Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3958: : Reward, topographic map

Lu Bu also has a wealth of experience in leading combat. Now Lu Bu has devolved the power to conquer the countries of the Western Regions to the generals, which is bound to attract the generals.

"The matter of awarding meritorious officers must be done as soon as possible. Since I started the army, the merits of the lieutenant soldiers in combat are indivisible. Twelve are the village lords, and the last twelve are the pavilions." Lu Bu said, "This is the system of the Temple of War, and the rewards of the remaining meritorious people must be approved by the officials of the DPRK and the central government."

"Here," everyone said in unison.

If this kind of news were passed to the army, it would definitely be no small excitement for military generals. Fenghou, this is something that many military commanders dream of, not only military commanders, but even civilian officials.

At the time of war, it is easier for a military general to make a prince than a civil servant. If he has enough military exploits, he can be a prince when he becomes a general of the Temple of War, but the role of civil servants cannot be ignored.

Increasing the rewards for military generals is also a matter of reason. After the establishment of the Jin Kingdom, the control of the rewards for civilians and generals was extremely strict. Even if it was to rely on people who had merits during the battle, it was not obtained. The reward of being a prince, let alone being a king.

After being enshrined, the status can be further improved. If these positions can be replaced by hereditary, it will be more meaningful to civilians and generals. The strict control of the Jin country reflects the importance of these statuses. If you can become one of them, it is enough to demonstrate its prominent status. It is such a strict system that makes the position of generals in the army particularly important.

And being a prince has become an important criterion to measure the status of a general. No matter when, it is the same. Not only can the prince be promoted in terms of status, but the improvement in salary is also obvious. There are thirty-six generals in the Temple of War. As a lieutenant, he can definitely stimulate the generals to a greater extent, and let them use their lives even more when facing the enemy.

The thirty-six generals in the Temple of War have become an important criterion for judging the status of the generals. It is very necessary to enter the core of the generals and become one of the thirty-six generals in the Temple of War.

However, it is not an easy task to become one of the thirty-six generals in the Temple of War. The thirty-six generals are all men who have made great achievements in the war. During the war, they made a lot of credit for the Jin country, and these generals They are all people who can stand alone, and it's not easy to be included.

It is precisely because of the increase in difficulty that the generals of the Jin country are more life-saving during the battle. If they want to obtain a higher status, they must have greater deeds on the battlefield. This is not the slightest chance of luck. , Without sufficient contribution, it is basically impossible to become a general among them.

What the Jin army emphasizes is that the strong first, and enough credit can make their status be promoted.

The system in the army, Lu Bu, will basically not change. Only when the lieutenant soldiers have a goal when fighting can they have more efforts on the battlefield.

"After you go back, you have to do your best. Now that the Jin State is calm, you need to work harder for it." Lu Bu said slowly.

"Here," everyone said in unison.

Through a conversation with Lu Bu, important officials of the Jin state felt the importance of their responsibilities. The Jin army wanted to have greater deeds when fighting against the enemy, and it was very important to have more support from the rear. necessary.

After everyone left, Lu Bu came to the Yushufang. The front of the Yushufang was a topographical map, which was the territory of the current Jin Kingdom. At Lu Bu's request, the approaching situation of the Jin Kingdom would also appear in the terrain. On the map, in order to draw this topographic map, the officials under his command made a lot of effort.

These topographic maps are approximate topographic maps. If you want to have a more detailed understanding of each place, you need to compare the detailed topographic maps of each place. However, Lu Bu does not have much time to study books, and more time is devoted to topographic maps. In his research, through the topographic map, he can make a certain analysis of the current situation of Jin State, and have an understanding of the situation around Jin State.

Before the rise of Lu Bu, the drawing of topographic maps was extremely important, so that military generals had more references when leading troops in battle, which had a vital influence on the outcome of a war. In the process of drawing the topographic map, how many people’s efforts are gathered.

The topographic map is more accurate, which is convenient for military generals to have more understanding and response to the enemy.

The drawing of topographic maps also requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

And this kind of dedication, UU reading will be the victory of the army, if there is not enough victory as a guarantee, how can we make Jin country stable, how can we make Jin country step by step to now.

Looking back on the past, Lu Bu also has a lot of emotions, but in any case, the melee between the princes or the struggle between the Han people, it is the people of the Han who are hurt, and the foreign war can be called merits, but only the world After unification, more forces can be gathered to fight the foreign side.

The 36 countries of the Western Regions do not have enough respect for the Jin country. It is impossible to say that there is no support from other forces behind them. Why don't these supporting forces want to gain more benefits?

The big man’s reputation is far-reaching. In the past, it was not that they had no other ideas about the big man, but the strong army of the big man. When the big man was in chaos, these people saw the opportunity to get more benefits from the rich man. It will be of greater help to the improvement of their own strength.

However, the current rise of Jin will inevitably infringe on the interests of more people, and when these interests are compromised, they will definitely be even crazier.

However, the Jin army’s soldiers and Lu Bu’s efforts over the years have resulted in a powerful Jin country. At that time, Lu Bu will lead the elite to pacify the surrounding countries that threaten the Jin Dynasty. These countries will feel the Jin army’s strength. Strong, can only surrender to Jin country in the end.

Only by building a strong country can the people in the country have a higher status.

Lu Bu pays more attention to countries outside the Western Regions. However, according to the news from the caravan, there are still certain limitations in understanding these countries. Sending more people to countries outside the Western Regions still has It is very necessary to know more about the enemy in the future, so that you can do more in the next action.


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