Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3969: : Nishi Qiang Miyakonojo

The strength of the Jin army is unquestionable, but to fight against the countries of the Western Regions, you cannot send troops forward. It must be more strategic. It is necessary to unite some countries. As for these countries after the war is over What kind of fate will there be depends on Lu Bu's attitude.

In the face of interests, people's eyes are often blinded.

Let’s say that Zang Ba and Xin Ping led three thousand troops to the West Qiang State. After entering the West Qiang State, what they felt was one of the desolation. Liangzhou is a barren state in Jin State, but Liangzhou’s development over the years It's still relatively rapid, and it has made great progress compared to the past.

However, compared with Liangzhou, the Western Qiang Kingdom has a bigger gap. After traveling hundreds of miles, there is still no trace of the city. The cold weather at this time added many obstacles to the advancement.

Returning to a familiar place, Yadan also had a lot of emotion in his heart. Last year, he led an army to invade Liangzhou and a hundred thousand army went to Liangzhou. It was so spectacular. There are even greater achievements in Liangzhou, allowing the Han people to see the strength of the Western Qiang State.

The cruel facts made Yadan understand that it is not an easy task to get benefits from the Han people. There are many difficulties in it, especially the Jin army, which is extremely elite, fighting against the Jin army. At that time, I could feel how crazy the Jin army was on the battlefield. It is absolutely difficult for any army to win when facing this class of elite soldiers.

The failure of the Xiqiang army shattered Xiqiang's dream, and even Yadan himself became a prisoner of the Jin army.

Judging from the information received, the State of Wu has been defeated, and now it is the emperor of Jin that controls the world, which shows how unreliable it was for the Western Qiang State and Wu State to unite against the Jin State.

This is also caused by the lack of adequate understanding of Jin by the people of Xiqiang. Jin has risen during the war, and how many powerful princes were eliminated by the army led by Lu Bu. When fighting against this kind of army, you must be more cautious. .

The Xiqiang army is brave. When they encounter the brave, well-equipped and well-equipped Jin army, what will be the consequences?

The strength of the Jin army is not comparable to the strength of the West Qiang army. This is Yadan’s deepest feeling. With the strength of the West Qiang army, even if it gathers a team again in a short period of time, it is impossible to imagine that it will be in the process of fighting against the Jin army. Greater deeds.

Yadan lacked understanding of the current situation in Xiqiang. After the defeat, he could imagine how angry Cheriji would be. However, the current situation is no longer within the control of Yadan. All he has to do is to cooperate with Jin as much as possible. army.

After seeing the powerful Jin army, Yadan had no intention of resisting at all. The current opportunity is hard-won. If the Western Qiang State can surrender, it will be a great credit for Yadan. This is for Yadan. It has important meaning.

The Western Qiang State had Yadan's hard work, but after Chang'an, Yadan wanted to become an official of the Jin State and live the life of an official of the Jin State.

Compared with Jin, Xiqiang is barren and unspeakable. Living in Xiqiang still requires a certain amount of courage.

The strength of the Jin army is determined. If you want to achieve something on the road against the Jin army, it is difficult to achieve the strength of Xiqiang.

"Ask Yadan, why haven't you seen the city of Xiqiang?" Zang overbeared.

Xin Ping smiled and said: "General, I am afraid it will take a while to see the cities of the West Qiang Kingdom. The general does not know that there is only one city before the West Qiang Kingdom, and that is the capital of the West Qiang Kingdom."

Zang Ba nodded and said: "So, this general said that after he arrived in Xiqiang, he didn't see a city. Even the people in Xiqiang were a few people. If it weren't for the fact that the army of Xiqiang had invaded Liangzhou before, Who would have thought that there is still a country in these places."

Xin Ping also nodded and went to the West Qiang. They have an important mission. The mission is only one aspect. How to occupy the West Qiang at the least cost is the main thing. The West Qiang can mobilize 100,000 troops. Ma, it can be seen that there are also many people in the West Qiang Kingdom.

After the news of the defeat of the war came back, how could Cheriji not be prepared? If Cheriji had formed a strong army in a short time, the Jin army would still need certain means to occupy the Western Qiang country.

Western Qiang is a poor place, and few officials are willing to come, but after the capture of Western Qiang, it is a great contribution. In this regard, Xin Ping still has a clear understanding.

After the Jin army occupied the Western Qiang State, it was the opening of the territory of the Jin army. This is a great contribution to the civilian officers and generals who go there, and getting the credit is of great significance to the civilian officers and generals.

As a person who later took refuge in Lu Bu, Xin Ping was able to do something under Lu Bu's command. You can imagine how much effort he put in, and Xin Ping's cleverness made Xin Ping valued.

Going to the Western Qiang country, there must be many officials who want to come ~ After success, they will surely be remembered by later generations. This is a great opportunity for civil officials.

The terrain of the Western Qiang Kingdom is complicated, and the movement speed of the three thousand army has been much slower.

Under the guidance of Yadan, three thousand troops came to the capital of West Qiang country after half a month.

Seeing the so-called capital of the West Qiang State in Yadan’s mouth, the military lieutenants talked a lot. In their opinion, the capital is not at the level of Chang'an, but at least it is better than the average county town. Who knows the West Qiang State The capital is so shabby.

It is such a small country, but it dares to send troops into Liangzhou. Such mistakes require the Western Qiang State to pay a greater price. The blood of the soldiers of the Jin army on the battlefield of Liangzhou will not be in vain, although Xi Qiang’s The army failed, but the invasion of the West Qiang army still brought a lot of hardship to the people of Liangzhou.

"This is your capital?" Zang Ba asked.

After the translation by the soldiers, Yadan said, "General, that's the case."

On the way to Xiqiang, Yadan made some progress in learning the Chinese language. Some simple words can still be understood, but there are big shortcomings when talking with people.

"Go and inform the defenders on the city that the envoy of the Jin country will come and let your king come out to meet you." Zang overbearing.

After receiving Zang Ba’s order, even though Yadan felt a little dissatisfied, there was no better way. The army of Jin is currently occupying the initiative. If it fails to cooperate with the Jin army, the consequences will inevitably be serious.

There are a large number of defenders in the city. A few days after the Jin army entered the Western Qiang Kingdom, Cheriji received the news. It is impossible to achieve absolute control of the news with the advance of three thousand troops. matter.


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