Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4169: :appointment

The prince is young, which will lead to officials in control of power, maybe Jin Guo's previous efforts will be greatly affected by such things.

The development of Jin State is obvious to all officials in North Korea and China. They naturally hope that this situation can be maintained well. Lieutenant officers and soldiers do not need to have more worries when they are in the army. When Lu Bu is in the army, The situation will be different.

Not only civilian officials, but military commanders also have this concern. Lu Bu has absolute prestige in the army. Facing Lu Bu's words, military lieutenants and soldiers dare not follow him, but when it comes to the battlefield, the situation will change a lot. .

Not only the civilian officials persuaded, but the military generals also participated. Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and other important generals of the Jin Dynasty persuaded them one after another, but from the performance of Lu Bu, it is clear that they have no intention of giving in.

When everyone was about to persuade him, Lu Bu slowly got up and said: "I came from the army, and with one shot and one shot, I have the foundation of today's Jin country. I will never forget that I was born as a military commander. Lieutenant generals can go, why can't I."

From Lu Bu’s words, the civilian officers and generals felt an irresistible will, and the generals felt the same. Jin’s current situation is inseparable from Lu Bu’s efforts. Without Lu Bu’s hard work, Jin would not. There will be the current situation, and Lu Bu's fighting on the battlefield has brought more awe of Lu Bu in the army's lieutenants. Why Lu Bu has such a high prestige in the army is inseparable from Lu Bu's efforts.

"I understand the dangers of the battlefield, but when I lead my troops, I will be able to let the soldiers of the Jin country fight bravely. Since obeying the destiny, I have never slackened in martial arts." Lu Bu said: "This time I will lead the way Leading lieutenant generals in the battle, you Aiqing no longer need to persuade, after I led the army to the Western Regions, the affairs of Chang'an and Jin were in charge of Jia Xu and Gu Yong."

"Here." When everyone saw this, they had no choice but to agree. Anyway, Lu Bu was the emperor of the Jin Dynasty. He said his words in the court and conquered by himself will indeed have many benefits for the lieutenants and soldiers. Officials in China will inevitably advise the generals in the army.

After seeing this scene, Lu Bu’s mouth smiled. This is what he needs. The battlefield is dangerous. For Lu Bu, it’s nothing. The soldiers of the Jin army have been on the battlefield for many years, and they can be described as invincible on the battlefield. Waiting for the protection of the soldiers, does Lu Bu need to worry about this.

The reason why he didn't say such a thing before was that Lu Bu would definitely persuade him in every possible way after he knew that once the North Korean officials knew such news, it would be better to make a final decision instead of letting the North Korean officials persuade him like this.

"I led the army to the countries of the Western Regions, Guo Jia and Tian Feng followed the army, and the army's division, Zhao Yun was the deputy commander of the army." Lu Bu said.

Guo Jia, Tian Feng, and Zhao Yun led the orders and followed Lu Bu on the battlefield. This is a great honor for civilians and generals. The history of the Jin army with victorious victories in all battles made them no need to worry about failure on the battlefield. situation.

North Korean and Chinese officials do not need to worry about whether the army will win the war. The key is Lu Bu's safety.

Jia Xu and Gu Yong are in charge of affairs in the DPRK, and the officials in the DPRK naturally have no objection. In the past, when Lu Bu led a large army to fight, Changan’s affairs were often held by two people, and when it came to handling affairs, the two had Rich experience.

There are officials from three provinces and six ministries and officials from Yushitai to supervise them, and there will be no trouble.

After the dispersal of the dynasty, officials in the DPRK were still talking about it. After all, the Jin army's conquest of countries outside the Western Regions was an extremely important matter for the Jin State.

In the Western Regions, the transportation of grain and grass will become a huge problem. If the army's grain and grass weight cannot be guaranteed, how can the army lieutenant and generals be at ease?

Before that, Chang'an had already begun to prepare food, grass, and equipment so that more food, grass, and equipment could be transported to Liangzhou and the Western Regions, which would greatly help the army's consumption. Transportation is about the success or failure of the army.

If there is a greater guarantee in terms of food and grass, the possibility of success will increase a lot.

The Jin army's repeated victories in the generals are not only because of the Jin army's combat ability, but also has a great relationship with the guarantee of food and grass.

Although the military generals have opposed opinions about Lu Bu’s battle, the military generals are still quite excited after such a matter is decided. Following Lu Bu's battle on the battlefield, this is something that many military generals dream of. If you have a better performance in the war, it is possible to get a bigger reward.

Not only the generals in the army, but also the soldiers in the army were inexplicably excited when they heard of such things. The soldiers of the Southern Army were cheered, and the soldiers of the Northern Army were not in such a good mood. The soldiers of the Southern Army were not in such a good mood anymore~www.readwn. com~This trip was accompanied by Lu Bu. How rare is such an opportunity.

Lu Bu is now the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, the most honorable person in the Jin Kingdom, and the most respected and admired person by the lieutenant generals. If he fights with such a commander, the lieutenant generals will have a higher fighting spirit in the face of war.

Lu Bu’s influence in the army is hard to reach by other generals. The reason for this is inseparable from Lu Bu’s efforts over the years. The current situation in China.

It is Lu Bu’s goal to allow lieutenants to do more on the battlefield. Jin is generous in treating lieutenants and soldiers. This can be seen from the treatment of lieutenants. Lu Bu can be said to be It has reached a point that the previous dynasties have not done, so that ordinary soldiers can have military pay. After reaching the specified time in the army, they can choose to leave the army. This condition gives the lieutenant soldiers any reason not to face the war. It's more life-saving.

People's hearts are mutual. When a lieutenant general feels that Lu Bu treats them like this, he will naturally work harder on the battlefield.

The soldiers of the Southern Army are preparing for the upcoming battle, and Zhao Yun’s order has made the soldiers of the Southern Army boil. Before the army is dispatched, the soldiers of the Southern Army will conduct a competition, and they will be ranked three thousand behind in the assessment. The person will be left in the southern army to guard the camp.

This kind of news is a big touch for military lieutenants and soldiers. Being able to conquer the battlefield is exactly what the lieutenants and soldiers need. Excluding those soldiers who have the dangers and fears of individual battlefields, more than 95% of the soldiers are all. I want to do more on the battlefield.

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