Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4161: :Appointed time

The goal has been achieved, Lalan left, and the matter of uniting with the Jin country has been determined, and he has obtained a thousand sets of armors from Lu Bu's hands. These armors can alleviate the problems of the Xiongnu in terms of combat effectiveness.

The plan of the Jin Kingdom gave Lalan the hope of breaking Wusun. If the Xiongnu wanted to get some benefits from Wusun before, the goal now has been to break Wusun and make Wusun the past. This is of great significance to both the Jin State and the Xiongnu.

Wusun's strength is strong, and it is not easy to break Wusun, but now that the four parties are united, it is not a problem to break and when the emperor of Jin treated the Xiongnu. He has a very kind attitude. It is of great significance to put such things on the Xiongnu. The Jin country has a profound background. Otherwise, why could Lu Bu directly give out five hundred sets of armor to the Xiongnu.

The Jin country was generous in this matter. The Huns will definitely have more respect when they treat the Jin country. When they treat their friends, the Huns are more dedicated.

At the beginning, the Han army drove the Huns away from the grassland, but now the Huns need to cooperate with the Han army. In fact, it is incredible to think about it.

What Lalan dares to be sure is that once the Jin army makes a big move, it will definitely cost Wusun's army a heavy price. Judging from Jin's plan, it is when Wusun has no defense at all. In this case, The sudden attack of the Jin army would pose a fatal threat to Wusun.

Even though Wusun has a large number of troops and strong strength, in this battle, it is absolutely impossible to obtain protection from the hands of the four parties. This also makes Lalan feel a lot more relaxed. He originally thought that he would come to Jin as an envoy. It would be a big problem. I didn't expect it to be solved so easily. Imagine Wusun when the time came, and it would make Lalan's heart happy.

The wisdom of the Han people was applied to Wu Sun. This is Wu Sun's sorrow. It also shows what the fate will be if Jin is offended.

However, Lalan is still quite curious about the true combat effectiveness of the Jin army on the battlefield, and after this war, he will definitely be able to understand the combat effectiveness of the Jin army more clearly.

In the following half a month, the envoys of Dawan and the Huns discussed with Jia Xu, Guo Jia and others, in order to cooperate in this war. The cooperation of the four parties has different effects on the victory of the war. Little help, but in this battle, Dawan must have to bear a lot of damage, after all, Wusun's offensive was aimed at Dawan.

Dawan’s army needs to withstand the offensive of Wusun’s army, but the subsequent offensive of the Huns and Kangju army will reduce Dawan’s pressure a lot, and even make Wusun’s army return, and Dawan’s army will be able to follow the trend. .

When Wusun's army returned from Dawan, it was time for the Jin army to make a fatal blow to Wusun's army.

The Jin army's move is related to the overall war situation. After the Jin army's move, Dawan's army can counterattack and defeat the Wusun army who invaded Dawan in one fell swoop.

Such a plan, although Dawan would suffer a certain degree of damage, the envoy of Dawan was still able to accept it. After dealing with Wusun’s attack this time, Wusun would disappear. How much Dawan hates Wusun, naturally There is no reason to refuse. Besides, without the help of the other three parties, Dawan would definitely have to endure Wusun's looting alone.

There has been no Wusun invading for two consecutive years. Zeku can predict that the Wusun army’s invasion will be fierce. Weak and small, it is impossible for them to deal with the plunder of Wusun army. The most important thing is to rely on the strength of the army to drive away the enemy.

Plan the battlefield to make the situation on the battlefield clearer. When Wusun marched into Dawan for a long time, the Xiongnu and Kangju almost launched an offensive.

In this plan, the Huns envoys still agree with Jin, perhaps because of the previous attitude of Lu Bu, the Hun envoys have a lot of trust in Jin.

In half a month, the account of the envoys of Dawan and the Huns has been completed. The most important thing is to wait for the movement of the Wusun army. According to the agreement between the envoy of Wusun and the Jin army, September will be the offensive. Dawan's time.

The autumn is high and the horse is fat, which is suitable for the battle of the army.

The Jin army will dispatch 50,000 troops in this war. This is Lü Bu’s decision. The more than 10,000 soldiers guarding the Western Regions have not counted them. The dispatch of such a large army is also not for the Jin country. Small challenges, consumption of food and grass, will become a big problem.

Now that the countries of the Western Regions belong to the Kingdom of After spending a certain price in the Kingdom of Jin, they can still obtain a lot of food and grass from the countries of the Western Regions, such as former coaches and rear coaches, and now they are all in Jin. The rule of the country.

The grain and grass provided by the countries of the Western Regions can relieve a lot of pressure for the Jin army’s conquest. Before, Lu Bu sent grain and grass to Liangzhou to prepare for the Jin army’s conquest. The three armies did not move the grain and grass. First, if there is not enough protection in terms of food and grass, how can the lieutenant soldiers be at ease when they fight on the battlefield.

As the emperor of Jin, Lu Bu had to consider the issue of guarantees for lieutenants on the battlefield.

Conquering Wusun and others is not as simple as it seems on the surface. There must be many dangers in the middle, which is not a small challenge for the Chang'an army that is going to fight.

Whether to dispatch the Chang'an Southern Army or the Northern Army, Lu Bu finally determined it as the Southern Army after careful consideration.

The Southern Army and the Northern Army are important forces to guard Chang'an. Their existence will make Chang'an more stable. The Southern Army commander is Zhao Yun, and the Northern Army commander is Huang Zhong. Although Huang Zhong’s battlefield experience is extremely rich, Huang Zhong has already Being old, Huang Zhong must be longing for Huang Zhong to play in countries other than the Western Regions, but Huang Zhong has made a lot of contributions to Jin.

The military also needs to give more young people opportunities, so that young people can do more in the military, and let their own abilities get more experience. This is particularly important. An army wants more. It’s not enough to rely solely on the role of veteran generals in his growth. This requires that the follow-up generals can meet the needs of the monarch. If this is not even guaranteed, how can the army have more powerful strength?

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