Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4133: : Discuss

"Four against four." Zhao Yun said lightly. Wouldn't he not understand Wei Yan's thoughts.

The four generals in their respective battles stepped forward, and the right general was facing Zhao Yun's direction. Zhao Yun was the commander in the army. If he could defeat the army commander, it would be a face-to-face thing, let alone look at Zhao Yun's body and appearance. , Certainly will not have a strong martial arts. In comparison, the Wutu bones feel a bit shocking. The height of one foot, the huge mace in the hand, gives people a shocking feeling, although the Wutu bones use It is the form of foot combat, which is still not to be underestimated.

This competition between the generals is actually quite important. Both Zhao Yun and Wusun’s right general understand that if they win in such a competition, it will be of great benefit to them. Before Wusun There is no precedent for fighting with the Jin army. The generals do not know too much about the combat effectiveness of the Jin army. After the generals have won the battle, if they encounter the Jin army on the battlefield in the future, they will have a psychological The advantages.

Leading soldiers in combat all the year round, General Right also understands the importance of aura.

Zhao Yun looked at Wusun You, who was on the opposite side, and said: "Since it is a discussion, it is inevitable that there will be deaths and injuries. If deaths and injuries accidentally occur, they cannot be held accountable."

After listening to the translation of the soldiers, General You said: "This is what it should be. We will learn from each other and we will live and die."

After the leaders of the two sides negotiated properly, the generals of the two sides started a discussion outside the Jin military camp, and the information about the discussion between the generals led by Zhao Yun and the generals of Wusun quickly spread to the camp.

After the army lieutenants learned of such things, they were very excited. They naturally wanted to go out of the barracks to watch, but in the army, they must behave in accordance with the rules of the army, and it is definitely impossible to walk out of the barracks at will.

At this time, what the lieutenant soldiers need most is to know the situation on the battlefield.

Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, Wu Tugu and Dianman are all powerful generals in the army, and one of the thirty-six generals in the Temple of War. The four went out to make Wusun generals return home. Naturally, there was no problem. They dared to come to the Jin Dynasty. This is the first time since the formation of the Chang'an Army that the army has provoked in front of the camp.

In the past, when the Jin army was fighting against the princes, the generals of the Jin army always went to the enemy's camp to fight. If the enemy generals dared to come to the Jin army to fight outside the camp, the consequences would be miserable. Among the Jin army, the largest number These are fierce generals. These fierce generals are enough to cause great harm to the enemy on the battlefield. When facing Jin army generals, the enemy needs to be more cautious, otherwise, there will be life danger.

The lieutenant general of the Jin army didn’t know what these Wusun’s generals thought about coming to fight outside the camp of the Jin army. How could the lieutenant generals endure such naked face-slaps.

Zhao Yun gently kicked the Zhaoyeyu lion under him, like an arrow from the string, coming towards General Wusunyou on the opposite side.

The general right clenched his eyes, and Zhao Yun's speed was shocking. Facing such a speed, it was even difficult to avoid timely.

With a loud shout, the right general raised his long sword and slashed towards Zhao Yun. The damage that the generals who use the long sword can cause on the battlefield cannot be ignored, but the generals who use the long sword also have power. Outstandingly, the long knife in the hands of General Right looked thicker than an ordinary long knife.

One force is reduced for ten guilds, if it has strong enough power, even if the opponent's moves are exquisite, it is difficult to achieve much effect.

During the competition, the General Right did not have the slightest idea of ​​holding back. If he could kill the commander of the Jin army, he would definitely become famous in the Jin country. Even if the emperor of the Jin country was dissatisfied, could it be because of the competition. Blame for killing.

The long knife holder came towards Zhao Yun with a whirring wind, but when he saw Zhao Yun let out a low voice, the spear in his hand took the long sword of the general right.

The tip of the gun accurately hit the back of the knife, and the long knife in the hands of the general right pierced Zhao Yun directly.

The first round of the match made the general right stunned, especially after seeing the mark left by the tip of the sword on the back of the sword, he secretly increased his vigilance. Only Zhao Yun's shot speed was very fast, and the force transmitted through the long sword was also Not weak.

Being able to accurately hit the back of the sword in such a fight must be unusual in martial arts. I originally thought that Zhao Yun would be relatively easy to defeat, but I didn't want it to be so powerful.

If a general in the Jin army knows Wusunyou's thoughts, he will surely sneer secretly. Zhao Yun's martial arts, looking at the Jin army, it is also a top-notch existence. If it is because Zhao Yun's body is not as strong as the right general, he thinks Zhao Yun's. If martial arts are not good, then it is wrong.

Although Zhao Yun's body is not as strong as Dianwei, he is not thin and weak.

A smile appeared at the corner of Zhao Yun's Through the first round of the match, he had a certain understanding of Wusunyou general's martial arts. He just wanted to win with strength. Such a general is not a concern. What Zhao Yun is looking for is a change in his moves. When fighting the enemy, the enemy feels helpless and can only wait for death.

However, with Wusun’s generals, Zhao Yun intends to make a quick battle. If Wusun You general is beheaded on the spot, it will not be difficult for Zhao Yun, but these people are in the Wusun envoy team after all, and they died in Jin The words outside the barracks will eventually give people a guess that the Jin army bullied General Wusun.

Turning the horse's head, Zhao Yun once again killed the general to the right.

If Zhao Yun's first shot was quick, it was amazing this time.

General Right looked at the several spearheads appearing in front of him, and he was shocked. For a while, he couldn't tell which one was Zhao Yun's real attack.

If it is difficult to judge the opponent's moves in such a battle, this is the most dangerous thing.

Before the right general raised his sword to greet him, the bright silver spear appeared next to the right general, the spear swept across, and the right general fell off his horse.

The dust is flying. Although the general right has fallen a lot, he is more ashamed. This time, he led the lieutenant general to come to the Jin military camp to provoke, but he was defeated by Zhao Yun in such a short period of time. It wouldn't be good for anyone to put things like this on anyone's body. General Right was among the generals of Wusun, and he was also a very famous existence. Who would have thought that Zhao Yun, who looked relatively easy to deal with, was so powerful.

From Zhao Yun's shot, the general right could feel that Zhao Yun was already merciful. If he were on the battlefield, he might have died.

Zhao Yun's marksmanship gave the general right the feeling that it was too fast, so fast that it was difficult to stop, and so fast that it was dizzying.

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