Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4076: : The role of the merchant

The gunpowder of the Jin army is even more confidential. These people may be able to find a way to make a continuous ballista. It is impossible to get the method of making gunpowder.

At the beginning, in the hands of other princes, there were continuous ballistas. If this is the case, it is inevitable that the forging methods of the continuous ballistas would be left out, and the Jin army could not have absolute control in this regard.

Even so, the officials and the military from all sides are extremely concerned about the emergence of these things.

There are many sharp weapons in the Jin army, and the ballista is an important weapon on the battlefield. When the two armies are fighting head-on, the role of the ballista is immeasurable. If the method of building the ballista falls into In the hands of those with a heart, it will definitely bring more unnecessary trouble to the Jin army.

The control of civilian weapons and armors is necessary for the stability of the Jin country.

Just after the princes were put down, some things in this area were confiscated, and then there was no more news in this area.

Even if it is put into the hands of the princes, the ballista is a secret thing, and will not fall into the hands of ordinary people, even ordinary people are strange to the ballista.

The departure of the envoys of various parties relieved the people who secretly stared at the envoys of various parties. These people will always have a lot of trouble in Chang'an City. If they are not careful, these people will cause more incidents.

When the envoys who came to Chang'an left, Lu Bu recovered from his busyness to a more leisurely life. Relatively speaking, the important officials in the DPRK began to be busy, and the envoys from various parties came to inquire about the news secretly. After the situations of the parties are brought together, they need to be sorted out. The situation related to Jin will definitely require more attention.

In particular, the news about Dawan, Wusun, Kangju, and the Xiongnu should be paid more attention. These are all important factors that will affect the future position of the Jin army in the Western Regions. If this matter cannot be handled properly , There will be more hidden dangers.

After receiving Lü Bu’s order, Jia Xu and others began to formulate policies on how to punish Wusun, Dawan, Kangju, and Xiongnu. In order to get more benefits from the forces of the Quartet, they must have sufficient means. , The fact that the forces of the Quartet can always exist must be unique.

Even though the combat effectiveness of the Jin army is strong, if it is pushed all the way to quell the forces of the Quartet, it will inevitably pay a high price, and after using the appropriate methods, it will be able to get the greatest benefit at the least cost. This is for the Jin army. Said it has a vital role.

Strategies are extremely useful when fighting against the enemy. After the strategies are successfully used, sometimes they are more useful than when the army wins a war.

The advisors of the Jin state discussed the possible situation of the Jin army’s conquest of the Quartet and needed a lot of intelligence as support. The Jin State was unfamiliar with the situation of the Quartet before, and wanted to discover more useful information in a short period of time. The effort is not small, but the price in exchange for such a payment is worth it.

At present, Jin has formed an alliance with Wusun. Merchants from Jin will not be embarrassed after they go to Wusun. With the identity of a merchant as a cover, it is much easier to inquire about some situations.

Don't ignore the power of merchants at any time. The channels for them to obtain information are very wide. This is also one of the functions of merchants.

After busying with the things at hand, seeing that it was still early, Lu Bu decided to go to the craftsman's workshop. At this time, his identity was too noble. If he went out of the city, he would inevitably have a lot of troubles. It would be better to leave casually. In this case, you can still watch. Read more about the situation in the city.

In the past, Lu Bu often walked around the city in order to understand the more real Chang'an, and to see the living conditions of the people, which is also of great help to the monarch. If he is only dealing with affairs in the DPRK, I want to see it. It is impossible to get the real thing. Lu Bu is aware of the efforts of Chang'an officials, but when implementing the Jin Guo strategy, there will inevitably be some omissions. It is very necessary to make timely adjustments based on these omissions. of.

The people are the people living at the lowest level. Although Lu Bu has given the people certain power, few people really dare to use the power in their hands. When being bullied, more people still choose to swallow their hearts. After all, it is a small matter. It's not worth alarming the government.

Chang'an is the capital of Jin. If the stability and development of the capital cannot be guaranteed, what will other cities look like? At this time, Jin is stable, and it is not appropriate for Lu Bu to go to other prefectures and counties. After hearing the news, he will definitely prepare in secret, and if he leaves Chang'an for too long, it will inevitably make the officials in the DPRK panic.

After becoming the emperor, it can be said that there are many restrictions. In the past, when Lu Bu was a prince, UU read to fight on the battlefield, and the civil servants and generals under his command would not have too many opinions. So far, the courtiers have one thing. A lot of reasons are waiting for him. This is also the reason why Lv Bu did not appear on the battlefield when the Liangzhou Army pacified the Western Regions.

Even though he was in a high position, Lu Bu's exercise of martial arts did not stop. Even if the Jin country was stable, there were some things that could not be slacking off.

Over the years, it was Lv Bu who led the lieutenant generals to fight in the west, and this brought about the situation of Jin Dynasty, but Lv Bu will never forget that he was a military commander, so when he treated the lieutenant generals, Lv Bu was more kind. Yes, try to give them better conditions so that they do not need to worry about what is behind them during training or on the battlefield.

All these things should be considered by the monarch. If the stability of the lieutenant soldiers in the army cannot be guaranteed, how can the lieutenant soldiers work for the monarch on the battlefield?

No matter what it is, it is mutual. Lu Bu treats the lieutenants generously, and the lieutenants are struggling to move forward in the battle. They want to make contributions and repay the monarch.

After changing into ordinary clothes, Lu Bu and Dianwei quietly left the palace. For such things, Dianwei can be said to be familiar with the road, and the person who secretly protects is already in place after receiving the order.

Even though Lu Bu's martial arts and his martial arts are both high-powered, but Lu Bu's identity is too important. For Lu Bu's travels, the person who secretly protects is definitely indispensable.

After following Lu Bu for many years, Dian Wei has seen a lot of dangers. In fact, it is possible to control more military power with his credit. Lu Bu mentioned this matter more than once, but Dian Wei’s choice was to follow. By Lu Bu's side.

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