Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3685: : Sun Quan's anger

In some cases, the will of the aristocratic family will not be greatly affected by the decision of the monarch. What they need is to increase the power of the family to a greater extent. Only in this way can the aristocratic family be able to deal with certain situations more. Calm.

Sun Quan could not care about the assassination of officials in the city, but an incident that happened two days later made Sun Quan furious.

The power of the assassin hidden in the dark was actually slaughtered overnight. The original assassin team of 100 people lost half of it. This was quite a shock to Sun Quan. The power of the assassin in the dark was rarely revealed.

If the previous power to assassinate Sima Yi were replaced by these assassins, it would definitely be successful, but the loss of the power of these assassins caused Sun Quan to be greatly stimulated, and even the power hidden in the dark could be explored for the people of the Jin country. It is clear that there is something that the people of the Jin country can't detect.

However, this kind of thing must not be put on the surface. After all, there is the existence of assassin power in the dark. If it is known to the family in the city, it will definitely be panic. In the past, these assassin powers hidden in the dark were not given to Sun Quan. provide help.

With these powers under his command, it was much easier to do some things. This is why Sun Quan wanted to have secret power, which could help the monarch to do things that the monarch could not handle on the surface.

Moreover, these secret forces provided a lot of help for Sun Quan to stabilize Jiangdong.

Sun Quan was furious, but it was not an easy task to find out those who made secret moves. These people would definitely not give Sun Quan a chance to seize the handle.

However, Sun Quan definitely wanted to find out this matter. If he couldn't find out even these things, how could the majesty of the monarch be guaranteed.

What Sun Quan wanted was absolute control over Jiangdong’s situation, and it was not allowed to have power in the dark to influence the situation of Wu State. Judging from the current situation, Jin State did have a lot of arrangements in Jiangdong. The power of these arrangements, Can greatly affect the safety of Jiangdong.

In the name of the assassination of officials of the Xu family and Liu family, Sun Quan ordered the people to conduct a strict investigation of Jiangdong's situation. In this matter, Sun Quan maintained an attitude of no tolerance.

It was Zhang Hong who was in charge of this matter. Zhang Hong could feel his anger from Sun Quan’s words. Although he did not understand why Sun Quan suddenly ordered this matter to be strictly investigated, Zhang Hong felt extraordinary from Sun Quan’s instructions. the meaning of.

I got a lot of news from the sidelines, but if you are a minister, it is better to maintain a more cautious attitude in some matters. Sometimes it is not that the more you know, the more beneficial it is.

The monarch must have their secret methods, if the courtiers know too much, it will definitely cause the monarch to be jealous.

The status of a courtier is given by the monarch. Sometimes, only the monarch’s order can make the courtier lose everything in front of him. Zhang Hong’s ability is outstanding, but in Jiangdong, there are not a few capable officials. It is not that he has left Zhang. After Hong Kong, Jiangdong's situation is difficult to stabilize.

"I have an assassin's power in the dark. This assassin's power has solved a lot of things for me, but just yesterday, this power suffered an inexplicable massacre. Needless to say, you must also know how to shoot. People belong to the Jin country. What I need is for you to find this hidden power in the city and let it disappear from the city.” Sun Quan said slowly.

After Zhang Hong heard these words, his heart was shaken, and there was such a power in the dark. This was indeed something Zhang Hong did not expect. However, after such a thing happened, it is reasonable for Sun Quan to be angry. If it were Sun Quan It is the strangest thing to be able to be calm and calm about such things.

Sun Quan's anger needs to be washed away by the blood of the person who shot in the dark, but it is easier said than done to find the person who shot in the dark. If you can't handle this matter better, Sun Quan will definitely not be satisfied.

Zhang Hong also felt the thorny issue of this matter. How could the power that Lu Bu secretly hide in the city be as simple as it seems on the surface, and the assassin power that Sun Quan secretly controlled was still eradicated by this power. It can be seen that the power of this assassin controls a lot of news in the city.

"The minister must do his best to find out those who shot secretly." Zhang Hong arched his hands.

"If you encounter any difficulties, even if you express it to me, the situation in Jiangdong is now tense. If you can't handle this matter better, you will definitely have more troubles." Sun Quan said solemnly.

"The minister understands." Zhang Hong saluted again.

At a critical moment, Sun Quan handed over these matters to him. It was also affirmation of his ability to do things. On behalf of Wu Guo, he persuaded the West Qiang State to send troops. This matter must be difficult to conceal for a long time, and Jin State broke Jiangdong. After that, people like Zhang Hong who are helpful to the development and stability of Wu will definitely not end well. It is the most correct thing to help Sun Quan stabilize the situation in Jiangdong.

Even though the Jin State’s army is strong, Wu State will not make the slightest concession. It is a matter of life and death for Wu State. It must be more cautious to ensure that Wu State can be preserved in a critical situation.

The strength and background of the Jin Kingdom were not as simple as they were on the surface. This can be seen from Lu Bu's previous shots against the princes, and it is not easy to talk about Lu Bu's secret methods.

The forces sent for Lu Bu must have a lot of understanding of Jiangdong's situation. Otherwise, how can they get a chance to survive in Jiangdong, and there may be a certain connection between them and Jiangdong officials.

Critical moments ~ ~ Zhang Hong, Zhang Zhao and others can stand on Sun Quan's side against the power of Jin, but it does not mean that other officials can still support Sun Quan in critical moments like them.

Once these vacillating forces are used by Lu Bu, the impact on Jiangdong will also be huge.

A stable Jiangdong is of great help to the Jiangdong Army against the Jin Army. Only in this way, the Jiangdong Army can do its best when fighting the Jin Army without worrying about external affairs.

To fight foreigners, they must first settle down. If even the internal stability is difficult to guarantee, what kind of crisis will be plunged into after the war starts.

It was precisely because the Jin army had too strong strength against the Jiangdong army. If it weren’t for this, how could the Jiangdong family secretly make refuge in the Jin army? What kind of disaster will be endured.

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