Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3640: : Stupid move

"The current situation in the army is pretty good, and you must not take it lightly. What kind of discoveries you have made when the enemy is attacking the city, just let it be said." Zhu Zhidao.

The direction of the Jiaozhou Army’s offensive was mainly west of the city. Outside the other city walls, although the figures of Jiaozhou Army soldiers appeared, they were only used by the Jiaozhou Army to contain the defenders. In this regard, Zhu Zhi still knew.

More restraining the defensive force can make the Jiaozhou Army lessen more pressure during the offensive process, and easily gain a greater advantage in the battle, which is of great significance to the Jiaozhou Army.

"General, there is a discovery by the final general." Seeing that the other generals did not comment, one general said.

"General Li has any discovery, just speak bluntly." Zhu Zhi smiled.

Generals who can find problems in the course of fighting must be careful, and such generals deserve more energy to train.

"The soldiers guarding the city gate discovered that during the siege of the last two days, soldiers of the Jiaozhou Army appeared near the city gate. These soldiers of the Jiaozhou Army were holding shovel and other objects and seemed to be digging something." General Li road.

When the generals heard this, they couldn’t stop laughing. It was really funny to say this in front of the generals. The soldiers of the Jin army were digging near the city gate. Does the Jiaozhou army still want to rely on the shovel to generalize the city? The door cannot be dug down.

General Li's face flushed amidst the laughter of everyone.

Zhu Zhidao: "General Li will pay more attention to this situation in the future and see what the Jin army really wants to do."

"Here." General Li clung his hands. Zhu Zhi's words gave a face, and he was more grateful.

Zhu Zhi didn't care about this situation. If the Jiaozhou Army chose to attack the city gate, it would be able to rely on fierce fire oil or rushing the car, so there was no need to dig the city gate in this way.

The way of digging the city gate is completely stupid in the eyes of more generals, and the effect will not be great, and it is not as good as a fierce attack.

The strength of the Jiaozhou Army should not be underestimated. Zhu Zhi believes that Zhao Yun’s methods are not as simple as they appear on the surface. Even with other methods, the effect will not be too great. What worries Zhu Zhi most is the Jin Army. Will there be a violent attack in China?

Zhu Zhi has a certain understanding of the power and power of Menghuoyou when attacking the city, so in the process of defending the enemy's Thunderbolt attack, the defending army behaved more cautiously.

After the military generals left the Chinese army's big account, they talked a lot, and they were more about discussing how fierce the battle was. Especially the generals who were immersed in the wall to defend against the enemy's attack had more say.

As for the situation that General Li said in the Great Tent of the Chinese Army, it did not arouse too much attention from the generals, they just regarded it as a joke.

In Zhu Zhi’s words, the Jiaozhou Army had other means, and they were not valued by the generals in the army. If the Jiaozhou Army had the means, they would definitely show it when attacking the city. In the process, the longer the delay, the more damage to the offensive party.

Compared with the warm atmosphere in the Jiangdong Army, the atmosphere in the Jiaozhou Army is slightly more solemn. In the previous offensive, the Jiaozhou Army has suffered a lot of damage. If the war continues in this situation, it must be There will be more soldiers falling in the process of facing the enemy, such a situation is unacceptable to the generals in the army.

The generals of the Jiaozhou Army had great expectations for this battle. They were originally the generals of the Jin Army or the Jiaozhou Army. After being selected, they entered the army as generals. The battlefield is the generals who have gained greater promotion. If they can’t do more in the process of facing the enemy, it will be difficult for them to go further.

The suppression of Jiangdong was the last battle for the Jin army to dominate the world. In this battle, if you can show stronger strength, you will surely be able to get rich rewards. In terms of rewards, the Jin country has always been generous, although They just can't get more fields, they can get money.

The number of fields obtained by the meritorious people is very small. In this way, the survival of the people will not be challenged. If there are too many fields for rewarding the meritorious people, and the fields in the hands of the people are damaged to a greater extent, It is not the situation that Lu Bu would like to see.

What Lu Bu needs is a powerful Jin state, a Jin state with a more complete system. At this point, the generals in the army and the civilian officials in the DPRK still recognize Lu Bu's decision. Compressing the living space of the family can allow more fields. Return to the hands of the people, so that the people will not worry about things about the fields.

The next day, the Jiaozhou Army’s attack on the city did not stop, and Zhao Yun could clearly feel the morale of the lieutenant soldiers. They attacked the city one after another, but did not achieve very good results. On the contrary, the soldiers in the army were damaged. Seriously, even though the Jiaozhou Army has undergone strict training, the soldiers in the army will inevitably have some doubts about this method of attack, but they still follow the command of the general to attack the city.

The weak offensive of the Jiaozhou Army made the defenders even more excited. Many generals even proposed to send troops out of the city to fight with the Jiaozhou Army. With the state of the Jiaozhou Army at this time, if it is against the Jiangdong Army, there will be no good results. But such a proposal was rejected by Zhu Zhi, and he was not sure whether the Jiaozhou Army's behavior was deliberately showing weakness.

The morale of the Jiangdong Army is high, which Zhu Zhi wants to However, there are elite cavalry in the Jiaozhou Army. Once the Jiangdong Army goes out of the city to fight against the Jiaozhou Army, it will lose the advantage of the city. This situation is not very good for Jiangdong Army. Besides, Zhu Zhi's main purpose is to constantly consume the strength of Jiaozhou Army in the process of defending the city.

In the Jiaozhou Army, the generals who were ordered by Zhao Yun rushed to the army's big account. All the generals were appointed by Zhao Yun. They are also well-known generals in the army. People who can go to the position of a general. How could it be a simple generation. Although the attack on Panyu City gave the soldiers a sense of powerlessness, the Jiaozhou Army's offensive did not stop.

The generals understand that in such a siege, it is normal for the enemy to have a tenacious defense. After all, the Jiaozhou Army has only undergone rigorous training and lacks sufficient confrontation experience on the battlefield. These will become the Jiaozhou Army. However, as the war progresses gradually, the soldiers of the Jiaozhou Army will become more elite. After experiencing the cruel battlefield, they will be able to understand more things, from ordinary soldiers to elites.

(End of this chapter)

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