Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3612: : Good health care

The guard general who fought hard to protect him in a critical moment. Although the healer came in time, he was still dead. The crossbow arrow was extremely poisonous, and this kind of poison is something healers have never seen before. Said that if he is injured, it can only be the end of death.

From the situation reported by the generals, it can be seen that Qin Tian is not only poisonous on the crossbow arrows, but also on the long swords he uses.

Qin Tian said with a sneer: "The Governor of Zhou doesn't need to know the identity of this commander, but now that it is in the hands of Governor Zhou, it is because of the bad luck of this commander."

"Professing to be the commander? It seems that your status in the Jin country is not low." Zhou Yu said.

From Qin Tian's body, except for a dark iron plate, there was nothing else.

Looking at the dark iron plate in front of him, Zhou Yu said: "It seems that your status is indeed very high. Even your identity tokens are forged from 100-smelting steel."

After hearing Zhou Yu’s words, the generals in the tent were slightly taken aback, how rare a hundred steel-making is. They are naturally clear as the generals in the army. No matter how important the identity token is, if you use hundred-steel for forging, it will always be. It will give people a weird feeling, and at the same time let the generals in the army feel the wealth of Jin.

If such a thing were put in the country of Wu, it would definitely not happen. Hundreds of steel-smelting is still relatively precious to ordinary generals in the army.

Qin Tiandao: "As the Governor of Zhou said, the status of this commander is not low, but how can this be? This commander falls into the hands of the Governor of Zhou. The Holy Supreme will definitely not send people to rescue. ."

"Hmph, in front of the governor, I still have such a stiff mouth. Come here, take this person down, so I can take care of them." Zhou Yu snorted coldly.

From Qin Tian’s expression, Zhou Yu felt firmness. It is indeed not easy for such a person to betray Lu Bu. From this identity token, Zhou Yu can see Qin Tian’s status. It is not low, and Qin Tian claims to be the leader, the black ice platform on the iron plate shows Qin Tian's identity, perhaps this person is the leader of the black ice platform.

Zhou Yu actually had a lot of curiosity about the Black Ice Platform. At the beginning, the people of the Black Ice Platform often shot against Lu Bu, and even injured Guo Jia under Lu Bu’s command. Unexpectedly, the Black Ice Platform would eventually fall into Lu Bu's control. What kind of methods did Lu Bu use to make the people of the Black Ice Platform willingly serve Lu Bu?

Facts have proved that the power of the Black Ice Platform is indeed powerful. With the help of the Black Ice Platform again and again, the Jin Army has gained a lot of benefits.

Although the princes recognized the importance of the assassins, the princes’ assassins appeared to have great shortcomings in front of the black ice platform. It is simply difficult to form a confrontation with the black ice platform based on the power of the assassins. Things.

The princes made a lot of efforts in this regard, but the results were not very good.

Now that the commander of the Black Ice Platform has fallen into Zhou Yu's hands, Zhou Yu is naturally thinking of getting more useful news from the commander of the Black Ice Platform.

The commander of the Black Ice Terrace is considered an important person under Lu Bu's command. His control is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people. With the information provided by Qin Tian, ​​Zhou Yu can learn more about the Jin army, and even some secrets. Things can also be answered.

In the battle between the two armies, the Jin army must have a lot of means. This can be seen from Lu Bu's past actions. There may be the power of the black ice platform in Jiangdong.

But Zhou Yu also knows that it must be very difficult to get Qin Tian to turn to Jiangdong. Qin Tian has worked for Lu Bu for many years and has a high status in Jin. It can be said that Lu Bu is kind to Qin Tian. , Although Qin Tian is an assassin, he certainly attaches great importance to kindness.

However, as long as there is a chance, Zhou Yu will not give up. Besides Qin Tian is in his hands, Zhou Yu will have the corresponding bargaining chips. Now Pan Zhang and Lu Xun are under Lu Bu's control. If this person is important to Lu Bu If this is the case, maybe they can use this opportunity to get Pan Zhang and Lu Xun back into the army.

Although Lu Xun's previous actions failed, Zhou Yu also had certain responsibilities.

Now that the Jiangdong Army captures the important figures of the enemy alive, it is an opportunity for Zhou Yu. The exchange of captured enemy personnel between the two sides is also a very common thing in the battle. The key is that the characters captured by the two sides must have sufficient exchange value. If ordinary generals were to capture the enemy alive, Zhou Yu would definitely not care.

Pan Zhang is a strong general in the army and has a certain position in the Jiangdong army. If there are such strong generals in the army, it will be of great help to the upcoming war. Lu Xun is a member of the Jiangdong Lu family, and he is also strong. Family background, if Lu Xun was offended by the Lu family because Lu Xun was captured by the enemy, it is also not what Zhou Yu wanted to see. Zhou Yu's solid position in the military actually had a lot to do with the support of the Jiangdong family.

Now it is Zhou Yu's opportunity to let Pan Zhang and Lu Xun return to the army.

Mindful of this, Zhou Yu immediately wrote a letter to send the soldiers to the Jin army.

The Chinese army gradually subsided, and the turmoil in the Jiangdong Army gradually subsided. The people of the Black Ice Platform knew that their leader Qin Tian was very likely to be in a dangerous situation, and there was a great possibility that the enemy could be captured alive. .

The assassins of the Black Ice Terrace did not dare to neglect. When the news was about to be delivered, even though it was in the Jiangdong Army, the Black Ice Terrace also had their way of delivering the news. It is foreseeable that after such news reaches Lu Bu’s ears, What anger will be caused by Lu Bu.

The Black Ice Terrace Assassins who participated in the action were also anxious in their hearts. They ignited the army's tents on the periphery, so that Qin Tian could better get out of the Jiangdong army.

Although such an assassination has a certain risk, Qin Tian is the leader of the Black Ice Platform. He has a reputation in the Black Ice Platform. There are not a few incidents that have experienced assassinations, even in China. After the army failed to assassinate Zhou Yu, they were still able to retreat, but the actual development exceeded the expectations of the assassins of the Black Ice Terrace.

When Jiangdong Army faced the assassin, under the command of Zhou Yu, Qin Tian was captured alive.

The generals of the Jiangdong Army also started the investigation of the soldiers in their headquarters. The occurrence of such a thing in the army is a shame to the generals of the Jiangdong Army. Although Zhou Yu did not blame too much on this matter, it was in the army. The general was dull.

Through this assassin’s action, the Jiangdong army’s generals also realized the strength of the Jin army in terms of assassins, and being able to show such a powerful combat power under the siege is really unbelievable. Dare to underestimate.

(End of this chapter)

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