Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3638: : Special teams

These offensive methods gradually evolved into madness. The soldiers of the Jiangdong Army gradually realized why the soldiers of the Jin Army were terrifying on the battlefield. Bring them a greater impact, imagine what kind of scenes will appear in the process of confronting such an army, and you will discover the horror of the Jin army.

It is not easy to continue the combat spirit of an army. If the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army are compared with the soldiers of the Jin Army, they are much worse in this respect.

It was not accidental that the Jin army soldiers were able to win in the battles, and it had a great relationship with the performance of the lieutenant soldiers in the battle.

No matter how powerful a general's martial arts is, his role on the battlefield is limited. The most important thing is to rely on ordinary soldiers to have more heroic performance in the battle. If this is the case, you can get a better battle. Victory.

The Jin army is brave and good at fighting, and is well-known all over the world.

In the past, the Jiaozhou Army was not enough to see in front of the Jiangdong Army, but now the Jiaozhou Army has shown such a strong side. It has to be thought-provoking. It is as if the soldiers in the army can show that as long as they are under Lu Bu's command. Different looks come in general.

The Jin army has a more complete system than the princes, which can allow ordinary soldiers to see hope after working hard in the army. In this case, even ordinary soldiers are also brave in the process of fighting, because they hope to get higher. Their status is not only their treatment, but also allows their efforts to be reflected.

Whether they are generals or civilians in the army, they all want to get more recognition for their efforts. This recognition is embodied in recognition. Getting more recognition from the monarch is the most important thing. As for this What rewards they will get after their hard work is equally important to them.

Zhao Yun looked at the war in the distance with cold eyes, without the slightest worry or joy in his expression. He just watched quietly. The generals in the army were relatively silent in the face of this situation. This is the cruelty of war. Obviously knowing that more soldiers will be lost on the battlefield during the offensive, but the generals have to give orders because they are soldiers and they survive for victory.

A famous soldier fell on the way to attack. As long as there is no sound of Mingjin, the soldiers in the army will not retreat. They will advance with drums and Mingjin will retreat. This is the common sense that military lieutenants should master. If it can't, such an army will definitely fail.

At this moment, a group of soldiers was mixed in the siege team and quickly approached in the direction of the city gate.

There are too many Jin army soldiers attacking outside the city. The appearance of these people does not give people a sense of abruptness. Even Zhao Yun just glanced at it, and did not even pick up the fairy mirror in his hand.

Different from other siege soldiers, the shovels and other things that appeared in the hands of these soldiers did not know that they thought they wanted to dig down the enemy's wall.

The moat has been gradually filled in for the soldiers of the Jin army. Although there are still some areas that need to be repaired, it is still possible for soldiers in the army to get close to the city gate.

But seeing these soldiers approaching the city gate, they immediately started digging near the city gate with the tools in their hands. The ground was covered with bluestone. Apparently, more than a dozen soldiers had rich experience in digging, but within a short period of time. , Dig out the bluestone on the ground.

After seeing the special team that appeared outside the city gate, the soldiers from Jiangdong sergeant behind the city gate were slightly stunned. They did not understand what the soldiers of the Jin army did when they came to the city gate. It is simply impossible, and there are not many things that can be seen through the cracks in the door.

After observing for a long time, the Jiangdong sergeant behind the city gate did not understand and could only give up, but the news was remembered for him.

After the moat is filled, the Jiangdong army will be greeted by cruel battles. After the Jin army attacked the city wall, the soldiers on both sides will surely meet each other. If you can’t perform well in this process, I want to be here. Occupying more advantages in the battle is simply impossible. Although there are only 20,000 Jin troops outside the city, Zhu Zhi did not dare to take it lightly.

In a short period of time, Zhu Zhi felt the changes in the Jin army. This change is really shocking. Who can imagine that an army that has been trained but has not gone through too many battles can attack the city? At that time, there was such a big improvement. Judging from the current situation, the growth of the soldiers of the Jin army is not as simple as it seems. Their growth has not stopped because of the tenacity of the Jiangdong Army in defending the city.

In the Jiaozhou army, there must be many generals from the Jin army. This situation can be understood with a little thought. Although Lu Bu appointed Shi Xie as Jiaozhou pastor, there must be many ways to guard against Shi Xie in the dark. And controlling more power in the army is of great significance to the Jin army.

As long as the general power can be firmly controlled in his hands, he can occupy more initiative. After the generals of the Jin army completely control the Jiaozhou Army, even if Shi Xie still has certain ideas about Jiaozhou, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve. of.

Taking control of the military power means having more initiative, which can have a greater impact on the situation in Jiaozhou.

Zhao Yun is a well-known general in the Jin army, with high martial arts skills. Over the years, he has made great contributions to the development of Lu Bu and experienced more battles. He is a great shock in the Jiaozhou army.

Judging from the current situation in Jiaozhou, Shi Xie didn't have too much thoughts about taking refuge in the Jin army, and he was willing to become an official under Lu Bu's command.

The Jin army began a fierce attack on the A ladder and wells appeared outside the city, but in the Jin army, there was no rushing vehicle.

This situation really made Zhu Zhi feel a little surprised. The city gate in Panyu was not sealed. He believed that Zhao Yun must have understood the news. If there is a rushing vehicle, the defender above the city gate can make it in time. response.

Rushing carts can indeed pose a big threat to the city gates, but the soldiers who control the dumping carts have to bear great risks. The city gates are important for a city, if the city gates are seized by the enemy. , The situation will be even more unfavorable for the defenders.

In short, the rush vehicle did not appear, which is a good thing for the Jiangdong Army. In the Jiangdong Army, there are three fairy mirrors. Relying on the fairy mirrors, the Jiangdong Army generals can more control the movement of the Jin army outside the city and let the city The soldiers on board can have a more timely and effective response.

(End of this chapter)

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