Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3869: : Let them have to rely on me

After the suppression of Yuzhang County, as long as the Jin army can treat the families of Yuzhang County well, it will allow the families of Jiangdong to see more hope. Why not worry that the other two armies can't successfully break through Huiji County and Wu County.

Monarchs have common problems, especially the monarchs who have obtained their current status after a lot of hard work. They cherish their status a lot. They don't want to give up so easily. In the battle, as long as they see a first-line opportunity, Will stick to it.

When Liu Bei was in Yizhou and Cao Cao was in Yanzhou, it is no exception to Sun Quan.

"Sage, now our army has broken through Yuzhang County, and the news spreading in the city will definitely make the family in the city even more anxious, and Sun Quan's behavior has made the family of Wu State certainly have a lot of complaints about Sun Quan. "Jia Xu smiled.

The war progressed to such a point, unless the Jin army made a stupid mistake, otherwise it would be impossible for the Jiangdong army to succeed against the Jin army.

From Lu Bu’s performance against the Jiangdong Army, it can be seen that Lu Bu will not be underestimated by the strength of Jiangdong Army. Even the emperor has such a mentality, not to mention the soldiers in the army. Get more credits when fighting against the Jin army, this will help them improve their status in the army.

Zhang Yan led Guangling’s army on the Jiangdong battlefield and did not achieve better results. This also made Zhang Yan a shame. In the subsequent battles, Zhang Yan led the lieutenant generals to be very brave, just wanting Recovering the disadvantages, it is also your general who Jinwu, Zhang Yan naturally also wants to have a more prominent performance in the process of facing the enemy.

"Wenhe, Sun Quan will not give up easily, but the Jiangdong army lacks strong generals. Although our army will suffer a certain loss when attacking the city, it can bring greater oppression to the Jiangdong army." Lu Bu Said with a smile.

"Holy, the Jiangdong Army has extraordinary strength in water warfare, and there are still many shortcomings in resisting our army's offensive. Just need to deal with it carefully, and it will inevitably make the Jiangdong Army pay a heavy price." Guo Jiadao.

"There are two supporting me on the sidelines. Why can't you not quell Jiangdong. Even though Jiangdong's army has performed more bravely in this confrontation, it cannot change the reality that Jiangdong was attacked by our army. Sun Quan's defeat is only It will bring more disasters to the military and civilians in Jiangdong." Lu Bu sighed.

The past princes were shattered one by one, and Lu Bu also had a lot of emotion. It was precisely because of the war between the princes that the people did not live, and more people died in this process.

The war has done great harm to the people, but in order to satisfy their own ambitions, the monarch sometimes does not take the people into consideration. Such things are also the same for the Jin army. It is only the strategy of the Jin country, compared with the princes. In terms of it, there are many benefits to the people. It is to avoid letting the innocent people fall under the enemy's attack, and this has won the support of more people.

But why didn’t Lu Bu be able to get more cities in the process of fighting against the enemy? The destruction of the princes brought about the strength of the Jin country, which made the Jin country stronger and stronger in the process of fighting the enemy. .

"We have ordered Zhang Yun and Xu Huang to break through Huiji County and Wu County as soon as possible. I want the people of Jiangdong to feel the imminent danger, so that they have to take refuge in me." Lu Bu said in a deep voice.

"Hey." Jia Xu and Guo Jia said in unison.

Jia Xu and Guo Jia have seen Lv Bu grow up to the present strength step by step. At the beginning, how many princes were not optimistic about Lv Bu. Under such circumstances, Lv Bu led the lieutenant generals to win the battle again and again. Looking at the strength of the army, Jin's current prosperity has a great relationship with Lu Bu's efforts.

Lu Bu's move to the position of emperor did not affect his trust in his subordinates. Jia Xu, Guo Jia and others were reused as before. This is the most important thing for civilians and generals. How many monarchs are achieving success Later, they will attack the hero, mainly because the existence of the hero will affect the stability of the monarch's position.

Such a situation has not appeared in Jin for the time being. Lu Bu's prestige in the army is determined. Anyone who stands up against Lu Bu at this time will not end well.

Sometimes only Lü Bu's order can make the generals in the army lose their current status.

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom has absolute majesty, because Lu Bu's great influence in the army and the fanaticism of the lieutenant soldiers made Lu Bu not need to worry about the power of the master.

What's more, in Lu Bu's body, what the lieutenant soldiers saw was the hope of opening up the territory and expanding the territory. Lu Bu will lead them to conquer the cities and achieve the point where the predecessors have not reached the point.

"Fengxiao, what happened to the war in Chengdong?" Lu Bu asked.

"Holy Lord, since our army attacked Jianye, more than 500 lieutenants have been damaged, and more than a thousand wounded. The enemy placed the Thunderbolt in the city, which made our army pay in the process of filling the moat. It’s not a small price. If you continue at this speed, it only takes five days at most for our army to fill the moat, and the tunnel excavation will be completed in six days." Guo Jiadao.

Lü Bu nodded and said: "The wounded soldiers must be properly arranged so that the injured can be treated in time. The main method of our army's attack on Jianye this time is the tunnel. As long as the tunnel is dug near the city wall, it will act according to the original plan. ."

"Here." Guo Jia arched his hands.

The Jin army digging tunnels with great fanfare is to tell the Jiangdong Army that the most important offensive method of the Jin army is in the tunnels. If it is placed in the past wars ~ Jin army digging tunnels, there must be many. Concealed, because once the excavation tunnels are found for the enemy forces, the enemy forces will have more arrangements in the city.

But the situation is different now. The Jin army digs tunnels, they want to approach the city wall through tunnels, and use the power of gunpowder to break through the Jiangdong army's city.

As long as the Jiangdong Army lost the support of the city, it would be impossible to withstand the offensive of the Jin Army.

The power of gunpowder has been demonstrated in previous battles, and the Jiangdong Army has no way to deal with gunpowder.

The Jin army’s combat methods can destroy the Jiangdong army’s fighting spirit to a great extent, and the city wall under their feet is likely to withstand the Jin army’s offensive at any time. This alone will make the soldiers in the army feel uneasy.

Engagement is inevitable. The key is what methods the Jiangdong Army's soldiers will have when dealing with the Jin Army. If they cannot take more advantages in the process of fighting the Jin Army, they will inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

. m.

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