Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3847: : Need to be more cautious

The Jin Kingdom’s strategy for treating aristocratic families determined that Lu Bu did not want to rule more families. The existence of these families would affect the rule of the monarch to a certain extent. If the power of these families was weakened to a greater extent, he could It is more convenient for Lu Bu to rule Jiangdong. They even suspect that these news confirm that Lu Bu deliberately released it.

   Borrowing Sun Quan's hand to eradicate the power of more aristocratic families will make Lu Bu more convenient. At this time, the aristocratic family transferred their hatred to Sun Quan, and they will have more expectations for Lu Bu.

   The aristocratic family in the Jin country is indeed relatively difficult to survive, but there are also powerful families in the Jin country, which makes the aristocratic family have more expectations.

"There must not be the slightest leak in this matter. Zijing and Zibu are responsible for collecting the situation of the family, and they must not be stunned." Sun Quan said, he also understood that at this time, the family should not be pressed more tightly, so that the family should be obedient. The private soldiers in their hands were handed over. At that time, Sun Quan will have more initiative.

Sun Quan did not expect that when the war between the Jin army and the Jiangdong army had not yet begun, the first thing Sun Quan had to deal with was the aristocratic family in the city. Even when the power of the aristocratic family was not eradicated, the lieutenant soldiers could not be able to resist. When the Jin army attacked, it had a bigger effect.

This is not a kind of irony. When Lu Bu attacked Cao Cao and many aristocratic families came to Jiangdong, Sun Quan was still more welcome. More control of these families can benefit Jiangdong Army in future battles. But now It seems that instead of providing guarantees for Jiangdong’s stability, these families have to let Sun Quan put in more effort.

   The strength of the Jin army has greatly affected Sun Quan's rule in Jiangdong.

   Everyone left with great thoughts. Jianye City under the night curtain gave people a sense of peace. If there is no Jin army outside the city, it would be even better.

"Zijing, you need to be more cautious when dealing with aristocratic families. The aristocratic families in the city are not as simple as they seem to be on the surface. Sometimes, families that seem to be unable to take refuge in the enemy's army are likely to be prepared secretly. "Zhou Yu reminded in a low voice that Sun Quan handed more of the affairs of the family to Lu Su, which is enough to see Sun Quan's trust in Lu Su.

   After the family stabilized, Lieutenant Generals in the Convenience Army had greater achievements in the battle.

   The strength of the Jin army is so strong that the family in the city knows that when fighting against the Jin army, Zhou Yu didn't want to see a family in the city stand up to help the Jin army. This was the biggest damage to the Jiangdong army.

   Lu Su nodded solemnly and said: "The governor, the subordinates understand."

   Zhou Yu patted Lu Su on the shoulder and walked away quickly.

Looking at Zhou Yu’s back, Lu Su sighed secretly. He had not been in contact with Zhou Yu for a short time in the military. Lu Su naturally saw Zhou Yu’s contribution in the Jiangdong Army. For Jiangdong Army to be able to Zhou Yu had a greater victory against the Jin army, and Zhou Yu could be said to have forgotten sleep and food.

However, the gap in strength cannot be made up by resourcefulness. In the Jin army, there are people with resourcefulness. Coupled with the strong combat power of the Jin army's generals, the Jin army won a lot of victory in the battle against the Jiangdong army. .

   Many aristocratic families have complaints about Zhou Yu, but Lu Su respects Zhou Yu. It is precisely because Zhou Yu is in the army now that the situation in the city can be more stable. Once Zhou Yu leaves the army, what will happen.

   Those families who secretly attacked Zhou Yu are likely to have taken refuge in the Jin army.

   Fortunately, at the critical moment, Sun Quan still trusts Zhou Yu. Let Zhou Yu continue to be in power and be responsible for the battle against the Jin army. This is of great help to the stability of the city.

If possible, Lu Su would like to help Zhou Yu to a greater extent, but the situation in the city has eroded to what point, Lu Su naturally understands that he wants Jiangdong Army to defend the Jin army’s offensive. Greater success requires the stability of the situation in the city. If even the stability of the city cannot be guaranteed, how to make the lieutenant soldiers feel more at ease when facing the enemy.

Tonight, Sun Quan is dissatisfied with the performance of Zhang Zhao and Sun Shao. At this point, Lu Su can see that whether it is Sun Shao or Zhang Zhao, they have powerful families behind them, Jiangdong’s. The situation is urgent, and they also need to give more consideration to the family behind them.

In terms of contributions to Jiangdong, Sun Shao and Zhang Zhao’s contributions are unquestionable. They have made a lot of efforts for the stability of Jiangdong. Now, when the situation is urgent, it is reasonable for them to have some consideration for the family. .

However, in order to stabilize the situation in the city, Lu Su will definitely work harder, but any family that touches these things, Lu Su will not have the slightest softness. Jiangdong’s stability will be of great help to the ensuing battle. If even the stability of the city cannot be guaranteed, how should the lieutenant soldiers deal with the war?

   War is accompanied by many risks, and the Jin army's offensive will have a great impact on Jiangdong. If it cannot eliminate the impact of the Jin army's offensive, it is difficult for the Jiangdong army to do more.

   Lu Su's time in the army is not short, and he has more thoughts on combat. The morale of the lieutenant and generals has a great influence on the engagement.

   Whether morale is high or not will affect the conduct of a battle.

Lu Bu naturally didn’t know what happened in the city. The family’s actions were also within Lu Bu’s expectations. After having more contact with the family, he was quite clear about what kind of mentality he had when the family was in danger. .

  These people can do for the power of the family at all costs. As for what kind of help Sun Quan has given to their family development in the past, these aristocratic families will not have more consideration. What they need is the continuation of the family.

   And the current situation in the city is exactly what Lu Bu needs. After Sun Quan feels the tension of the situation, he will inevitably attack the family. The family that is unwilling to follow Sun Quan's defeat will definitely stand up against Sun Quan's rule.

   At that time, there will be a contest between Jiangdong monarchs and his ministers. In such a contest, no matter which side wins, it will affect Jiangdong's strength.

   Although the Jiangdong Army has reached the end of the war, Lu Bu would be happy to see if Jiangdong can be obtained at a smaller price. ...


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