Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3930: : Secretly rejoicing

The news that Sun Quan was captured alive spread in Jianye City at an extremely fast speed. The soldiers of the Jin army were very excited, but the officials who had no choice but to take refuge in the Jin country were not happy. In any case, Sun Quan was their emperor, and the emperor did it. The enemy was captured alive, what a blow it was.

The strength of the Jin army is so powerful that Jiangdong officials know that it is basically impossible to succeed on the road against the Jin army, especially after the Jiangdong army failed in the battle against the Jin army. This marked an important turning point in the war between the Jin army and the Wu army.

Losing the elite naval forces, the Jiangdong Army lost the corresponding means when resisting the Jin army's attack. This was the cruelest for the Jiangdong Army.

If the Jiangdong Army can have greater achievements on the water, in the process of fighting against the Jin Army, they can have greater achievements.

Jiangdong’s civil servants and generals must have expectations for Wu, but the result of the war was beyond their expectations. After this battle, they became prisoners of the Jin army.

The Jin army generals in the city cheered, and the battle in Jiangdong was a big challenge for the Jin army soldiers. However, in this battle, the Jin army soldiers showed strong combat power. They fought bravely when fighting against the enemy. , Defeated the Jiangdong Army in the water battle, making the world-famous Jiangdong Navy bear the price of failure.

Especially the sharp weapons that appeared in the Jin army are not a small encouragement to the lieutenants. With these sharp weapons, the Jin army will have more means to face the enemy in the future, directly The use of sharp weapons can make the enemy's city collapse, and what kind of enemy can block the advancement of the Jin army.

For a long time, the soldiers of the Jin army showed their strong side, letting more enemies fall under the swords and guns. This is what many soldiers of the Jin army want to see most. They have enough respect and admiration for Lu Bu. An order can make them willing to pay the price of their lives.

The Lord general treats the soldiers in the army so generously, in exchange for the lieutenant soldiers' life to follow. In the many difficult battles, the lieutenant soldiers will not leave.

After the war has been won, it is reasonable for the generals to be excited. The battle is also a big test for the soldiers of the Jin army. But wherever there is a war, there will be death and cannot be better dealt with. In the case of war, there will be a cruel ending.

Just like the current Jiangdong Army, if it is possible, the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army would definitely want to win the battle against the Jin Army, but the powerful defeat of the Jin Army made the Jiangdong Army’s dream shattered. They were in front of the Jin Army. It seemed too fragile, and then Wu Guo was destroyed.

Of course, this also has a certain relationship with how Wu treated the soldiers and soldiers in the army. Among the Jin army, the reason for the high morale of co-renting has a great relationship with their goals. The soldiers of the Jin army are pursuing it. It is to be able to get a greater improvement in status after the battles again and again, this is what the military lieutenants are most yearning for.

The soldiers of the Jiangdong Army had no goals. Even if they had goals, their goals would not satisfy the generals in the army. It is foreseeable that two armies of different states will fight.

In Jianye City, the family who had chosen to join the Jin army before, secretly rejoiced. In the process of the Jin army’s attack on Jianye, even without the help of the family in the city, it was only a matter of time before the Jin army broke through the city. What's more, how long can the Jiangdong Army be able to defend when the city collapses? The emergence of time only reduces the pressure on the Jiangdong Army and allows the Jin Army soldiers to avoid paying a greater price in such a battle.

And it is precisely because of the merits that after the Jin army entered the city, they did not have too much fear in their hearts. After having the merits to the Jin army, it means that their family can develop steadily and will not be affected by the Jin army. blame.

This is a great opportunity for the Jiangdong family. Such an opportunity will allow their family to be better continued, and it will not be said that after the collapse of Wu State, their family will be destroyed.

At this time, Wu’s aristocratic family had a certain sense of belonging to Jin’s system. If it weren’t for the Jin army’s strict military discipline, after the Jin army invaded the city, their family would definitely suffer considerable damage. Now, the soldiers of the Jin army have become the protection of their existence. Judging from the posture of the soldiers of the Jin army, it is certain that they will not attack the family in the city.

The happiest people are the people in the city. They are always the lowest level of existence. Faced with the exploitation of the monarch, how many people have been displaced. At a critical moment in Jiangdong, even if they sell the land in their hands, no family is willing to accept it.

There are no stupid people in the aristocratic family. It is very possible for the Jin army to break through But under the rule of the Jin Dynasty, it is impossible for the aristocratic family to have a lot of fields in their hands. If this is the case~www.readwn .com~After they buy these fields, they still have to bear the damage.

Don’t talk about the fields. Even the banknotes of the State of Wu were gradually not accepted by the merchants when the two sides went to war. Once the State of Wu is destroyed, it is conceivable that the original State of Wu’s banknotes will appear. , Even if the Jin State can make a certain amount of compensation when dealing with these banknotes, it will not play a big role.

What happened after the Jin army defeated Cao Cao at the beginning is a good illustration. It is safest to use Jin's banknotes. It is mainly because of the strength of Jin. With the strength of Wu, he wants to invade Jin and make Jin fail. It is basically impossible, and after using Jin’s banknotes, there is no need to worry about war.

Prices in Jin are not like those in Wu. Special officials are responsible for supervision. If someone secretly raises prices, they will be punished by officials. It is this system that makes more businessmen willing to go to Jin In China, more often, businessmen need a fair environment.

Although Jiangdong is very good, Jiangdong has many aristocratic families. After ordinary businessmen arrive in Jiangdong, it is basically impossible for ordinary businessmen to develop. Wu's aristocratic family simply does not allow such things to happen.

The area of ​​Jiangdong was originally small, and if more merchants came, they would definitely take away the share that originally belonged to them. In this regard, the family members still have a common understanding.

Secretly controlling the merchants can make the family's development more rapid, and after going to Jin State to do business, the benefits are unimaginable.

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