Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3820: : One after another

Lu Bu gave the military generals many opportunities. As for whether the military generals can seize such opportunities, the most important thing is to see their performance on the battlefield.

The purpose of Zhang Yun's trip was to wipe out the Jiangdong Army that was wandering on the surface of the river. Zhang Yun still had enough confidence in these tasks.

No matter how powerful the Jiangdong army is when fighting on the water, what they have to face at this time is the most elite army in Jin. The Jin army already has experience in water warfare. When facing the enemy on the water, it does not As for being at a loss, let the Jiangdong Army suffer more defeats in the battle, and the victory of the Jin Army will be even simpler.

The Jin army with certain combat experience is bound to be able to do more in the battle against the enemy, which is of great help to the Jin army.

After the Jiangdong Army suffered a series of defeats, the military heart was in turmoil. It was the opportunity for the Jin Army to defeat the Jiangdong Army in one fell swoop and bring the Jiangdong Army to an end.

Sun Quan wants to lead the Jiangdong Army in a dying struggle, and it depends on whether the Jin Army will give Jiangdong Army such a chance.

Even if the same thing is put on any monarch, I am afraid that it will not be easy to give up. Sun Quan wants to have greater deeds in Jiangdong and have a place in the troubled times. This is also a normal thing.

"Holy Lord, although the Jiangdong Army has failed in the battle, Sun Quan still has Danyang County, Wu County, Yuzhang County, and Huiji County in his hands. It will be of great help to Sun Quan. If you seize the land of Yuzhang County, Huiji County, and Wu County, you will cut off Sun Quan's retreat." Tian Fengdao.

"Yuan Hao's words are reasonable. At present, there are more than 100,000 people in our army. It is definitely not a problem to break through the three counties." Lu Bu said: "It's just that Wujun and Yuzhang counties want to break through, I am afraid it is not easy. Thing."

"Wenhe will talk about the situation in the three counties."

Jia Xu nodded and said: "Holy, now the Yuzhang prefect is a step-by-step stallion. He is a famous official in Jiangdong. The Yuzhang has about 3,000 elite soldiers. Before the confrontation between our army and the army, he strengthened the Yuzhang. The defensive force is extremely strict with regard to those who enter and exit the city gate."

"The five prefectures are severe, and they are not simple ones. Wu Jun is an important county in Jiangdong. At this time, the defense force is about 5,000. Sun Quan attaches great importance to Wu Jun's defense. If Jianye City would do it for me After the army breaks through, Wu Jun is likely to become the retreat of Jiangdong army."

"Relatively speaking, although Kuaiji County has a wide area, the city is mainly concentrated in the northern region. The prefect of Kuaiji is Cheng Bing, and there are more than 3,000 elite soldiers under his command."

Jia Xu gave a commentary on the situation of the three counties, so that the generals in the army have a better understanding of the situation of the three counties. Only by having a more detailed understanding of the enemy can they be in the process of fighting the enemy. Have a greater accomplishment.

Why the Jin army has achieved dazzling records in the past has a lot to do with the Jin army’s generals’ understanding of the enemy before the campaign. If the army is rushed to send troops without understanding the enemy, the consequences will be serious. .

Lu Bu said: "It is also imperative to conquer the land of the three counties. At this time, our army has just left the camp, passing through the land of Yuzhang, and entering Yuzhang from Chaisang, which will inevitably shake the Yuzhang."

"The last general is pleased to fight." Tai Shici said immediately.

After seeing this situation, other generals in the army called for battle. They are all well-known generals in the Jin army. Now the defeat of Jiangdong Army has become a foregone conclusion. If they can’t make greater achievements in this battle, Isn't it too regrettable.

What Jin army generals yearn most is to get greater credit in the war, which is of great help to the promotion of their status in the army. The credit is what the generals in the army aspire to, and what kind of credit they have on the battlefield. Performance depends on how they use their army.

However, the prerequisite for everything is to be able to get this kind of opportunity. Because of the lack of opportunities to fight the enemy, how many generals can only watch the status of others get promoted.

After Lv Bu glanced at the military generals, he smiled and said, "You all want to fight Yuzhang. I don't know how many soldiers and horses you want to lead to pacify Yuzhang County?"

"The final general only needs five thousand soldiers and horses to pacify Yuzhang County." Yan Xing said immediately. When he called for the battle, Tai Shici took the lead. Now it is the time to show that the fewer the army will lead the battle. Certainly there will be a greater advantage in the competition.

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