Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3630: : Zhu Zhi worried

In the process of fighting, more reliance is on experienced generals, and such generals in the army can give the soldiers a lot of peace of mind.

"After you go back, you should carefully train your subordinates and scouts to inquire about the enemy's situation, so as not to give the enemy a chance." Zhu Zhidao.

"Here." The generals in the account said in unison. No matter what kind of thoughts they have at this time, Zhu Zhi's words have a lot of truth. If the Jiangdong Army cannot win this confrontation, the situation will be For Jiangdong, what kind of reversal will occur, defeat is not what the generals in the army want to see. They want to get greater victories in the battles, and they need victory to prove their value in the army. .

After the generals in the army left, Zhu Zhi’s expression was not as relaxed as before. No matter what kind of rhetoric he had just now, the war is gradually approaching Nanhai County. How powerful is Zhao Yun in leading and standing, Zhu Zhi is Have a certain understanding.

As the head of the five tiger generals in the past, and now the head of the thirty-six generals in the Temple of War, Zhao Yun is a legend in the Jin army. He has followed Lu Bu for many years and has made outstanding military exploits. It is also Lu Bu's worship. Brother, so many military commanders are envious.

And Zhao Yun is unique in leading the army in combat, and Zhao Yun is constantly growing during the battles.

Lu Bu's attention and training to Zhao Yun is also obvious to all. This time Zhao Yun led the 20,000 Jiaozhou army, can he break Nanhai County? Besides, although Nanhai County has only 10,000 soldiers and horses, with Zhao Yun's 20,000 soldiers and horses, he wants to break the South China Sea. The county is simply a fantasy,

However, Zhu Zhi still has a wealth of experience in combat. At present, Jiangdong Army is scattered in Nanhai County. If the Jin army comes, it will form a situation that is even more unfavorable for Jiangdong Army. At this time, gather Jiangdong Army together. It is most appropriate to collect as much grain and grass as possible. As for the process of collecting grain and grass, many people will suffer disasters because of this. Such things are not something Zhu Zhi needs to consider. Zhu Zhi needs The victory in this confrontation allowed Nanhai County to be preserved under the offensive of the Jin Army. Only in this way can the crisis of Jiangdong Army be resolved to a greater extent.

Not only the generals of the Jiangdong Army, but also the defenders of Nanhai County, they also need the encouragement of victory. When facing the Jin army, few soldiers in the army can do it calmly. The Jin army has won many victories. The army, they have proved how powerful their combat capabilities are in the battles.

After encountering the Jin army on the battlefield, how many elite troops can only end up sadly. Don't these princes want to win? Under their command, there must be a lot of help plan, but it turns out that they want to be How difficult it is to win the battle against the Jin army. The strength of the Jin army has already been proven.

Jiangdong Army and Zhu Zhi have no more retreats in this scene of challenge. Only after victory can they protect Jiangdong Army's everything in Nanhai County. Failure is something no one wants to see, but there is a battle. Wherever possible, there may be victory and defeat.

Following Zhu Zhi’s orders, the situation in Nanhai County at this time can be described as chaos. The soldiers arbitrarily drove away and collects food and grass from the people. If the people do not obey the orders of the soldiers, what will be the welcoming of the people. For the Jiangdong Army’s generals, it seems that the people themselves are the bottom-level figures. They don’t need to be more polite when they treat the bottom-level figures. Only after making them feel scared, will they obediently control what is in their hands. The rice grains are handed over and I hope to persuade them painstakingly. If they can succeed, it will be the biggest strange thing.

The arrogant behavior of the Jiangdong Army made the people secretly angry, but they had no countermeasures. They could only let the soldiers in the army bully in this way. They watched the rice and food at home being picked up by the soldiers in the army, even a lot. After entering the homes of the people, the soldiers of Jiangdong Army attacked the women.

Zhu Zhi’s orders caused Nanhai County’s cities to fall into turmoil. In the face of such turbulence, Zhu Zhi did not intend to change the order. Nanhai County has reached a critical moment. Even if there is no turmoil now, wait until the Jin army arrives. After that, there will also be turbulent situations. As for the eight stars of Nanhai County who will be more angry after receiving such treatment, Zhu Zhi will not care, even if these people hate the soldiers in the army. How could they dare to stand up and attack the soldiers in the army.

No matter how much Jin State attaches importance to the people, in actual life, the people are the lowest-level figures. After they are bullied, if an official is the master for them, it will be a blessing to the people, if the official refuses to stand up for them. If they do, they have no better way.

The main reason for this situation is that the people do not have a higher status. They have always been punished after others have bullied the people. Why don't the people take the initiative to bully them.

Carriages of grain and straw are being transported towards the county town. Against the Jin army, more arrangements must be made in front. In this way, more problems will be avoided in the course of the battle. It is only by relying on Jiangdong. In Zhu Zhi's view, the army's battle to withstand the Jiaozhou army's attack was not too difficult.

What worries Zhu Zhi is that once the war is urgent, the Shanxi National Assembly will mobilize more soldiers and horses. In this case, the situation will be extremely unfavorable for Jiangdong.

The Jin army is strong. If the Jiangdong army wants to form a confrontation with the Jin army in this regard, it will be somewhat insufficient after all. If UU reading wants to have a greater chance of winning against the Jin army, it must have enough Otherwise, even if the soldiers in the army worked hard, it would be difficult to defeat the Jin army.

The Jiaozhou Army is a newly formed army, which gives Zhu Zhi a certain degree of confidence. If the lieutenant soldiers have not experienced more warfare, what kind of performance will they have on the battlefield? Zhao Yun wants to rely on such an army. It is very difficult to achieve victory on the battlefield of Namhae County.

Although the generals of the Jin army have proved how powerful their combat effectiveness is on the battlefield in the past, Zhu Zhi wants to see if the Jin army is as terrible as the legend, especially the newly formed Jiaozhou army.

Not long after the formation of the Chang'an Army, the UAN shines on the battlefield, making the princes look sideways. From that time on, how many princes have more awe of Lu Bu, and can rely on the soldiers who have recently trained to obtain the victory in the process of fighting against the enemy. Victory one after another, such a character is not simple in itself.

(End of this chapter)

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