Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3807: : Shengshangping Dingjiangdong is just around the corner

The corner of Lu Su's mouth moved, and he didn't say much. The Jiangdong army failed in the battle against the Jin army. It must have a great relationship with Zhou Yu, the commander in the army, and Sun Quan also needs Zhou Yu to explain to Jiangdong officials. Otherwise, how could Zhou Yu convince the officials in the DPRK.

No matter what kind of credit Zhou Yu had to Jiangdong in the past, this failure brought Jiangdong's destruction.

At this time, there must be many people in Jiangdong who wanted Zhou Yu's life.

When the Jiangdong Army first evacuated the battlefield, it was more flustered. However, under the command of Zhou Yu, it gradually became more orderly, better blocking the pursuit from the Jin army, and evacuating more soldiers from the battlefield.

This is of great help to the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army. In this battle, the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army have endured tremendous torture. The battle against the Jin Army made them feel what is called cruel warfare, especially when faced with When the Jin army used endless methods, their biggest feeling was helplessness, but in such a war, they had no more options. Even if it was hard, they had to bite the bullet to face it.

In fact, the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army were quite able to perform in this battle, but they faced the Jin Army, which was more numerous and possessed sharp weapons. Otherwise, it would not be said that they would Suffering such a failure.

Zhou Yu looked at the banner of the Jin army behind him and couldn't help but sighed. I thought about how confident he and Sun Ce were in conquering the world. I didn't expect that Jiangdong, who had worked hard for many years, would become what it is now. , Thinking about years of hard work, it is inevitable that there will be a sense of sadness in my heart.

The strength of the Jin army can be said to be beyond the imagination of the kings and ministers of Jiangdong, and the Jiangdong army once again saw the strength of the Jin army. Although the victory of the Jin army depends more on the weapon of the army, it is not the Jin to have the weapon. An important means of the military.

The battle between the two armies is based on the strength and background of both sides. Without sufficient strength and background, it is basically impossible to win in the confrontation.

"Zi Jing, what will Jiangdong look like at this time?" Zhou Yu asked.

Lu Su was silent when he heard this. In this battle, the people of Jiangdong can be said to have high hopes. If they can't win, it will cause the people of Jiangdong to panic. More officials and families will change from supporting Sun Quan to opposing Sun Quan. These are all possible. In the face of absolute interests, it is difficult for aristocratic families and officials to refuse.

Although Lu Bu could not bring benefits to the family, he was able to give these families the hope of survival.

The pursuit of the Jin army lasted for thirty miles, before Gan Ningcai ordered the retreat and cleared the battlefield.

With this victory, the Jin army starting from Guangling will face fewer threats. The current situation in Jiangdong is already like this. It is only by virtue of the combat power of Jiangdong army that they want to gain from the process of fighting the Jin army on the ground. Greater achievement is simply impossible.

Moreover, the Jiangdong Army’s combat power on the water has been eliminated at this time, that is to say, on the river surface, the Jiangdong Army has been unable to pose a sufficient threat to the Jin Army. Under these circumstances, all the Jin Army needs to do is to enter in a big way. Jiangdong land, let the Jiangdong army pay a sufficient price for this battle.

On the one hand, Gan Ning sent people to pass the news to the army, and at the same time marched towards Jianye. Without giving the Jiangdong army a chance to breathe, it is still necessary for the army to arrive at Jianye directly, even though Zhou Yu has sufficient influence in the Jiangdong army. After the army suffered such a defeat, how much prestige it still has in front of the lieutenant soldiers.

Zhou Yu's position in the Jiangdong army was obtained after the victories of the battles. Without these victories, it would be difficult to make Zhou Yu's position in the army more prominent.

The failure of these two important wars reduced Zhou Yu’s prestige in the minds of lieutenant soldiers. Not to mention ordinary soldiers. Even the lieutenant generals are probably thinking about what to do after the defeat of the army. Otherwise, the Jiangdong Army retreats. On the way, why did Jiangdong army soldiers leave the team? The main reason is that they have lost their original confidence in the Jiangdong army. They want to avoid the war in this way and avoid the casualties that may occur under the war.

The strength of the Jin army’s combat effectiveness has been proven. Before the battle against the Jin army, the lieutenants and soldiers were greatly encouraged, and they had absolute confidence in the victory of the battle. However, in the face of the cruel facts, the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army were not allowed to What I don't admit is that the Jiangdong Army is still much worse than the Jin Army.

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