Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3993: : After 3 days, the army sets off

After entering the army, Li Ru sat in the position of the head coach without permission. Zhang Liao was not in the army. It was normal for him to take over the army. Besides, he came here with Lu Bu's order. How dare the military general dare to violate it.

Before Zhang Liao went to the Liangzhou army, Li Ru often joined the army princes and generals.

Many generals who led a general did not dare to look at Li Ru. When they were alone with Li Ru, they gave them a sense of coldness, as if Li Ru’s eyes could penetrate their inner thoughts. .

"On the way to Weili, the officer has heard about the battles of the generals in the Western Regions. The generals and the lieutenants have won many victories. If the prestige of the Jin army is raised, if the sage knows it, it must be rejoicing. "Li Ru said slowly.

Many generals in the tent showed joy when they heard the words. They also wanted to get more affirmation when they fought on the battlefield, especially the affirmation of the court, which was of great help to the promotion of their status in the army.

"Shangshu, now the general led the army to calm down the front and rear of the coach, I wonder if Lu Shangshu has the next action order?" Zhang Fei said.

Li Ru smiled slightly, naturally he understood the meaning of Zhang Fei’s words, so that the generals in the army can get more credit when fighting against the enemy, which is the greatest help to the generals. In the past, the Jin army The soldiers are extremely brave, so why not get more credit?

"You generals have just broken through a lot of cities and still want to fight. It seems that the lieutenant generals are a bit dissatisfied with the victory so quickly." Li Ru smiled.

"Shangshu's words are very saying that the lieutenant generals are eager to make contributions." Zhang Fei said.

Other generals in the army have also agreed. As a general, if you don’t even have enough courage to face a war, how can you do more? Show the crazy fighting power.

"You generals want to conquer the battlefield, this officer can understand, but at present our army does not need to conquer the surrounding small countries, just like Qimo, if the army is far away from Weili to fight, it will take two to three months to go back and forth. Just the consumption of food and grass will become a huge number." Li Rudao.

"Shangshu's meaning, is it to give up and wait for the small country to fail?" Yu Jin asked with a frown.

"No, even though Qiemo is a small country, it belongs to the countries of the Western Regions. The meaning of the sacred is to occupy the countries of the Western Regions. How can you give up lightly." Li Rudao: "The official's meaning is that there is no need to send troops. If we go to Qiemo and other small countries, we can still calm it down."

"Shang Shu's words are serious?" Zhang Fei showed doubts. It is really hard to believe that the small country can be calmed down without sending troops.

As if he could see the doubts of the generals, Li Rudao: "The current generals are leading the army to pacify the surrounding cities. If this news reaches the small countries such as Qimo, what kind of shock will it bring to them. You only need to send envoys. Persuasion will definitely be able to make him take refuge."

Upon hearing the words, the military general was in a daze.

"Shang Shu, if this is the case, wouldn't the king still have an army in his hands? It will create more obstacles to the governance of our officials." Zhang Fei said.

"I don't want General Zhang to think so far, General Zhang can rest assured, as long as these people choose to take refuge, they will definitely not dare to easily violate the orders of the Holy Spirit, especially when there is more news about the battlefield." Li Rudao.

"Shangshu's statement is very true. Now our army has calmed down the Chashi and other countries in just one month. Is it impossible to be stationed in Weili?" Yu Jin asked.

Li Ru shook his head and said, "Of course it's not the case, otherwise, why would the official come here."

The generals in the army showed excitement when they heard this. It turns out that Li Ru came for the war of the Western Regions. If they knew this was the case, they would have so many problems. The speed of calming down the surrounding cities is very fast, so that the generals in the army. There is a feeling of not being addictive.

With the strength of the cities of the Western Regions, it is impossible to stop the Jin army from attacking after the city gate is breached. With their strength, it is absolutely impossible to drive the Jin army out of the city. , It can only face the fate of the city being breached.

The army lieutenant generals can also get credit for such a speed of siege, and the lieutenant generals will pay a certain price after attacking the city, as long as they seize the enemy's city, everything is worth it.

This speed of obtaining credit naturally excites the lieutenants. They want to get more credit in this process, so that their status can be improved.

Li Ru’s words reassure the generals a lot. As long as there is war, they will have the opportunity to make And now General Zhang Liao led the army to fight in Kucha, Zhang Fei and Yu Jin also led the two generals. The army calmed down the surrounding cities, and then Liangzhou officials would come one after another. If these city people dared to commit disorder, the officials who came would definitely have no reason to be soft. "Li Rudao: "The officials and the generals mainly seized Qiuci, Gumo, and Wensu. After capturing the three places, the other countries in the Western Regions will dare to confront the soldiers and horses of the Jin country. "

"Here." The military general said in unison.

Originally thought that Li Ru's arrival was not good news, but he did not expect that the army was dispatched. This news was a great encouragement to the lieutenant soldiers.

"The lieutenant generals of the Chuan army are ready to go to war. Three days later, the army sets off and General Niu Fu is responsible for the food and grass matter." Li Rudao.

After receiving the order, the lieutenant generals left the Chinese army’s big tent one after another to fight in Kumo and Gumo. They needed more preparations. Although the lieutenant generals had won victories again and again in the previous battles, they were on the way. The toss is no small test for the lieutenant soldiers.

It takes a lot of time to travel to Gumo and other places, and it takes a lot of time in terms of the distance, and it is particularly important in the transportation of food and grass. Not only that, the army must also prepare enough drinking water.

As long as there is war, the generals will be excited. What they have to do after returning to the army is to inspire their soldiers so that they can have a high morale when they fight against the enemy. This is for the next war. Has a great influence.

The soldiers who fought in the Western Regions this time are mostly from the Liangzhou Army. When dealing with the enemy, they have a tough will and will not give up easily because of the long distance and hardship. If they can't even overcome this. , How can we win the battle again and again.

. m.

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