Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3738: : That's so ridiculous

This is a battle that concerns the life and death of the Xiqiang army. If you can't do more in this confrontation, the consequences will inevitably be serious.

The arrival of the Lien Crossbow Army changed the situation on the battlefield.

Accompanied by Yu Jin's order, the crossbow riders released the crossbow arrows. The continuous crossbow arrows made the wailing sounds of the Xiqiang army one after another.

The Ballista is the reaper on the battlefield, they will let more Xiqiang soldiers fall on the battlefield.

After Zhang Yun learned the news, he was refreshed, and it was necessary to bring more damage to the enemy. No matter how many people there were in the West Qiang army, the Jin army relied on sharp weapons to allow the West Qiang army to fight this time. A heavy price was paid in the confrontation.

Under the leadership of Zhang Yun, the wolf attacked again.

The offensive of the ballista made the soldiers of the Western Qiang Army panic. When facing the wolf rider, they might be able to evade, but the power of the crossbow arrow is amazing. A crossbow arrow can even penetrate two or three soldiers. Where the crossbow arrow passed, Xiqiang's **** fell as if cutting wheat.

The soldiers in the Western Qiang Army knew that there were continuous ballistas in the Jin army, and they often suffered in the hands of the continuous ballistas during the previous attack.

Although Yu Jin had injuries on his body, it did not affect his command of the battle on the horses. He wanted to see with his own eyes the collapse of the Xiqiang army during this engagement. During the defensive process, Yu Jin was angry with the Xiqiang army. It is impossible to add to the fact that it is precisely because of the Xiqiang army that the army lieutenant soldiers paid a heavy price. How many great heroes died in battle, and now they have the opportunity to teach the Xiqiang army, it is naturally not to be missed.

Defending the battle of Xiabian can be described as a battle of fame for the ban. Defending the fierce attack of the West Qiang army for ten days with a weak force is definitely recognized.

There is no shortage of strong generals in the Jin army, but there is still a lack of generals who are alone, and such generals can often have greater achievements in the army.

Although Yu Ban came from Cao Cao's camp, no one dared to underestimate Ban after the Jin Kingdom's current war. This is also the benefit of the victory of the war.

Seeing the enemy soldiers falling down under the faint fire light ahead, Yu Jin smiled with satisfaction.

After the crossbow rider releases the crossbow bolt, the front formation has been loosened. This looseness is absolutely complete. However, the Xiqiang **** in front of the crossbow car will definitely not end well. Here is the crossbow car. The impact after the battlefield.

The enemy's soldiers could hardly stop the attack of the continuous ballista, and their resistance seemed so fragile in front of the continuous ballista. The Jin army, with the help of the continuous ballista, caused even greater damage to the Western Qiang army.

After the ballista attacked, the wolf cavalry immediately stepped forward, taking advantage of the chaos of the enemy, causing greater damage to the enemy.

Sudden changes in the army caused Yue Ji to feel at a loss. Only then did he remember that the Jin army’s methods were far from being as simple as they were on the surface. Comparable equipment, these equipment will bring more damage to the Western Qiang army during the battle.

At this moment, a raging fire ignited in the place where the army was hoarding food and grass, and half of the sky seemed to be plunged into the ocean of fire. In terms of food and grass, the weight of food and grass has a vital role. Army lieutenants can withstand the defeat of a war, but they cannot bear without food and grass.

"The prime minister, the situation in the army is critical. This commander wants to order the lieutenant generals to retreat. I don't know what the prime minister thinks?" Yue Ji asked slowly. It was impossible to take advantage of the Jin army in the next battle.

There is no need for the Jin army to attack, and the West Qiang army will be in chaos.

Yadan's heart sank. The failure of this battle was already inevitable. The sudden offensive of the Jin army caught the Xiqiang army by surprise, and the triumphant advance of the Jin army was most likely to bring about the failure of the Xiqiang army. It is conceivable what the cost will be after failure.

"Marshal, if things cannot be done, retreat, so that more soldiers can be saved from this battle." Yadan said.

Speaking of this, Yadan seemed to be a lot older in an instant. For this battle, he also put a lot of effort into this battle, but only after fighting with the Jin army did he understand that the original support in the Western Qiang army was in front of the Jin army. It seems so ridiculous. Compared with the Jin army, the West Qiang army is still too weak. Their offensive is difficult to cause too much damage to the Jin army, which is bound to cause bad consequences.

When the West Qiang Army fought against the Jin Army, the fighting power it showed was also extremely crazy. Otherwise, the West Qiang Army would not be able to persist in this battle until But the West Qiang Army’s persistence did not To achieve the desired effect, they faced a large army with sophisticated equipment and fierce combatants with the help of counsellors.

"According to this commander's order, the army is ready to retreat." Yue Ji ordered.

Defeated like a mountain, what the Western Qiang army had to face was the misfortune of failure in this raid.

After the grain and grass were burned, the last hopes of Yueji and Yadan were completely wiped out. The West Qiang army must have attached great importance to the defense of grain and grass, but in such a chaotic situation, the defense of grain and grass is absolutely Difficult things.

Judging from the performance of the generals of the Jin army, this offensive is definitely a real move. They will not have the slightest remaining hands in this confrontation. The main purpose of the Jin army is to make the Western Qiang army bear the price of failure.

After burning the grain and grass of the West Qiang Army, the failure of the West Qiang Army has become a foregone conclusion.

Even if the Jin Army retreats from the battlefield, the West Qiang Army will not be able to win. After leaving the food and grass, how can the army lieutenants and soldiers be stable, the most likely move they will make is to escape.

But the Jin army did not intend to let the West Qiang army go so easily. In that case, even if the West Qiang army retreats, it will definitely target the people along the way with butchers. When a person is desperate, he can do anything.

In this case, the people in Liangzhou will ultimately be harmed. Therefore, after these Xiqiang soldiers are driven to extinction, there will be no problems in this regard. Besides, in any war, prisoners will inevitably appear, and these prisoners will become the future. The Jin army still has a wealth of experience in building the power of Wudu County. How many enemy soldiers and soldiers became prisoners of the Jin army after they were defeated and participated in the construction.

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