Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3832: : Where is Sun Zhongmou?

Especially for officials developing in Jiangdong, it is extremely difficult for officials who do not have enough family background and the appreciation of the monarch to make greater achievements on the road ahead.

However, if the same situation is put in the Jin country, great changes will occur. In terms of appointing talents, Lu Bu has restricted the talents of the family, but there are more talents who can enter the officialdom of the Jin country in a fair and reasonable way. , As long as they have enough abilities, they can get a promotion in status.

Jin’s actions at this point are far from those of Jiangdong. What Jin needs are real talents. These talents have to withstand the test of the locality. Whether they can adapt to Jin is due to their relatives. Lu Bu is extremely concerned about violations of law and discipline based on his interests.

Regardless of the situation of the Jiangdong Army, Lu Bu always strictly secrete the standards of the Jin country in appointing talents. Not to mention that it is the talents of the Jin country, even the talents of other princes, as long as they take refuge in Lu Bu, they will be able to obtain a platform to display their talents. .

After looking at the analysis chart of the situation in front of them for a long time, Lu Su remained silent. The situation in Jiangdong has reached an extremely tense situation. The failure of the war has had too much influence on Jiangdong. , How to deal with yourself when facing fierce Lu Bu.

The situation in Jiangdong made Lu Su feel extremely worried. Since he chose to go to Sun Quan, Lu Su naturally hoped that Jiangdong would remain stable and be able to drive the Jin army out of Jiangdong so that Jiangdong’s situation would get better. This is of great significance to Jiangdong.

"Zijing, I give you a task to pay close attention to the movements of the family in the city. If someone dares to do something unfavorable to Jiangdong at this time, there is no need to be soft." Sun Quan said that he still trusts Lu Su. Lu Su's ability to reach this position has a lot to do with Sun Quan's promotion, and Sun Quan recognizes Lu Su's ability.

"The minister takes orders." Lu Su solemnly saluted.

This was a critical moment in Jiangdong. Sun Quan gave him the power. He will try his best to stabilize Jiangdong's situation. No matter what kind of person wants to destroy Jiangdong, Lu Su will not be soft.

When a scholar died for a confidant, Sun Quan was Lu Su's confidant.

The next day, when the sky was twilight, Lu Bu led a large army to the outside of the city. The massive arrival of the Jin army caused a lot of shock to the defenders in the city. Especially after seeing the flag belonging to Lu Bu, the soldiers on the city were even more serious. Talking in a low voice.

Thirty thousand Jin troops placed their positions outside the city. Lu Bu instigated the black black horse and slowly stepped forward. The black black black horse set off the golden armored Lv Bu even more mighty and inviolable.

Behind Lu Bu followed the powerful generals in the army. This was the last battle to pacify Jiangdong. Lu Bu could see the result of this battle. If he could get Jianye City without a **** sword, he would avoid more soldiers from coming. There was a breakage in the process of attacking the city.

Sun Quan must have a certain understanding of the sharp weapon in the Jin army. From Zhou Yu's use of gunpowder, it can be seen how the gunpowder will affect the situation of a war.

Seeing Lv Bu nodding slightly, Zhao Yunce immediately went forward and shouted vigorously: "The Saint is leading the army, why the Emperor Wu dare not leave the city."

The arrival of the Jin army in the early morning was really something that Jiangdong army generals had not considered, but the news about the arrival of the enemy army quickly spread to the palace.

After Sun Quan learned that the Jin army had set up a battle outside the city, he understood Lu Bu's intention. This was the meeting between the monarchs before the two armies finally fought. For Lu Bu, Sun Quan actually had a lot of admiration for him. As a monarch, he dared to lead the army. Lieutenant generals galloping on the battlefield itself is a dangerous move, but during the large-scale wars of the Jin army, there is always Lu Bu's figure, even after becoming the emperor, this has not changed.

Sun Quan can see what impact the monarch will have on an army when he appears in the army.

Sun Quan didn’t want to lead Jiangdong on the battlefield, but Sun Quan’s prestige in the army was still not enough. Besides, when the Jiangdong Army faced the Jin Army, Sun Quan needed to sit in the rear to provide support for the army’s operations. If he was not in Jianye City, It is hard to predict what Jiangdong's situation will be at this time.

However, if the monarch makes mistakes in the army’s decision-making, it will have a great impact on the army. This has more stringent requirements for the monarch. When facing the enemy, he needs to have sufficient experience. Lu Bu is on the battlefield. In experience, extraordinary people can imagine.

The rise of the Jin army was that Lu Bu led the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield time and time again. If the Jin Kingdom had not had Lu Bu, what would happen.

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