Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4143: : The conditions of Xiang Dalu

Before, Wusun's envoy had stayed in Jin for a long time. Needless to say, Wusun's envoy was in Chang'an, definitely to find out more about Jin.

Knowing that Xiang Dalu was coming, Guo Jia was more polite and went out to meet him personally.

After some greetings, the two entered the Shangshu Mansion.

Although it is not the first time to come to Guo Jia’s mansion, Xiang Dalu is still shocked to see the luxury of the mansion. With such a layout, with his position in Wusun, the situation in the mansion is far from comparable. , Needless to say, General Right who followed Xiang Dalu.

In Chang'an, the capital of the Jin state, I was surprised by the general right. The strength of the Jin generals, the majestic city and the shocking palace, and now after arriving at the official residence of the Jin state, I can see such a luxurious side. , It is really not easy.

General You is also a high-status person in Wusun's army, but his position in Wusun and the benefits he enjoys are obviously not of the same grade compared with the officials of the Jin Kingdom.

From the palaces and official residences, you can actually see how wealthy Jin is. If it is possible that Wusun’s army can invade Jin and seize Jin’s city, the benefits will be the greatest.

However, such an idea can only be thought in my mind for now. When Wusun's army is fighting in Dawan, it still needs the help of the Jin army from it. At this time, it is definitely not a wise move to attack the city occupied by the Jin army.

If it is said that before coming to Jin, General Right did not have a deep understanding of the strength of Jin, but the situation is different now. After seeing the various aspects of Jin, General Right realized the background of Jin. If there is such an enemy, it is definitely not a good thing for Wu Sun.

The strength of the Jin country is strong, and after uniting with the Jin country, it will be of great benefit to Wusun.

General Right now believes in what Xiang Dalu said before. How to unite the Jin army is also a big problem facing Wusun.

Asking the emperor of Jin to agree to join the army of Wusun to fight in Dawan is not as simple as it seems. The methods of the emperor of Jin are beyond the reach of ordinary people. Besides, the monarch who has come to this position, how can it be? Simple ones.

If you want to get greater benefits from the Jin country, it depends on whether Wusun's sincerity is enough.

If Wusun couldn't give the Jin army enough fascinating benefits in this battle, it would be absolutely difficult to get the Jin army to fight in Dawan.

General You is not very good at this aspect, he only needs to follow Xiang Dalu behind him.

Going to Chang'an, Xiang Dalu had a lot of gains. At least the General You who followed him listened more to his words. Xiang Dalu was in charge of Wusun’s internal affairs, and many generals in the army were true to him. If you have the right general to support you, He Chou's position in Wusun can't be more stable.

In terms of means, there is definitely a gap between military generals and Xiang Dalu, but military generals control a lot of power. If they don’t say anything about Xiang Dalu, Xiang Dalu can’t do more, Wusun. What Wang pays more attention to is the development of the strength of the lieutenant generals. After receiving the support of the lieutenant generals, it will be of great help to the promotion of the status of Xiangdalu.

After taking the seat, Xiang Dalu said, "I wonder how much confidence Guo Shangshu has to persuade Jin to send troops to help Wusun quell Dawan's war?"

Guo Jia smiled and said: "Ping down Dawan, if you want the Jin army to send troops to help, it depends on how much sincerity Wusun has."

Xiang Dalu took out the evidence of the bank "This is the evidence of the bank in the city. There are two million dollars on it. If Guo Shangshu can help in this matter, he is Wusun's best friend."

Guo Jia smiled and said: "I don't want the messenger to act so generously. The official is ineffective, but he dare not accept it."

Xiang Dalu secretly despised. Guo Jia's words were not what Guo Jia said before. It can be seen that Guo Jia did dislike less money before, but now that he sees more benefits, his way of speaking has changed a lot.

"Guo Shangshu worked hard for Wusun's affairs, these are all deserved." Xiang Dalu said.

Guo Jia was silent for a moment and said: "If this is the case, the officer is not welcome."

When the people behind Guo Jia heard such words, they stepped forward to put away the credentials and nodded slightly to Guo Jia.

"Guo Shangshu, if the Emperor of Jin is willing to send troops to help, ten cities will belong to Jin after Dawan is broken." Xiang Dalu said.

Guo Jia smiled and said: "As far as the official knows, Dawan has more than 70 subordinate towns. In Xiang Dalu's eyes, these subordinate towns are probably cities. For more than 70 subordinate towns, Wusun only wants to take it. With ten out of ten, I want Jin to send even the official can hardly persuade the sage."

Xiang Dalu's eyes tightened. After thinking of Guo Jia's identity, he was relieved. Guo Jia is the Shangshu of the Jin State's Ministry of War. He has great power in the movement of the Jin State's army. However, officials at Guo Jia's level are understanding some It will be more convenient when it comes to situations, and maybe you can learn more about it at a price.

However, Xiang Dalu's hands were not well-off. To allow Guo Jia to do things, it would cost too much money. Even if King Wusun knew about this kind of expenditure, he would definitely not agree to it.

However, Xiang Dalu believes that it is necessary to please Guo Jia and let Guo Jia contribute more to the alliance between Wusun and Jin. It will be a greater benefit.

"I wonder if Guo Shangshu thinks, how much is appropriate?" Xiang Dalu asked.

Guo Jia tapped the table in front of him with his fingers. After a long time, he said: "From the perspective of the official, if he can take out 30 subordinates, he has the confidence to persuade the saint to send troops, maybe he can send more than 50,000 troops. ."

Hearing this, Xiang Dalu's heart moved, if the Jin army could send 50,000 troops, together with Wusun's strength, he would be able to put down Dawan in a shorter period of time.

As long as Dawan is put down, Wusun will be able to clean up the Xiongnu and Kangju through development. At that time, Wusun's strength will become stronger and stronger. Do you still need to worry about the threat posed by the Jin army?

The Jin army is superior in attacking the city. The Wusun army will take a field battle against the Jin army, which will surely make the Jin army pay a greater price in the war.

The current effort is for Wusun's future development.

"It can't be up to twenty, otherwise, after returning to Wusun, he won't be able to explain to Kunmo." Xiang Dalu said.

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