Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4147: : All will tremble under the edge of the Jin army


It is also not easy for military lieutenants. Once a battle occurs, how many soldiers will bury their bones in the battlefield. They are loyal to the monarch and fight for the monarch. The monarch should consider some issues from their perspective.

And Lu Bu's concern for lieutenants and generals is obvious to all. However, everything that involves lieutenants and generals is very important here. The current treatment enjoyed by the Jin army is absolutely unimaginable if it is left in the past. Yes, it is precisely by virtue of this method that the Jin army has a stronger cohesion, and these people are more willing to follow Lu Bu and fight in all directions.

No success can be achieved overnight, and the lieutenant soldiers cannot be completely returned to their hearts. How can they ensure that they can do more on the battlefield? For the soldiers of the Jin army, Lu Bu has sufficient confidence. These soldiers have followed him for many years. In the battles, they have shown strong strength. Although there will be new faces in the army, the momentum of the entire army has been condensed. It only needs to be trained in the past to gradually infect these soldiers. This will allow the army to maintain its high combat effectiveness and fighting spirit.

The development of the Jin army was also envied by the princes at the beginning, but they could not learn it. Just the system of the Jin army could discourage the princes, because the road ahead of Lü Bu was the opposite of that of the aristocracy. Through their own efforts, soldiers can walk to the position of generals step by step.

These are unimaginable in the army of the princes. Ordinary soldiers have become important generals. What about the children of the family? Even in the Cao army, Cao Cao trusts the people in charge of the soldiers and horses. There are so many generals with foreign surnames. Also, but the famous ones in the Cao Jun are Li Dian, Yu Jin and others.

Under these circumstances, the advantage of the Jin army can be reflected to the greatest extent. With a rigorous system, if the soldiers in the army feel hope, the lieutenants in the army will be more effective when fighting against the enemy. With their intrepid combat power, no matter what kind of enemy they are facing, they will always be able to fight hard and will not easily back down.

It was this fighting style that allowed the soldiers of the Jin army to obtain a record that drew the princes' side in the battle. Behind these successes is a great effort. If you don’t pay, it’s impossible to succeed. Things.

"Wusun, Dawan, Xiongnu, Kangju, Guishuang, these countries will all tremble under the edge of the Jin army." Lu Bu said slowly.

Guo Jia's expression moved, and he said, "Chen will follow the saint's rear and level the square."

"Feng Xiao is not only my proud minister, but also my brother." Lu Bu patted Guo Jia on the shoulder and laughed.

After leaving the palace, Guo Jia became even more motivated, especially Lu Bu's last words, which aroused Guo Jia's ambition. The monarch has such ambitions. As a courtier, he must unswervingly follow the monarch. The rear.

Guo Jianai is an admiral of the Ministry of War. He doesn't worry about food and grass. He only needs to serve the war that the monarch wants, so that the lieutenant soldiers can get greater victories in the battles. This is for the army. It is the most important thing. If the victory of the coalition lieutenant on the battlefield is difficult to guarantee, even if the soldiers in the army have a high fighting spirit, what kind of use is it?

The strength of the Jin army is a well-known thing, but it is not easy to ensure that the lieutenant soldiers can win in the battles. The strength of the enemy may be cold. Once the lieutenant soldiers conquered other sides and paid a heavy price, it would be extremely unfavorable for the Jin country.

And Guo Jia, as the official book of the Ministry of War, has a great responsibility for the war. All soldiers and horses in the world must go through the Ministry of War. This is how dangerous.

Moreover, Guo Jia is a well-known official in Shanxi. Although Guo Jia was a bit bohemian in his ordinary actions, the official’s impeachment reached Lu Bu, even if it was terminated, at most it would be a verbal warning or a fine. Will give Guo Jia more rewards based on Guo Jia's merits and prestige.

The grace and trust of the emperor can be seen in general. Under these circumstances, it is natural that few officials will impeach Guo Jia. Besides, Guo Jia has committed trivial things, such as disheveled clothes and so on, mainly Guo Jia. In the position of Shangshu in the Ministry of War, and such a position, it is absolutely eye-catching.

Guo Jia has reason to believe that once the Jin State sends its troops, it will certainly be able to do more on Wusun’s battlefield. No matter how much Wusun has prepared for this war, the Jin army must win this battle. How can Jin's territory be expanded when even such a victory cannot be guaranteed.

After planning for Wusun’s war for a year, Guo Jia and others conducted a detailed analysis of possible situations to ensure that after the Jin army was dispatched, there would be no more omissions.

As long as Lu Bu is determined to send troops, and Guo Jia and others persuade important officials in the DPRK to let them see the benefits of the war to the Jin Dynasty, these officials will definitely not stand on the opposite side of Lu Bu. When the Jin Kingdom was established Although not long ago, the emperor of Jin has a heart to fight in all The generals in the army are even more needless to say, they are most yearning for war, as long as there is a place of war, the generals of the Jin army will There will be a scramble. Although the war will cost the lives of the soldiers in the army, the generals in the army have always shown fearlessness when they fight against each other.

If even a general can't guarantee enough confidence in the war, how can it affect the soldiers under his command, and how can he ensure that his soldiers get greater victories in the battles?

Conquest is also an opportunity for lieutenants and generals in the army. Who doesn't want to get ahead, Huang Zhong can still become the commander of the Northern Army when he is old.

The support of Lv Bu is unquestionable by the generals, and the prestige of Lv Bu among the lieutenants is unimaginable by others. He led the lieutenants to fight in the Quartet, calmed down the princes, let Lv Bu in the army. The prestige of the lieutenant has reached the point where it cannot be added. The lieutenant generals have a crazy admiration for Lu Bu. This kind of worship can make the lieutenant generals burst out more powerful combat power when fighting against the enemy.

As long as Lu Bu appeared in the army, he could mobilize the fighting spirit of the lieutenant soldiers to a greater extent. Such a monarch was actually terrifying. Even Kunmo of Wusun could not guarantee this.

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