles is sufficient, it can form an absolute against the enemy. The suppression, and the benefit of such suppression is that when the lieutenant soldiers fill the moat, they don’t need to worry more about safety. Such progress is of great significance to a large army. of.

Although the princes have been imitating the Jin army's achievements in equipment, they have not been able to surpass the Jin army.

Both Jiangdong and Jin are making intensive preparations for the upcoming war. Neither of them wants to fail in the course of the battle. At this time, if they fail, it means that their previous efforts have gone to naught. , Especially for Jiangdong Army.

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Rebirth of the God of War Lu Bu 3569-chapter 3569-Rebirth of the God of War Lu Bu-Chapter 3569

If the Jin Kingdom is only aiming at calming the world, it may allow Wu to linger for more time, but what Lu Bu needs is more territory, and during the battle, he cannot let more problems appear in the rear and solve Jiangdong’s problems. The problem has become an imperative.

No matter what efforts Jiangdong makes for the stability of the two sides, it cannot change the heart of Lu Bu's battle against Jiangdong, break Jiangdong, Jin's strength can be even greater, as for Jiangdong wants to rely on a woman to influence the war. It’s impossible for Lu Bu’s concubine to have a better appearance than Sun Shangxiang among his concubines.

Diao Chan, Cai Yan, Zhen Mi, and Qiao Shuang are all beautiful women.

The monarch could not give up his lofty ambitions because of the female sex, and Lu Bu would not allow this to happen. Only by calming down Jiangdong as soon as possible can the Jin country achieve faster development.

Besides, after many years of fighting in the Jiangdong Jin Kingdom, it can be said that the people have no livelihood. How many people have been displaced due to the war. Sun Quan will not treat the people like Lu Bu, and there are many families in Jiangdong. Sun Quan can not completely control the situation in Jiangdong. , Still not necessarily, when the influence of the family increases, it is not easy to make the governance truly stabilize.

If there is no aristocratic family to stalk it, ordinary people will not have more violations of the monarch's orders. This situation is what Lü Bu needs most.

At the beginning, Lu Bu may face many difficulties, but when the system under Lu Bu's rule is gradually determined, with the support of talents provided by the school, Lu Bu's development speed will be very fast. This is also Lu Bu. The reason for being able to stand out faster among the princes.

It’s not that the power of the aristocratic family is not strong enough, but what Lu Bu needs is the power of the stronger people, so that more people can stand on Lu Bu’s side. In this way, Lu Bu will get more in the process of doing things. support.

It was precisely because the aristocratic family neglected the power of the people that it came to Lu Bu's hands. The wise family could survive under Lu Bu's rule, but the influence of their family was definitely incomparable to before.

Only by reducing the influence of the aristocratic family and allowing the people under the rule to get real development can the country gradually become stronger and stronger.

Relying on this strategy, Lu Bu successfully created a powerful empire.

The day when the army goes to war is getting closer and the city of Chang'an is a bit busy. In fact, in the eyes of ordinary people, this is not much different from the past, but the officials in the DPRK can feel that for this battle, Jin What kind of preparations did the army make?

Chang'an is the most important city in the Jin Kingdom. The army stationed outside of Chang'an is also the most elite among the Jin army. There is no shortage of grain, grass and equipment in Chang'an. Now these grain, grass and equipment are shifting to the battlefield of Hangzhou and merchants. It was during the battle against the Jiangdong Army that the soldiers of the Jin Army were able to perform better in combat.

The quality of the equipment has a great impact on a battle. The lieutenant soldiers use sophisticated equipment. In this respect, Lu Bu recognized that only the soldiers in the military have more sophisticated armors and use them more powerfully. Only after the necessary equipment can we survive better on the battlefield.

It is of great significance to allow lieutenants to better protect their lives during the battle.

Any soldier who has experienced the battlefield is a precious existence in an army. Only in this way will there be more soldiers who have experienced the war, and the army will become more elite.

If an army loses 70% of its soldiers in the process of fighting against the enemy, even after the war is over, the soldiers in the army will be replenished as soon as possible, but in future campaigns, can these soldiers surpass their previous record? Can the lieutenant soldiers get a greater promotion?

After the battle, more soldiers in the army can be preserved, which will have a greater impact on future battles.

The armor of the soldiers and the swords in their hands are also the capital for them to survive the war.

The Jin army has always been ahead of the other princes in this respect. In the battles, the advantages in this aspect have been best manifested. This is also the reason why the soldiers under the other princes envy the Jin army, at least in the Jin In the army, there is no need to worry about the armor of the weapon, and the elite of the army even use the weapon forged with 100-smelting steel.

Such as the trapped camp, the Xianden dead soldiers, and the euphorbia soldiers. These are the leaders of the Jin army’s infantry. It is a high-ranking lieutenant who can use hundreds of steel-smelting forged weapons, which is already a good treatment.

From this aspect, it can be seen that Lu Bu attaches great importance to the development of so that lieutenants can have more advantages in the process of fighting against the enemy, not because of the armor of the blade. The disadvantages affect the performance of combat effectiveness.

In recent years, the Jin army has emerged many elites. Among the cavalry, the flying cavalry, the wolf cavalry, and the sun bow cavalry, including the cavalry team on the grassland later, also showed strong combat effectiveness in the course of combat, which made the princes The army was terrified after seeing it.

The trapped camp among the infantry, the first ascended the dead, the eucalyptus, and the Modao Army are the pride of the infantry. They are the existence that can fight the enemy cavalry on the battlefield.

The Thunderbolt Army and the Repeater Army in the equipment team, including the Strong Crossbow Army that shines on the battlefield, are all invincible.

The Perak Army has made a lot of credit for the Jin Army's battles over the years. The advantages in equipment have allowed the soldiers in the army to have no more psychological burden when facing the enemy, so that they can let go of their hands and feet.

It is precisely because of the development of equipment in the Jin army that it has changed the combat methods of the previous army. When the army is attacking the city, it does not need to follow the original method. As long as the number of thunderbolt vehicles is sufficient, it can form an absolute against the enemy. The suppression, and the benefit of such suppression is that when the lieutenant soldiers fill the moat, they don’t need to worry more about safety. Such progress is of great significance to a large army. of.

Although the princes have been imitating the Jin army's achievements in equipment, they have not been able to surpass the Jin army.

Both Jiangdong and Jin are making intensive preparations for the upcoming war. Neither of them wants to fail in the course of the battle. At this time, if they fail, it means that their previous efforts have gone to naught. , Especially for Jiangdong Army.

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