Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3842: : Panic

   "Holy Lord, why don't you drive away the envoy of the Jin country?"

   "If the envoys of the Jin country were driven away, wouldn't I lack a means to judge the situation in the city?" Sun Quan said.

   Lu Su knew immediately, paying attention to the envoys of the Jin country, and able to judge the movement of the family in the city to a certain extent, even if the whereabouts of these people are hidden, as long as they are detected, it is a capital crime.

The enmity between Jin and Jiangdong is about to be resolved. Even though the Jiangdong Army has suffered a lot of failures in previous battles, Sun Quan is the sovereign of Wu and has an absolute position in Wu. In the city, Sun Quan had the final say, and as long as Sun Quan was discovered, the family would be destroyed.

   In the face of such cruel punishment, Jiangdong officials can't tolerate not thinking carefully.

   Of course, Sun Quan has the means, and the family in the city is not as simple as it seems on the surface. In order to allow the family to continue, it is reasonable for them to take risks. What their family needs is to survive the chaos.

   Not allowing the family to continue is the greatest punishment for the family.

   Lu Bu had cruel methods when dealing with the family, but the cruel Lu Bu could give hope to the family's continuity. As long as they could cooperate more with Jin, they might be able to get more benefits when Jiangdong was turbulent.

The family also has a lot of distrust between each other. If more methods are exposed, it may leave other families with handles, which is extremely detrimental to the development of their family. If this is the case, they are acting At that time, more attention will be paid to methods and methods.

   Try to conceal their purpose as much as possible. The better the concealment, the family's strength will be preserved to a greater extent in this turmoil.

The monarch hated the betrayers most, but what kind of impact Sun Quan’s order can have on Jiangdong’s family? Will the family strictly abide by Sun Quan’s order, especially in such a critical situation in Jiangdong. .

The lieutenant generals were panicked, especially after the news of Zhou Tai’s execution for the Jin country, it deepened the lieutenant’s fear of the Jin’s army. Zhou Tai’s bravery was famous among the generals, otherwise Zhou Tai's rapid improvement in a short period of time will definitely make the soldiers in the army have a lot of dissatisfaction.

   And Zhou Tai is a strong general of the Jiangdong Army. Such a strong general can still be captured by the enemy when he is facing the enemy. If the same situation is placed on them, can he easily survive against the Jin army?

Sometimes the lieutenant soldiers consider the problem very practical. What they need is to survive. As long as there is hope of survival, the lieutenant soldiers will not give up easily, and the chance of survival sometimes requires the soldiers to go. Fight for.

   The Jin army is strong, and the Jiangdong army is too far behind. Under these circumstances, what kind of thinking and choices the lieutenant soldiers will have, it is not the monarch's control.

Mo said that the generals in the army, even Zhou Yu, had a sense of worry. Through the lieutenant generals, he could see how far the Jiangdong army had reached. The lieutenants did not have more confidence in fighting. When fighting against the Jin army, what kind of performance they will have is unknown.

   The heroic performance of Lieutenant Generals on the battlefield can better alleviate the current situation in Jiangdong, and the lack of strong generals in the army is an indisputable fact.

Pan Zhang, Chen Wu, Jiang Qin, and Zhou Tai are all powerful generals in the army, but in the process of fighting the enemy, the four powerful generals have been killed on the battlefield, which greatly damped the spirit of the Jiangdong army and made the army. Lieutenant generals have more worries when fighting, and they will behave fearfully on the battlefield.

   Zhou Yu has extraordinary talents. He has led soldiers in battle for many years. He has never seen any big winds and waves, but Zhou Yu felt deeply worried in the face of such a situation.

   The Jiangdong Army has come to an end. Under such circumstances, if there is no strong factor, the Jiangdong Army against the Jin Army is likely to fail.

   Failure is definitely the cruel punishment for Jiangdong Army. At this time, Zhou Yu can only do his best to change the status quo in the army.

Sun Quan wanted to keep Jiangdong’s foundation in this battle. Zhou Yu could understand his feelings. Not to mention it was Sun Quan. Even Zhou Yu would not give up easily. He followed Sun Ce to make suggestions and experience time and time again. After fighting and fighting, Jiangdong's foundation has only been established, and the degree of difficulty can be imagined.

   watching Jiangdong’s situation fall into erosion, what an impact it would have on Jiangdong’s monarchs and ministers.

What Zhou Yu had to admit was that Jiangdong was in an extremely embarrassing situation during the battles. The people of Jiangdong suffered a lot of damage due to the war, and how many people were displaced. This was not because of the offensive of the Jin army, but because of the monarch. Decision-making.

   The Jin army fought with the enemy army and was able to get the support of the people in the country, but the Jiangdong army needed the support of the family. If the family did not stand on Sun Quan's side, the impact on the lieutenant soldiers would be great.

   If this situation continues, it is simply impossible to make Jiangdong stronger by relying on Jiangdong Army.

   But Zhou Yu’s main responsibility is to lead the Regardless of Jiangdong's situation, it is not something he needs to consider.

This is also due to Zhou Yu’s status. Zhou Yu is the governor of the Jiangdong Army. He is highly powerful and has a great influence among the generals. If Zhou Yu's influence among the civilian officials is increased, it will inevitably make Sun Quan even more jealous. Sun Quan was already dissatisfied with Zhou Yu. After more fear, Zhou Yu would be in danger.

   In this regard, Zhou Yu also has his own thinking.

  Sun Quan’s jealousy, Zhou Yu has a certain understanding. Regardless of the situation of the battle against Jiangdong Army this time, it is impossible for Zhou Yu to preserve his position in the army.

   So in this final battle, Zhou Yu tried his best to preserve Jiangdong’s foundation. Years of hard work cannot just be lost like this.

   Facts have proved that in the water warfare that the Jiangdong Army is best at, the soldiers of the Jin Army have also won the victory. Such victories have dealt a huge blow to the Jiangdong Army.

   The soldiers of the Jiangdong Army are fighting bravely. Zhou Yu knows that, but now the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army are already a little afraid. When they face the Jin Army, they have no confidence in winning.

   In the past, the Jiangdong Army had two encounters with the Jin Army, but in the two encounters, they all ended in the defeat of the Jiangdong Army. ...


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