Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3977: : 15,000 army

For this reason, the officials of Yushitai had many opinions, but Lu Bu was more serious when dealing with court affairs, and they had to give up.

Many officials secretly claimed that Lu Bu was the most leisurely emperor.

The emperor is a person with the highest status in a country and possesses great power. After he becomes the emperor, he definitely wants to control more. Obviously, it is extremely reassuring to leave the affairs to the officials.

However, the Jin state’s system determines that even if these officials have the power to dispose of affairs, they also need to be supervised. The power of the Supervisory Office will have a considerable influence on the officials. Furthermore, Lu Bu’s ostensibly only handles affairs in the DPRK and China. It is important, but what kind of means Lü Bu has in secret is beyond the ability of officials to guess.

Knowing more about the situation of officials is also something that the monarch needs to do, especially when appointing officials, if you don’t know enough about the nature of the officials, what will happen, not that every official enters After officialdom, they were able to maintain their original intentions.

After how many officials have power in their hands, they will have other ideas. Such things are not uncommon in Jin.

It is necessary to allow officials to undergo more supervision so that they dare not have other ideas when governing a locality. The supervision mechanism of the Jin State is a sharp sword hanging over the officials' heads.

The rigorous system in return is that officials are more dedicated in governing the local area, and the lieutenant generals dare not slacken any more when fighting on the battlefield.

Although Jin’s system has generally been determined, other problems will inevitably arise during the development process. At this time, more timely changes are needed to address these situations, and the system can be more perfect before it can be governed. In the process, I will not say that there are more problems.

The system of honoring Jin’s merits is not very beneficial to civilian officials and generals. Their number of households is limited, and it is impossible to have more wealth in Jin, where taxes are not high.

For example, Zhao Yun is now a county prince, and Shiyi is in Zhending. The number of households is 5,000. This is the highest treatment among generals.

The reason for controlling the number of households of civilian officials and military commanders is to prevent them from affecting the income of the treasury. Compared with the previous dynasties, the treatment of civil officials and military commanders in Jin is much higher. Besides, they fight on the battlefield, work for the country, and get more. It is fame.

When civilians and military commanders reach a certain position, they need fame, and more fame can meet their needs. Senior officials rarely care about how much they pay. Only the royal reward is enough for them to live a normal life.

In general, the system of the Jin State is of great benefit to the people. It is of great significance to the subsequent development of the Jin State to weaken the damage that officials may cause among the people as much as possible.

The elite of the army lieutenants guarantees the stability of the country, and the current strength of the Jin army will not fear any enemy.

Things in the city proceeded step by step, while Lu Bu went to various places in the city to learn more about the lives of the people.

The people also have a certain amount of power. Just like the picket organization among the people, when they find that officials have violated the law and discipline, they will report the news. Officials will generally pay more attention to the information passed by the people. .

The people are the people who live at the bottom. When they report the news, it means that someone has been violated.

Under such a system, the people are more active and supervise more officials. Let these officials live under supervision, which is of great help to the people themselves, so why don't the people understand the truth.

The current stability of the Jin country gives the people hope for life. With their own hands, they can live a more fulfilling life and put them in troubled times. This kind of life is absolutely unimaginable.

The people also understand that their current lives are the result of the efforts of the monarch and officials in the DPRK. Cherishing the present and supporting the court more is the most important thing the people should do.

At the time of the Jin army’s conquest, the support of the people can be reflected to a greater extent. As long as the government has orders, many people will respond. From this aspect, we can see how much influence the Jin government has among the people. force.

This kind of influence needs the efforts of military lieutenants and officials to maintain, so that the people feel hope, and if they are satisfied with their current lives, they will not make betrayal.

The people are simple, they can see who is best for them.

It is of vital importance to the common people that everything at present can be preserved to a greater extent. For a stable some people are even willing to pay the price of their lives. In their eyes, strong The enemies of the country cannot destroy their current lives.

After the imperial court's order was delivered to Jincheng, Li Ru attached great importance to it.

At present, the Liangzhou Army is ready to go to war and conquer the countries of the Western Regions. If the Liangzhou Army will use 15,000 troops and 15,000 troops to pacify the countries of the Western Regions and take them completely, there is Very difficult, but Liangzhou still has subsequent teams. As long as the lieutenant soldiers can break through more cities on the battlefield, the subsequent teams will occupy these cities.

The use of fewer troops to enter the battlefield is of great significance to the continuous combat of the army. This strategy avoids more losses in the army's conquest, and the transportation of food and grass is of great significance to the army's operations. Yes, if you can’t maintain the burden, how to ensure the victory of the army.

The most important thing for lieutenants to fight on the battlefield is the support force in the rear. If the support force is not enough, even if the lieutenant soldiers fight bravely, it is impossible to win. In Jin, the logistics transportation is Very important.

Since the pacification of Jiangdong, there has been a lot of rice, grain, and luggage transported to Liangzhou in secret, in order to be able to mobilize at any time when conquering the countries of the Western Regions, the soldiers are very fast, and the enemy has not responded At that time, there will be more possibilities with greater deeds.

The strength of the Jin army is strong, and when facing the enemy, the strength of the lieutenant soldiers determines how much they can do.

Li Rudang gathered the lieutenant generals together to discuss the conquest of the Western Regions. The army is currently being mobilized and is not ready to attack.


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