Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3818: : Overjoyed

What's more, the Jiangdong Army has always been the loser in the previous battles. The water battle they rely heavily on has become a joke in front of the Jiangdong Army.

From this aspect, we can see how fragile the Jiangdong army is in front of the Jin army, and how much influence it will have if it cannot win in the confrontation.

Jiangdong is now at the most critical moment, and if he can't get out of this war, it will definitely have a great impact on future wars.

The Jin army's methods are endless, and this has been fully explained in the previous engagements.

Sima Yi’s recent life has been relatively comfortable. On the surface, Jiangdong officials are extremely repulsive to him, but secretly, he is ordered to send a lot of benefits. For these benefits, Sima Yi can be said to be willing to come and enjoy comfort every day. Even the guards who came with him are the same. Good wine and food every day. This kind of life makes people feel envious when thinking about it.

However, Sima Yi also understood that the reason why these officials were like this was precisely because the Jin army won the battle against the Jiangdong Army. Two victories caused the Jiangdong Army to lose its spirit. When facing the Jin Army, the Jiangdong Army will still have the past. Confidence?

Even the loss of confidence is the biggest blow to an army. Even Jiangdong officials will definitely be affected. Their efforts are to make Jiangdong more stable, and it is best to make Jiangdong army more stable. Get more victories in the battle against the Jin army.

But the result of the war was very different from what they had imagined. The Jiangdong Army suffered a series of disastrous defeats. It was the defeat of the war that made Jiangdong officials lose more confidence in the army. They wanted to make Jiangdong. More stable. Judging from the current situation, it is impossible for Jiangdong to be stable. The most important thing is what kind of damage Jiangdong’s family will suffer after suffering this war. This is important. of.

The Jin army is strong, and Lu Bu’s treatment of the family is cruel. It is certainly not the best choice to seek refuge in the Kingdom of Jin. But if they don’t seek refuge in the Kingdom of Jin, where should they go? Will it be possible to follow Sun Quan’s State of Wu? There are not a few officials in the DPRK and China who have such knowledge.

No matter what kind of attitude these officials have towards Sima Yi in the past, when facing Sima Yi at this time, they need more prudence. They cannot have more prudence, which means that the fate of their family will be greatly affected. The test.

Sima Yi was in Jianye City, so why not set expectations for the families in the city so that the families in the city could see the way to join the Jin army? This was of great significance to the families.

Sima Yi was relatively low-key when he was normal. The envoy of the Jin Kingdom seemed to have great glory, but it was actually accompanied by many dangers, especially when Sun Quan put him to death in an emergency situation. It is all possible. of.

Sima Yi cared very much about his own life, he didn't want to just die in the city so unclearly.

Sima Yi was quite surprised by Qin Tian's arrival, but Sima Yi was overjoyed when he learned that the other party was the person in charge of Jin's secret affairs in the city.

Sima Yi and Qin Tian existed in the city brightly and darkly. Relatively speaking, Qin Tian was definitely safer.

After the two exchanged information, it is convenient for them to have a better understanding of the situation in the city, which family will take refuge at this time, and how likely the rest of the family will take refuge, these things can be analyzed.

Sima Yi himself was a master of strategy. From the news Qin Tian inquired, it could be seen that Qin Tian must have a high status in the Jin Kingdom, and it is very likely to be one of the three forces in the dark.

The commanders of the three teams are said to have a higher status than the state animal husbandry. To a certain extent, they are more powerful than the state animal husbandry. They are subordinate to the sage. This allows them to have greater power in their hands and report directly to the emperor. , How many people will be unlucky because of their little words.

It is not easy to associate with these forces. When they act in the ordinary, they are extremely low-key and rarely show up in front of others.

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