Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3732: : Duke stepped forward and pressed

When the lieutenant generals faced the high morale of the enemy, it was much easier to win the war. However, in this engagement, the Xiqiang army failed, not only because of the Jin army’s strategy, but also because of the Xiqiang army’s combat. Existing shortcomings.

Victory is what the military generals desire. Without victory, all the previous efforts were in vain.

It is also human nature for lieutenants to be eager to win. Only by winning battles and trying to restore the consumption of the war can they last longer in this war.

After the leader of Yueji returned to the army, he counted the number of soldiers in the army, and his expression was a little gloomy. The Xiqiang army dispatched more than 30,000 people before and after, but only 10,000 people returned to the camp. Although there are still soldiers returning from time to time. In Yingzhai, the loss this time was undoubtedly serious.

This confrontation not only caused heavy losses to the Western Qiang army, but also hit the lieutenant’s belief in victory. The Han army seemed weak to the soldiers of the Western Qiang army, but now, the weak Han army is in In the course of the battle, it caused too much damage to the Western Qiang army. If the current situation cannot be changed in time, it will have a great impact on the subsequent battle.

"The prime minister, now our army has only 70,000 people, and the Jin army has not suffered too much. The advantage in strength has been lowered for the Jin army." Yue Ji said with a heavy tone.

Yadan also frowned. The impact of this battle was far-reaching. Even if the generals tried not to tell the situation on the battlefield, how could such a massive battle be concealed, and the lieutenants were most concerned about it. What is the record of their own army in the process of fighting the enemy, they hope to get more victories.

Failure will make the soldiers in the army have a sense of powerlessness, not to mention others, even Yadan feels troubles, the Jin army has many strategies, and there are many sharp weapons in the Jin army.

The continuous crossbow carts, bed crossbows, and thunderbolt carts have caused considerable damage to the Xiqiang army, especially the crossbow carts, which play a great role when the two armies are at war. The continuous crossbow arrows will make the Xiqiang army. Pay a heavy loss.

How to win this battle at a lower cost is of vital importance to the Western Qiang army.

"Marshal, now our army still has 70,000 soldiers, and the enemy can only fight 30,000 soldiers. If our army can fight the enemy frontally and win, it will certainly be able to recover the disadvantages." Yadan said.

"Although this is the case, how can the Jin army agree to the battle so easily?" Yue Ji sighed.

The Jin army now has a strong camp, and there is no need to worry about food and grass, and it can drag the West Qiang army to death.

The atmosphere of the Chinese army’s big account is a bit solemn. After suffering such a failure, the generals in the army have not been as active as they used to be, especially the generals who have personally experienced the war. They have lingering fears about the bravery of the Jin army. If it is possible, they are unwilling. Encountered such an army in a frontal battle.

Even though the Jin army’s powerful and brave lieutenant soldiers performed in the process of fighting, the soldiers of the Western Qiang Army would not have too much fear, but the Jin army has the means to make the soldiers of the Western Qiang Army terrified. No one wants to suffer too much damage in such a battle.

Moreover, this kind of death is a sacrifice for no reason, which is the biggest blow to the soldiers in the army.

Soldiers fight on the battlefield in order to win. They will spare their lives in order to be able to win the battle, and when their efforts fail to see the results, what choice will they have.

The Xiqiang army is brave and good at fighting. Now they are encountering the Jin army, which is not inferior to them in terms of strength, and has sharp weapons to help. Although the Jin army is at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, no one can be sure that the war like this will happen again.

This failure gave a great shock to the lieutenants and soldiers. The lieutenants and lieutenants yearn for victory in the confrontation, not this kind of aggrieved defeat.

"In any case, our army has no retreat. Since the Jin army will not fight us to the death, we can move forward and press on." Yadan said.

"The prime minister has something to say quickly." Yue Ji said, Yadan is a man of resourcefulness, and in this battle, Yue Ji saw the role of resourceful people.

What Yue Ji dared to be sure was that in the Jin army, there must be a generation of strategic people. These characters can avoid more damages as much as possible when fighting. This is the process of normal fighting. Has a great influence.

How to get the enemy in the battle has a great impact on the engagement. In the past, Yueji focused on the battle between the two armies, and won victory by virtue of their brave strength. After the battle with the Jin he suddenly discovered the original war. Relying on tactics, it can also wash away a lot.

Just like during this battle, the cavalry of the Jin army clearly had the strength to sweep the Xiqiang cavalry, but they deliberately showed their weakness during the battle, not only causing the defeat of the Xiqiang army, but also allowing the cavalry's head to make Yuecheng die on the battlefield.

"Our army only needs to make more killings in Liangzhou, which will surely make the Jin army angry. At that time, the Jin army will definitely want to fight, and our army can take advantage of the situation to cause greater damage to the Jin army." Yadan Road slowly.

"Okay, just in the words of the prime minister." Yue Ji nodded and agreed.

Regardless of the strength and means of the Jin army, the West Qiang army has a numerical advantage when fighting, and such an advantage will allow the lieutenant soldiers to win more victories against the enemy. This is for a battle. It has a crucial impact.

And if there are more killings in Liangzhou, there will be no psychological pressure on the West Qiang army. Anyway, it is the people under the enemy's rule that let them bear more killings. It is still for the West Qiang army. It is of great significance to see what it would be like to see the people under the enemy's trembling in front of the lieutenant soldiers.

The West Qiang army is discussing how to deal with the Jin army, and the same is true in the Jin army. The victory of this confrontation made the Jin army soldiers rejoice. They went out to make the West Qiang army pay heavy for their actions. cost.

The West Qiang army has caused great harm to the people in Wudu. As the army of Liangzhou, they must bravely stand up at this critical moment, drive out the enemy as much as possible, and make the enemy pay more on the battlefield. The price.

Only when the enemy army is seriously damaged, will they feel greater fear in such a battle, and they need to be more cautious when facing the Liangzhou army.

(End of this chapter)

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