Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4095: : Tian Feng Investigation

Just like businessmen from all over the world, they are respectful and respectful after meeting the officials of the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce. The officials of the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce are their gods of wealth. Sometimes even the secret advice of Changan officials can make it difficult for some businessmen to get what they want. goods.

However, under normal circumstances, officials of the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce would not do this. In the Chamber of Commerce, there are officials from the Inspectorate. If an angry businessman informs the officials of the Inspectorate, there will inevitably be quite a few. trouble.

Today’s situation is different. Wusun’s businessman offended it was the household minister Shang Shu Mi Zhu. The chamber of commerce officials acted according to Mi Zhu’s intentions. Even if the inspector’s office inspected them, they could completely push the matter to Mi Zhu’s head. .

Mi Zhu is a well-known official of the Jin country. Even if it is an official of the Inspectorate, he needs to be cautious. Mi Zhu is not only a householder, but also a noble concubine. He has relatives with the emperor. If this is the case, once there is no problem with Zha Mizhu If so, the officials of the Inspectorate’s Office will also be unlucky.

After Wusun merchants entered the city, they did not understand the situation in this regard. The reel was as usual, and the goods were transported to the Chamber of Commerce, ready to exchange for the required items after the transaction.

However, Xiaoluo had a secret mission. He was not eager to leave Chang'an. He stayed in Chang'an for a period of time and found out more about Jin Kingdom. It was the main thing for him.

It’s just what happened outside the city yesterday. It makes people feel depressed to think about it. After Wusun’s merchants came to Jin, they would encounter such an embarrassment. Is the military discipline of Jin so lax, but Wei Yan’s reason? It is also difficult to refuse, and it is normal for the sergeant to check the passing vehicles.

As for the goods lost by the merchants, Wei Yan vowed to claim that the Chamber of Commerce will be responsible. As for whether these Wusun merchants can get the lost goods from the Chamber of Commerce, it is unclear.

The Chang'an Chamber of Commerce is huge. Over the years, doing business has brought many developments to Jin. Otherwise, why would Mi Zhu's position in the DPRK have been so rapidly improved?

When dealing with businessmen, the Chamber of Commerce pays attention to fairness, so that these businessmen can feel as much as possible to do business in Chang'an City without encountering more troubles.

But after Wusun’s merchants came to Chang’an, they felt depressed. Many merchants’ goods were damaged. This is the merchants who came from Wusun. It was extremely difficult for them to transport goods. Wusun may be worthless. After arriving in Chang'an, it is still very valuable, and the goods obtained in exchange for returning to Wusun can make the merchants a lot of money. This is why more and more merchants go to Chang'an.

Without the driving force of sufficient profits, how could these businessmen come easily? The businessmen chase benefits, and what they want is more money.

However, after arriving at the Chamber of Commerce, Xiao Wan found that Wusun’s merchants wanted to sell the goods to the Chamber of Commerce. The officials of the Chamber of Commerce even stated that they could not be the masters. If the goods were to be sold, the approval of the Ministry of Households had to be approved.

I have visited Chang'an quite a few times, and Hun Ren also knows that the Hubu Shangshu is in charge of the Chamber of Commerce, but how can he easily see the Hubu Shangshu as an official.

This is not only the case of the reel, but also the other Wusun merchants. They don't even know where the Hubu Shangshu lives and how to find them.

For several days, the goods of Wusun merchants were still not sold. In the past, merchants in other places were more interested in Wusun merchants' goods, and even the prices were higher than those of the Chamber of Commerce. However, these merchants have disappeared. Even if Wusun merchants took the initiative to find these merchants, these merchants ignored them.

In the case that the price reduction still had no results, Xiao Ren realized that this incident must have been deliberately done by officials of the Jin Kingdom. From the investigation of caravans outside the city to the various situations encountered in the chamber of commerce after entering the city, If there is no official order, who would dare to do this.

In the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce there were officials from the Inspectorate's Office, and the Wusun merchants led by Hun Ren directly told the army outside the city to damage their goods, and the officials of the Chamber of Commerce deliberately made things difficult.

After receiving such a report, the officials of the Inspectorate also couldn't believe that the officials in the Chamber of Commerce would embarrass the merchants. You must know that these merchants came to give benefits to the Chamber of Commerce, and if the army outside the city interrogated, it would need to be investigated. Fan out.

Now after Tian Feng returned to Chang'an, he continued to head the Inspectorate. This hard-tempered old man was not afraid of heaven and earth. Some officials just took a detour when they saw Tian Feng, for fear of causing him harm if he caught Tian Feng’s attention. .

Tian Feng will definitely take action as long as it encounters injustice. Such situations are not uncommon in the Jin Dynasty court. Korean officials have long been accustomed to Tian Feng's If it is Tian Feng will feel strange if he doesn't say something about his dissatisfaction.

The existence of Tian Feng has made more officials afraid to make small moves in secret. The officials of the Inspectorate are also in awe of everyone. It can be said that the officials of the Inspectorate are in awe of Tian Feng, and they have always been particular in the inspectorate. The only thing is to be upright. When someone commits a crime, there is no tolerance at all.

Just like this time Mi Zhu made the Changan Chamber of Commerce officials embarrass Wusun’s businessmen, but he did not inform the officials of the Inspectorate, because he was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble. If the officials of the Inspectorate were dissatisfied with this matter, he could report it to the court.

The behavior of the Chamber of Commerce has made the officials of the Inspectorate a little puzzled, but they will report to the Inspectorate of uncertain matters, and the officials of the Inspectorate will deal with it.

After receiving such news, Tian Feng's performance was relatively quick. Businessmen from other countries encountered difficulties in the city. Could there be officials who wanted to benefit from it, especially the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce, which involved Not a small benefit, how many businessmen go to do business every day, it is precisely because of this that officials from the Inspectorate live in the chamber of commerce, in order to discover the situation in a timely manner, and deter the officials in the chamber of commerce.

Tian Feng immediately dispatched officials to the Chamber of Commerce to investigate the situation. In any case, the Chamber of Commerce is an important source of income for the Jin country and cannot cause more problems to the Chamber of Commerce.

When the officials of the Chamber of Commerce saw the officials of the Inspectorate, they were frightened. The officials of the Inspectorate were afraid of officials. If the answers to the questions made the officials of the Inspectorate find more problems, they might be unlucky because of this.

The various prestigious names related to the inspectorate have long been spread in the officialdom of the Jin Kingdom.

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