Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4080: : Craftsman Workshop

As Dian Wei enters the craftsman's workshop, there is naturally no problem.

The defense in the workshop must be strict. Although there are only three in Lu Bu's party, Dian Wei has no more worries. He has just informed the peripheral generals that the defensive power in the workshop will soon be transferred. Coming to protect Lu Bu's safety, the guards who came later will also enter the craftsman's workshop.

After the generals guarding the craftsman's workshop learned of Lu Bu's arrival, they did not dare to be indifferent. How noble is Lu Bu's identity. When he went to the craftsman's workshop, it was his attention to the craftsman's workshop. At this time, Lu Bu's safety It is also extremely important.

Although there are many guards who came with Lu Bu, they are still very necessary for protection.

At the same time, news of Lu Bu's arrival also reached Pu Yuan and Ma Jun.

The two hurried to greet them. As for the craftsmen in the craftsman's workshop, they were still busy. Lu Bu came suddenly, definitely to disturb more craftsmen.

This is the first time Lu Bu came to the workshop after the Chang'an Workshop was built.

Lu Bu also attached great importance to the Bingzhou Craftsmanship Workshop. He often went to the Bingzhou Craftsmanship Workshop. This was an affirmation to the craftsmen. The craftsmanship has a strict reward and punishment system. The craftsmen can feel greater hope when they are in it. This is also the reason why many craftsmen work so hard, who don't want to go to a higher position.

Pu Yuan and Ma Jun are examples of craftsmen. This is a position that many craftsmen can't reach, and the abilities shown by Ma Jun and Pu Yuan are also admired by many craftsmen.

"The minister pays homage to the saint." Ma Jun and Pu Yuan solemnly saluted.

Lu Bu nodded and said, "I came here in plain clothes, so there is no need for such politeness. Don't let my presence affect the craftsmen in the workshop."

"The minister understands." Ma Jun arched his hands.

Standing on a high place, looking at the layout of the craftsman’s workshop, Lu Bu is quite satisfied. The selected place is still relatively hidden. The most important thing is that there will be no more problems in the defense process, and he only needs to hold the main one. Roads and other people are difficult to approach, and there are also many soldiers guarding them in secret.

"The artisan workshop is extremely important to the Jin country. You two are in charge of the artisan workshop. Don't dare to be slack in the slightest." Lu Bu exhorted.

"Here." The two said in unison.

After the establishment of the new artisan workshop, the production of Shenli and Xianlian is separated from them. The main reason is that there is too much demand for such things as Xianlian and Shenli, and there are too many people to communicate with. In one place, you need to be more cautious, and it is difficult to guarantee greater confidentiality in terms of confidentiality.

This is the reason for the separation between the two. This kind of thing is also allowed by Lu Bu. Let these secrets be better guarded, and will get more benefits for the Jin country. These years have only relied on the fairy love and the gods. He Jinjiu's benefits cannot be ignored.

These benefits brought about the prosperity of the Jin country and the protection of the Jin army during the war.

After the country becomes rich, the lieutenant soldiers do not need to worry about logistical support when fighting against the enemy. This is also of great significance for a battle.

"Let's go, take me to the workshop to have a look." Lu Bu said.

Led by Pu Yuan and Ma Jun, Lu Bu saw the hot craftsman's workshop.

When the craftsmen in the craftsman's workshop learned of the arrival of the Lord, they seemed to work harder, and many craftsmen wield the hammer faster.

To understand the situation in the craftsman's workshop is exactly the purpose of Lu Bu's visit. From the perspective of the situation in the craftsman's workshop, Lu Bu is still satisfied. The armors and weapons built by the craftsmen are one of the important guarantees for the combat of lieutenant soldiers. .

For artisans, Lu Bu has always attached great importance to them, in order to hope that these artisans can create more sophisticated armors and more powerful weapons, so that the lieutenant soldiers can avoid more damage on the battlefield. .

Pu Yuan and Ma Jun can also feel Lu Bu’s attention to the craftsman’s workshop. It is precisely because of this that the craftsman’s workshop can achieve its current development. It is precisely because of Lu Bu's attention that he has promoted the status of the craftsman, and now Ma Jun has been promoted to minister of the Ministry of Industry, and he is also a top figure in the officialdom of the Jin Kingdom.

It's just that Ma Jun spends more time in the craftsman's workshop, working hard to build equipment.

The importance of the equipment displayed by the Jin army during the war in the Western Regions, especially when the countries outside the Western Regions did not have these equipment. Once the Jin Army conquered, it would pose a fatal threat to them. It is also the main reason why many countries want to obtain these sharp tools.

At this point, the craftsmen in the craftsman's workshop have made a great contribution. After the Jin country has unified the world, Lu Bu still attaches the same importance to the craftsman's workshop as before. , The victory of the Jin army is inseparable from their efforts in the craftsman's workshop.

And they will let the current situation continue, and strive for the Jin army to have a greater breakthrough on the battlefield, which is also the goal of many craftsmen's efforts.

While making contributions, the benefits of the craftsmen in the craftsmanship workshop are also obvious. As long as they work hard and get the results, they can get the promotion of status. Such a reward system allows the craftsmen to work harder.

Of course, there are also punishments in the craftsman’s workshop. If the blades made are not qualified, they will definitely be punished. It should be noted that if such weapons are in the hands of lieutenants and soldiers, they will have unnecessary use on the battlefield. The loss.

For a long time, the pursuit of the craftsman workshop is to strive for perfection, to make the weapons and armor more sophisticated, so that the armor can have an extraordinary defense while being lighter.

As for the armor construction mentioned by Lu Bu, Pu Yuan has never stopped studying. The main reason is that the construction of these armors is a bit difficult. Even after they are made, they appear heavy and heavy. After being light, they have insufficient defensive power.

What Lu Bu needs is plate armor. In terms of defense, plate armor is far from ordinary armor and leather armor, and it is extremely effective in defense of bows and arrows.

The bow and arrow are sharp weapons on the battlefield. When the two armies are at war, the archer has an important position. It is mainly the archer’s offense, which can cause great damage to the enemy. Even when the cavalry charges, the archer must be more Be careful, the power of the bow and arrow is extremely amazing, if you can't effectively defend against the threat posed by the bow and arrow, there will be life danger.

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