Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4029: : Shaking

More businessmen are also considering issues from the perspective of the Jin army. After the Jin army controls the city, it will be of great benefit to their future business. The current number of businessmen in Jin is so large that they will go to the Western Regions. There are also more and more people doing business in the country. Even if going to the business associations of the Western Regions is not a small danger, businessmen are still rushing, and they are willing to take risks for the benefit.

Besides, when the merchants go to do business, they only need to abide by the rules of each country, and there will be no big problems. The monarchs of all parties are more welcoming to the merchants, and they can buy them from the merchants. Things not seen before.

Profits are accompanied by risks. How many merchants are lost in the way of going to the Western Regions to do business.

Today, after the Jin army has occupied the city, it will be more convenient for Jin merchants to go for business. Of course, it is impossible for the Jin army to occupy the city and want some items to have higher prices. Jin Kingdom There is also the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce.

When it comes to making profits, the Changan Chamber of Commerce is the most eye-catching. The local chambers of commerce are under the management of the Changan Chamber of Commerce, and the businessmen need more things from the Changan Chamber of Commerce, such as fairy love, gods and other things. It is controlled by the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce. Although it is also found in the Jinyang Chamber of Commerce, Chang'an is closer to the Western countries. You can't go back to Chang'an after going to Jinyang. Besides, the prices of the two chambers of commerce are similar.

It is conceivable that the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce has made considerable profits from these things. However, the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce is controlled by the imperial court.

Just like salt that is usually eaten, although the price is not expensive, it is controlled by the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce. If a merchant dared to sell illegal salt, the punishment would be cruel.

The merchants are naturally aware of the profitability of selling illegal salt. When doing these things, merchants need to be more cautious. If there is no life, even if there is more money, what is the use? Woolen cloth.

The past events have fully proved that living in Jin State, if you want to be more stable, you must act in accordance with Jin State's rules. Anyone who dares to attack the Jin State system will not end well.

However, the current situation in the Jin Kingdom allows businessmen to get huge benefits. Although there are certain risks in going to the Western Regions to do business, as long as they can deal with it carefully, the profits are still considerable. Otherwise, why are there so many caravans going to the Western Regions? Nations.

Some merchants even went to Wusun, Kangju, and Dawan at greater risks. Some merchants were looking for a way to the Guishuang Empire. It was not these merchants who were disregarding their lives, but they got what they got after they arrived in these countries. The profit is extremely substantial.

Driven by interests, more businessmen are willing to take risks, and this kind of adventure is exactly what Lu Bu wants to see. Judging from the warships currently owned by the Jin army, it is not a short time to explore the sea. What can be done internally, the prosperity of the chamber of commerce on the mantle, can enable Jin to have more understanding of more countries, which still plays an important role in the way forward of Jin.

Wensu’s army was defeated in less than a day. On the way, they ran into the army that Gumo came to support. After Wensu’s army truthfully told the truth about what they had seen outside the city, Gumo’s reinforcements chose to retreat. Falling into the control of the Jin army, even at this time, after Gumo's army has arrived outside the city, he can never expect to do more. From the description of Wensu army, you can see how strong the Jin army is. The tough.

Its Gancheng was broken by the Jin army, which meant the fall of Qiuci. At this time, no one could rescue Qiuci.

The army of Wensu and Gumo returned in a hurry. They wanted to return to their city as soon as possible to inform their monarch of Qiuci’s situation. In a confrontation between soldiers and horses, who can be sure that they will win.

Qiuci is a powerful country. It is said that there is no problem against the Jin army. It is now that Gancheng has fallen, and there is no news about King Qiuci.

After the news reached the destination and Gumo through the fast horse, the monarchs of the two sides were shocked. The strength of the Jin army was so strong. If the Jin country sends troops to attack the two sides, how should the two sides respond.

Besides, they had sent troops to help King Qiuci before, and after falling into the hands of the Jin army, they would definitely not end well.

With such a powerful combat power as the Jin army, King Qiuci still could not resist the attack of the Jin army, even if they struggled more, it was useless [UU看书00ks]. For a time, the high-level people of Wensu and Gumo were panicked. They were worried that the Jin country's army would approach the city in the next moment. UU reading

After pacifying Yancheng, Zhang Liao immediately led a large army to Gancheng. If according to Li Ru's speculation, once King Qiuci asks Wusun for help, Gancheng will be in a dangerous situation. Compared with Qiuci and Wen For Su and Gumo, Wusun has a greater threat, and the reinforcements to resist Wusun are of great significance to the Jin army.

And if Wusun dares to send troops at such a time, it is a provocation against the Jin army, which is likely to further evolve the war between the two sides. Although Jin has been settled not long ago, Jin has a strong background. As long as the Jin army arrives, From the point of view of the generals, it is possible to even punish Wusun in one fell swoop.

Wusun has one hundred thousand strong soldiers, and the elite of the Jin army is more than two hundred thousand. Only Chang'an now has one hundred thousand troops.

At this time, after the Jin Kingdom swept the princes, its strength was at its peak. Anyone who dared to fight against the Jin army would fall on the battlefield. The Jin army soldiers had absolute pride. They fought each other. After stepping out of it, how many times have faced tough enemy forces without the slightest retreat. It is their heroic fighting that made the current Jin country so strong.

Regardless of what kind of resistance Qiuci's army makes at this time, it will be inevitable that Qiuci will eventually fail. When the Jin army arrives in a big way, this situation is even more difficult to change.

Even if the Guizi and others made a lot of resistance, and their resistance caused some trouble to the Jin army’s offensive, they still failed to stop the Jin army’s offensive pace. In such an engagement, the Jin army’s soldiers It shows a strong side.

Regardless of the strength of the enemy army, if you want to win the battle against the Jin army, it depends on whether the Jin army's soldiers will agree.

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