Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3987: : The gate was broken, the Jin army marched into the city

After standing out in wars, and not retreating in the face of powerful enemies, how many times did you have the Jin Kingdom today.

Thick white smoke rose near the city gate. After seeing this sight, the two soldiers who were not asleep shouted loudly. Under the white smoke, they couldn't even see the Jin sergeant who was leaving the city gate quickly.

More and more defenders were awakened, but they were completely unclear about the situation, even the generals in the army.

At this moment, the defenders above the city gate suddenly felt a huge force coming, and then the city wall collapsed. The screams of the soldiers came one after another, and the rumbling sound made many defenders' ears hum. I can't hear the surrounding sounds at all.

This kind of momentum made you suddenly awakened by the receipt on the nearby city wall. They didn't understand what happened at the South Gate and why there was such a momentum. The screams of the soldiers secretly increased their vigilance.

Under the power of gunpowder, not only the city gate was directly blown up, but part of the city wall above the city gate also collapsed.

Zhang Fei gave an order, and the soldiers of the Jin army came quickly towards the south gate. They wanted to invade the city as soon as possible when the enemy did not react, causing more damage to the enemy army. For the power of gunpowder, the soldiers of the Jin army should attack the city as soon as possible. Naturally, I understand that since gunpowder appeared in the army, it has been loved by lieutenants and soldiers. When facing the enemy, with this kind of weapon in hand, it will be easier to break the enemy's city.

Under the influence of this kind of momentum, the generals of the Jin army can be said to be like a rainbow. They have to teach the army of the car division a severe lesson in this battle. After seeing the arrival of the Jin army, they did not open the city gate and surrender. It is the contempt for the combat effectiveness of the Jin army.

In the past, although the Jin army had a certain degree of influence in the Western Regions, its influence was also extremely limited, but the situation is different now. The Jin Kingdom’s monarch has decided to attack the Western Regions. This is how the lieutenant soldiers show their combat effectiveness on the battlefield. The time has come. It is necessary for the enemy to tremble under the attack of the generals of the Jin army. No matter how elite the chariot's army is, in the next battle, what they need to face is like a wolf. Tiger's generals of the Jin army.

The city gate was blown up, and the city wall above the city gate even partially collapsed, which provided great convenience for the Jin army's offensive.

The defenders on the city were panicked. They did not wake up from such a momentum, and it was difficult for them to connect with what happened at the city gate this time and the Jin army outside the city.

When the wall was in chaos and no effective defensive force was even organized, the generals of the Jin army were already close to the gate. The soldiers in the front quickly cleared the road to provide more convenience for the attack of the soldiers in the rear, which made Zhang Fei feel regretful. The collapse of the city gate was more serious than expected, which made it difficult for the cavalry to enter the city in a short time. Otherwise, after Zhang Fei led the cavalry into the city, it would be a nightmare for the army of chariots.

Even so, Zhang Fei was quite satisfied that the army had achieved such an effect under the offensive. After the Jin army invaded the city, could the defenders be able to control the rest of the matter.

About two quarters of an hour later, the vicinity of the city gate was cleared out. During this period, the defenders in the city seemed to wake up from the initial panic. The generals and soldiers came in the direction of the south gate. The news came through the soldiers. , Let the generals in the army have a bad feeling, the collapse near the city gate, if the Jin army took the opportunity to enter the city, what kind of disaster it would bring to the defenders, the defense of the city should not be a problem, otherwise, the city will be Will fall under the control of the Jin army, and they will all become prisoners.

By the time the lieutenant generals and the soldiers went to the south gate, the Jin army had already entered the city, and the defenders organized in a hurry to face the Jin army soldiers can be imagined.

The offensive of the Jin army caused the defenders to retreat continuously.

Zhang Fei yelled and slammed forward with a snake spear in his hand. Although there was no horse under him, Zhang Fei could be said to be arrogant among the defenders. However, any soldier who met Zhang Fei would have no enemy, a famous driver. The soldiers fell under Zhang Fei's attack.

Against the backdrop of the fire, Zhang Fei’s image was infinitely magnified in the minds of the coaches and soldiers. Many people looked at Zhang Fei with fear. They did not dare to go forward and fight with Zhang Fei. The warrior wanted to step forward and kill Zhang Fei, all for Zhang Fei's killing. Such a mighty power has surpassed the imagination of ordinary soldiers.

Many soldiers were even more panicked after recognizing Zhang Fei’s identity. Zhang Fei was a famous warrior of the Jin army stationed in the Western Regions. When faced with such warriors, if there is not enough means to deal with them, they will What will happen.

With the collapse of the city gate, it seems impossible to have a greater role in the battle against the Jin

The army of the chariot division is suffering from the slaughter under the attack of the Jin army. This is a one-to-one battle. In front of the powerful Jin army generals, the army of the chariot division has no more resistance at all. The situation they face is constant retreat. .

More and more soldiers from the Jin army poured into the city to slaughter the defenders on the south wall. Zhang Fei led a thousand soldiers and came towards the chashi’s palace. As long as the palace is broken, the rest is simple. A lot.

The cry of killing shook the sky and attracted more attention from the defenders. The defenders of the other city walls did not understand what had happened to the southern city wall, and why there was such a cry of killing.

In the palace, the King Cheshi was shocked when he got the news that the Nancheng Gate had been broken by the Jin army. There were many defenders in the Nancheng Gate. Even after the night, the vigilance of the lieutenants and soldiers declined. It was impossible for the Jin army to invade the city so quickly.

The monarch of the Chashi continued to send troops from other places to support the Nancheng Gate. In this battle, the Chashi cannot fail. If it fails, the monarch of the Chashi knows very well that the Jin army will let him go. The monarch of the coach.

If after the arrival of the Jin army, the Cheshi monarch directly chooses to surrender, he may be able to get a lot of rewards, but from the current situation, after the Jin army breaks the city, he will not be rewarded, but will be punished instead. In this war, the army led by the Cheshi monarch brought a lot of trouble to the Jin army.

In any case, the monarch of Cheshi couldn’t understand what method the Jin army used to directly enter the city, and the rumbling sound in the middle of the night. What was it? The army's attack has a lot to do with the movement of the night.

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