Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4155: : King Xiongnu Youxian

The Huns are also proud. They cannot bear this kind of humiliation. Only if the Wusun people pay a greater price for their actions can it be in the interests of the Huns.

If you are blindly oppressed by others without corresponding actions, even if the Xiongnu's Shanyu has a high prestige, I am afraid it will be difficult for the Huns to admire.

Among the Xiongnu tribe, the emphasis is on respecting the strong. This is also the habit that the Huns have continued. They need more strong to lead the Huns to a stronger situation. Wusun’s actions have already offended the Huns. The bottom line.

This time when he came to Chang'an, King Youxian felt the great responsibility on him. It was not a simple matter to let the Jin country send troops. The key to this matter was Hu Chuquan.

Hu Chuquan was born in the Xiongnu and was Shanyu of the Huns tribe. Although the two Huns have not been in contact for many years, they are still out of the Xiongnu. It will be more convenient for the two to discuss some things. When he was the Huns, he could see that Hu Chuquan still had a good impression of the Xiongnu tribes north of the Western Regions.

Moreover, Hu Chuquan is an important general in the Jin army. If Hu Chuquan can help one or two, the possibility of success will increase a lot, giving the Xiongnu a greater chance of winning against Wusun. The people of Wusun want to see.

Regarding the combat effectiveness of the Jin ** team, King Youxian still has confidence. It is also a Han army, and the strength of the Jin army is not much different than that of the previous Han army.

As an important general in the Jin army, Hu Chuquan had a mansion in the city of Chang'an. King Youxian, who has been here once, can be said to be familiar with the road.

The envoys of Wusun, Dawan, and Xiongnu came to the city of Chang'an. They all wanted to be recognized by Jin in this war, so that Jin could help them in the war. It can be seen from the perspective of the three parties. , Jin Kingdom is more important.

Although Kang Ju didn’t send an envoy, the Minister of State Dawan was able to represent Kang Ju’s attitude. From this incident, we can see how hate Wusun is. The three parties are already secretly preparing to do something against Wusun. As long as the Jin State organizes these forces against Wusun, it will inevitably make Wusun pay a heavy price in this war.

After Hu Chuquan heard the news of the arrival of the Right Sage King of the Huns, he did not dare to neglect. He understood what the Huns meant to the Jin country. This could become an important force for the Jin army to stabilize the situation in the Western Regions. He was a general. The position of Hu Chuquan must have learned a lot in normal times. If there is no progress, how can he make greater progress in the Jin army.

Being in the Jin army, there is a lot of pressure. Even after becoming one of the thirty-six generals in the Temple of War, he cannot relax his vigilance. There may be many generals staring at these positions in the rear.

Especially after the Jin Kingdom unified the world, the generals who originally belonged to the vassals now took refuge in Lu Bu's account. Like Yu Jin, although he was the Jin State who took refuge when Cao Cao was put down, he is now in the Temple of War.

Becoming one of the thirty-six generals in the Temple of War is a great glory for the generals, and they fought the battlefield for such glory.

Hu Chuquan understands that as long as the alliance between the Huns and the Jin country can be made more stable, corresponding credits can be obtained, and such credits are even more important than leading the army to win a victory. This is a strategy. Hu Chuquan was quite excited to be able to participate in the confrontation.

"General." After seeing Hu Chuquan, King Youxian was more polite. After all, he came here to ask for something. If Hu Chuquan feels dissatisfied, he will not be satisfied with his trip to Chang'an. There will be more benefits.

Hu Chuquan smiled and said, "You Xian Wang is so polite, please come in quickly."

After entering Hu Chuquan's mansion, King Youxian sighed: "The general has such a position in Jin, and it is the pride of the Huns."

Hu Chuquan was quite satisfied when he heard the words. Although the Han had caused considerable harm to the Huns, the Han army was a strong man. Such a strong man is worthy of respect. The Han people have more awe, and being able to become a general in the Han army is even more honorable for the current Huns.

"King Youxian joked, King Youxian is a famous person in the Xiongnu tribe." Hu Chuquan said politely.

King Youxian Lalan said: "The general did not know. The last time this king came to Chang'an, he bought 500 sets of armors. This matter is extremely angry, and I hate Wusun."

Hu Chuquan was shocked when he heard this, "Wusun's people are really bold. I heard that the caravan of Jin Kingdom was also plundered a lot when it was in Wusun. When this general went to the Hun tribe, he encountered a lot of barbarians from the Hun tribe."

When Lalan heard this, his heart moved, if the caravan from the Jin Kingdom received such treatment in Wusun, it would be a good opportunity for the Jin army to unite with the Xiongnu.

"General, this king came here to buy a thousand sets of armor from Jin, and then join the Jin army to attack Wusun." Lalan said directly.

Hu Chuquan was silent for a moment and said, "This general cannot make a decision on such an important matter. The Japanese general will take you to the imperial palace to meet the Lord."

"Thank you General," Laland said.

If Hu Chuquan had not been in Jin, after the Huns’ King Youxian came to Chang’an, he didn’t know who to look for. The appearance of the Huns was very different from that of the Han. In the eyes of the people of Jin, they were aliens. Even after meeting the officials of the Jin State, I am afraid that they will not get too good results. With Hu Chuquan in Chang'an, things are much simpler. Anyway, Hu Chuquan can meet the emperor of Jin.

After the Huns’ envoys expressed this meaning, as long as they could get the support of the Jin State, they would have greater help for the Xiongnu. When the Huns attacked Wusun, they needed the help of the Jin State.

Due to the arrogance and restriction of the Wusun people, the Xiongnu’s living space was gradually compressed. If this situation develops, it will be the most unfavorable thing for the Xiongnu. United Jin country to attack Wusun, as long as it can break Wusun’s existence. This restriction is of great significance to the Huns. Even if the Jin state occupies the part of Wusun, it is also acceptable to the Huns.

That night, Hu Chuquan grandly received King Youxian of the Xiongnu.

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