Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3642: : Square pit

It can be seen from the performance of the Jiaozhou Army on the battlefield that the Jiaozhou Army is also an elite army, and they are extremely tenacious in offensive performance. If the Jiangdong Army goes out of the city to engage in a large-scale battle with the Jiaozhou Army, the outcome is unknown.

Accompanied by the rumble of war drums, the soldiers of the Jiaozhou Army slowly came towards the city with a solemn expression, and the Thunderbolt cars in the Jiaozhou Army kept pouring boulders onto the city.

The Jiaozhou Army outside the city gave people a lot of oppression, but the defenders have gradually become accustomed to such offensives. As long as the Jiaozhou Army begins to formally attack the city wall, they can show up and hurt the Jiaozhou Army. The Jiaozhou Army appeared when the offensive was in full swing, and could only withstand more attacks from Perak.

"Send to Zhao Wu, get ready to fight." Zhao Yun ordered.

The sound of war drums became more intense, and the densely packed soldiers approached the city quickly. Under the cover of the thunderbolt, the soldiers added a ladder to the city wall, and Jing Lan was quickly approaching the city wall.

Zhu Zhi's complexion was slightly dignified. Today's attack by the Jiaozhou Army gave him a different feeling, as if the Jin Army would attack the city wall in the next moment.

"Send orders to the soldiers and soldiers to defend carefully. If there is an omission in any one, the military law will do it." Zhu Zhi ordered.

The Jiaozhou Army’s attack today is more violent than before. This also makes Zhu Zhi a little puzzled. It is difficult to break the city just by relying on such an attack. Although Panyu is not a strong city, If you want to break through the city, you must at least ensure that the soldiers in the army can stand on the wall, so that you can do more in the battle against the enemy.

However, the fierce attack of the Jiaozhou Army did cause some trouble to the Jiangdong Army. The attack was fierce, and the soldiers who attacked the city head were the same. In this battle, they showed what is tenaciousness and fear of life and death. Fighting spirit.

After boarding the city wall, the Jiaozhou sergeants suffered a lot from the postgraduate entrance examination. They want to do more on the city wall, and they must make more efforts. The soldiers who attacked the city are the most dangerous. They will Become the target of a joint attack by the defenders.

Many generals in the Jiaozhou army fell helplessly because they were not very familiar with such operations after attacking the city wall.

Soldiers with siege experience will not say that they immediately attack the enemy after they board the wall, but after killing the enemy around them, they will guard next to the ladder, so that more robes can climb through the ladder. Going up the city wall, in this way, can do more damage to the enemy in the process of siege.

The soldiers of the Jiaozhou Army performed very bravely in this siege. The leaders of the army, the leader, and the leader of the army were the first to take the lead, which greatly stimulated the ordinary soldiers. Their superiors were still in the ranks. When fighting against the enemy, they fought **** battles. What reason do they have to retreat in such a battle? Only when they have greater deeds against the enemy can their status be promoted.

Many soldiers understood this truth after entering the army.

The offensive has lasted for half an hour, and the Jiaozhou Army’s offensive has been in full swing, and the number of Jiaozhou Army who has been involved in the offensive has reached 8,000.

This kind of offensive was more violent than before. Even if the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army performed extremely bravely on the battlefield, but the performance of the Jiaozhou Army was not weak, and it paid a lot of money, of course, the Jiangdong Army’s loss. Compared with the loss of the Jiaozhou Army, it is nothing.

Even if the Jiaozhou Army is extremely fierce, they need to attack the city head. If they can’t even attack the city head, how can they do more in such a battle? In the process of climbing the city wall, the defenders on the city can often cause considerable damage to the Jiaozhou Army. It can be said that the sacrifices of the soldiers and soldiers fell on the way of climbing the ladder.

The siege party will have greater sacrifices in combat. This is also a normal reason. It is impossible to achieve complete defense during the siege. Even if the shield in the hand is strong, the city head If a boulder on the top falls down, it can be killed.

In a short period of time, the soldiers of the Jiaozhou Army showed such fierce combat effectiveness during the offensive process, which really shocked Zhu Zhi. The defenders on the west wall were originally only three thousand people, and Zhu Zhi hurriedly ordered Deploying two thousand soldiers to board the city wall, although this will make the city a little denser, it can ensure that it is difficult for the enemy to break through the city wall in such a process.

In fact, three thousand people are enough for the west city wall. No matter how many troops the Jiaozhou Army puts into the offensive, their offense will always need to be on the city wall. As long as they have enough space on the city wall, it will be enough. It is guaranteed to the greatest extent that it is difficult for the enemy to have a greater role in the siege.

But Zhu Zhi is a prudent person. He doesn’t want to take this risk. Once the Jiaozhou Army’s soldiers can gain a foothold on the wall, the Jiangdong Army will inevitably have to pay a greater price to drive the enemy off the wall. A safe method is better. Although this kind of defense gives people a sense of cumbersomeness, it can still play a good role when the enemy is attacking.

Near the city gate, General Li made a discovery in the army before, which was laughed at by the generals in the army. Today he went to the city gate specially to see what Jiaozhou army was busy with when it attacked the city.

Through the crack in the door, General Li saw the situation outside the door, but saw that there was already a square pit outside the door that could accommodate one person, but the pit was not very far from the city gate.

This made General Li a little When digging a hole under the city gate during the siege, it doesn’t seem to play a big role, but how hard the ground near the city gate is. Knowing, as for those who want to invade the city by digging, they would not adopt such a method.

In the process of attacking the city, it is also possible to dig tunnels to attack, but this kind of project is huge. After accidentally discovering for the defenders in the city, the defenders still have enough ways to deal with such a situation.

The Jiaozhou Army is not too many in number. It has an advantage against the Jiaozhou Army, and the advantage is not too obvious.

General Li couldn’t understand what the Jiaozhou Army soldiers were busy near the city gate. If the city gate were suddenly opened at this time, they would surely be able to capture these soldiers alive, but more Jiaozhou Army soldiers would inevitably follow. The soldiers enter the city, and the gains outweigh the losses.

(End of this chapter)

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