Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3946: : Meet Lu Bu

The final confrontation between Wu officials did not have the desired effect, and now Wu has become the territory of Jin.

"Gong Jin, what do you think of this matter?" Zhang Zhao asked in a low voice.

Zhou Yu shook his head, and said nothing more. Zhou Yu had always been wary of Zhang Zhao, especially when Cao Cao was strong, Zhang Zhao led Jiangdong to join the court. This idea was vetoed by Sun Quan. What was brought to Zhang Zhao was not reused by Sun Quan. Although Zhang Zhao was still in the position of an important official, Zhang Zhao's ability was more than enough to become the prime minister of Wu.

Apart from this, Zhang Zhao has also made a lot of efforts for the development of Jiangdong. He has been following Sun Quan for many years. It is indeed not easy to devote himself to the development of Jiangdong. This is also the last moment. , The reason why Sun Quan still summoned Zhang Zhao.

The five people left the palace dignifiedly. They knew that from then on, it would be difficult to see Sun Quan. Sun Quan was a prisoner of the Jin army at this time. With Lu Bu's method, how could Sun Quan have There is more freedom at all. From the children of Liu Qi, Liu Cong and Cao who were captured by Lu Bu before, it can be seen that as long as these people can live in Chang'an, Lu Bu will not have more embarrassment for them.

Compared with these people, Sun Quan’s advantage is probably that Sun Shangxiang is in the palace.

Three days later, Zhou Yu and others went to the palace to meet Lu Bu.

After learning this news, Lu Bu was overjoyed. Since Sun Quan met Jiangdong officials, there are not a few Jiangdong officials who have taken refuge in Jiangdong, but what Lu Bu is concerned about is the refuge of Zhou Yu and others.

Zhou Yu, Lu Su, Zhang Zhao, and Zhang came here, but Sun Shao did not come. Sun Shao is the prime minister of Jiangdong. Needless to say, he must be a talented person. I haven't had a good life for many years, so I might as well refuse it and leave the name of loyalty.

Zhang Zhao and Zhang’s refuge are not only for their own future, but actually have a certain connection with the family behind them. If they can be reused after taking refuge in Jin, why not let the family be stable, and even possible. At the time of Jiangdong chaos, it has achieved greater development.

After some persuasion from Sun Quan, they decided to go to Lu Bu to try. Now that Jin has completed the unification, they want to see what kind of actions Lu Bu will do next at home. If it is true as Sun Quan said before, Lu Bu It is absolutely a huge temptation for officials of Jin to set their sights on distant countries and make further efforts for the expansion of the territory of Jin.

Zhou Yu was the commander-in-chief of the Jiangdong Army. He was not only good at fighting on the water, but also at leading battles on the ground.

If it were given to Zhou Yu who were as elite as the Jin army, the outcome of the battle against the Jin army would not be known.

The Jiangdong Army’s system determines what kind of record it will have when facing the powerful Jin Army. Even under such circumstances, Zhou Yu still led the soldiers and persevered to the end.

"You can come, I am very happy in my heart." Lu Bu laughed.

"The criminal minister has seen the saint." The four of them saluted.

"No need to be polite, get up." Lu Bu said.

After receiving Lu Bu's order, the four got up and stood on both sides.

"It took me a lot of thought to let you all depend on it. Not only do I want to catch you, but also let you accept the Jin Kingdom from your heart. This is much more difficult than fighting." Lu Bu smiled.

From Lu Bu’s relaxed tone, Zhou Yu and others can feel that Lu Bu attaches great importance to them. Putting such a situation on the captured Jiangdong officials will always give people an unbelievable feeling, but Lu Bu’s previous behavior also shows. Lu Bu paid much attention to the treatment of prisoners.

For Sun Quan to persuade him to take refuge, Lu Bu must have had a conversation with Sun Quan.

In all fairness, Lu Bu was helpful to the Sun family before the Sun family had risen to Jiangdong, and Sun Ce was once rescued by Lu Bu's subordinates. The Jiangdong people must recognize these kindnesses.

"After you take refuge, my wish is gone." Lu Bu seemed very happy.

Perhaps it was Lu Bu's emotion that infected Zhou Yu and others, and the four of them also expressed some of their opinions, and the scene seemed a little lively.

After seeing this scene, Zhou Yu secretly applauded that Lu Bu’s methods were indeed extraordinary, and they were able to make them willing to speak out their opinions in such a short period of time, and sometimes put forward some opinions on their opinions, which was enough to show. Chu Lu Bu's importance to the people with their heads ~ ~ such things are particularly important to the surrendering officials.

"Now that I have calmed down the world, I wonder if you have any opinions on Jiangdong's development?" Lu Bu asked.

Zhang Zhao immediately went out and said: "Sage, although Jiangdong has not experienced many wars, the Jiangdong army has been dispatched for many years, but the people of Jiangdong have been exhausted. Now the officials under Shengshang’s administration of Jiangdong should focus on recuperating and restoring the people. Get real stability."

"With the fertility of Jiangdong's land, it only takes a few years to restore the past prosperity."

Lv Bu nodded and said, "Zibu's words are very true. Now I have ordered that all the people in the four counties of Jiangdong will be exempted from taxes for three years."

"Holy wise." Zhang Zhao handed his hands. This compliment was sincere. If the same thing were put on Sun Quan, he would definitely not have such a decision. It was not that Sun Quan didn't want to do it, but he couldn't do it. Originally, Sun Quan had only the four counties in Jiangdong. After exempting the people from taxes, what will the state do and the army will do.

But such things are quite different in Lu Bu's hands. Lu Bu now occupies the world. The taxes of the four Jiangdong counties are not very important to Lu Bu, and after the suppression of Jiangdong, it is only the consumption of defending the Jiangdong army. It was not Jiangdong’s taxes that could be borne. The withdrawal of these troops eased the pressure on the Jin army.

In any case, if the State of Wu still exists, it will pose a certain threat to Jingzhou, Xuzhou and other places.

After Zhou Yu and others learned that Lu Bu would exempt the four counties of Jiangdong from taxation for three years, they were quite satisfied. From this incident, it can be seen that Lu Bu was absolutely sincere in treating Jiangdong people and was able to do so. It is indeed not easy to reach a monarch who is exempt from taxes. Fupin Chinese

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