Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3805: : Deserters appeared in Jiangdong Army

However, Zhou Yu and Lu Su knew exactly what kind of impact the emergence of deserters would have on an army. This is far more severe than the damage on the battlefield. It can directly destroy the fighting spirit of the lieutenant soldiers. , If it can survive, who wants to face death?

Now the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army must pay a greater price if they want to see hope in this battle. The most casualties after the war must be the most ordinary soldiers in the army. This is also what the previous battles have shown. .

As the soldiers at the lowest level, they are the victims of the monarch’s expansion of territory, even if they are placed in the Jin army. The difference is that the Jin soldiers treat ordinary soldiers with great generosity, even if they are ordinary soldiers. After they die on the battlefield, it will not be the same as the Jiangdong Army, and their relatives will not be able to benefit from it.

The soldiers in the army fought bravely. They shed blood and sacrificed on the battlefield. Jin will not neglect their relatives behind them because they are ordinary soldiers. It is also necessary for their families to stop crying after the heroes shed blood.

If the monarch does not know how to treat the people kindly, how can the people support the monarch to a greater extent? The kindness of the monarch is absolutely related to the support of the people, and the people will give a greater degree of support to the monarch who is kind to them. of.

This is also the reason why the generals of the Jin army did not retreat when they met with the difficult and difficult battles. When the Xiqiang army invaded Liangzhou, there were only a few thousand people in Xiabian city, but they insisted stubbornly under the attack of the Xiqiang army. Coming down, the persistence of the lieutenant soldiers allowed Xiabian City to be preserved, so that the people in the city did not have to worry about their lives.

War is cruel, and wanting to get more benefits from a war also requires a lot of hard work by the monarch and military lieutenants.

Pang Tong put down the fairy mirror in his hand and said with a smile: "General Gan, now it seems that the Jiangdong Army is planning to attack the flank of our army with all its strength. If this is the case, our army only needs to defeat Zhou Tai's army and turn to attack Zhou Yu. It works wonders."

"The military commander's words are true. Fortunately, our army has a weapon against the Jiangdong Army in this battle. Otherwise, our army will be in an extremely dangerous situation in this battle." Gan Ning sighed.

"The Jiangdong Army’s ability in water warfare is indeed extremely terrifying, but this does not stop our army’s belief in breaking Jiangdong. For this battle, our army has paid a heavy price. If Jiangdong cannot be put down, there will be more in the future. Many soldiers died because of the battle against Jiangdong Army." Pang Tong said slowly.

"This general understands these principles." Gan Ning nodded firmly.

Following Gan Ning’s order, the Jin army launched a stormy offensive against Zhou Tai’s subordinates. The obvious difference between this offensive method and the past is that the gunpowder attack has become more violent, and there was an explosion on the surface of the river. It's more dense.

The effect of such an explosion is quite obvious. At this time, out of Zhou Tai’s boat, other boats belonging to Zhou Tai have been destroyed by the Jin army, and you can see it from time to time on the river. The soldiers of the Jiangdong Army who were swimming, and the soldiers who faced the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army were ruthlessly crushed by the warships of the Jin Army.

After seeing this situation, more Jiangdong sergeants swam away from the battlefield. As long as they can survive, it is more important than anything else. How can this be done if their lives cannot be guaranteed.

The generals in the Jiangdong Army fought on the battlefield because they were able to get more benefits after the army was victorious. Unlike ordinary soldiers, even after the army was victorious, it was impossible for them to get a higher status. Yes, because their credit is more concealed by the generals in the military, and if they want to get even a little promotion in their status, they need to be recognized by the generals. If the generals do not approve, even if they are fighting In the Jiangdong Army, the reality is so cruel.

Don't underestimate the influence of a general in the army. Sometimes a word of them can make it difficult for ordinary soldiers to improve.

And it’s not in the military, ah, it’s so pure on the surface. Military generals also want to benefit from the soldiers. As for the soldiers who can’t bring benefits to the generals, they want to be recognized unless they are particularly appreciated by the generals. Its ability.

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