Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4184: : Attack on Ma Hecheng

   As Lv Bu's personal guard commander, it is definitely a glorious thing. Being with Lv Bu for a longer time and being with the monarch is itself a thing worth showing off.


Nowadays, the heavy responsibility of the personal guards has always fallen on Dian Wei. For such things, the civil servants and generals in the DPRK have no opinion. Dian Wei’s martial arts is outstanding, and he is absolutely loyal to Lu Bu. Such people protect him. At Lu Bu's side, they would feel more at ease, and if they were replaced by other generals, they would have a lot of discomfort.


After the group returned to the army, Lu Bu called up the generals in the army. Three days later, it was time for the army to attack the city. It was the Wusun army who initiated the attack. When the Wusun army attacked the city, the Jin army Send soldiers to approach the gate, as long as the gate can be destroyed, the rest is much simpler.


   Although the lieutenant generals had a lot of dissatisfaction with Wusun, they also understood that this was the key to cooperation between the two sides, and better maintaining the relationship with Wusun would be of greater help to the next war.


   "Holy, does our army do not need to send soldiers to fight?" Wei Yan asked out of the queue. This servant is a militant, and Wei Yan will be excited whenever there is a war.


Besides, the generals in the Jin army are basically like this. When talking about wars, they will be particularly excited. They need to improve their current status through wars, and have greater breakthroughs in the war, which will help them in their status. The improvement of the above will have greater help.


   Lu Bu nodded and said, "Is General Wei still not satisfied with such a result?"


Wei Yan smiled and said: "I will be satisfied and extremely satisfied." For Wusun people, Wei Yan did not have the slightest affection. When Wusun's envoy went to Chang'an, how arrogant he was, and even Wusun's General Right led the generals. The South Army provoked outside.


The four Wusun generals who played in the battle killed two of them directly. Although I don’t know how to deal with such a thing after returning to Wusun, Wei Yan can imagine what King Wusun would be like after receiving such news. look.


King Wusun’s performance is extremely arrogant. Although the relationship between the two parties is an alliance, it is still necessary for the relationship between the allies to be better maintained. If even this is not guaranteed, there is no attack. In Dawan, the two armies staged a war outside Mahe City. This is the most ridiculous place.


   "At that time, General Zhang Yan will be responsible for this matter. Feng Xiao will inform Zhang Yan of the specific matters." Lu Bu said.


The generals in the army will certainly not have any objections to such matters. In their view, the Dawan army can pay a heavy price in the process of attacking the city. It is certain that the Jin army has The weapon that can directly break through the city, not to mention that the enemy has no defense, that is, if the enemy has a defense, as long as the soldiers of the Jin army take action, it will inevitably cause the enemy's city to collapse.


Looking back at how strong the capital construction industry of the Wu Kingdom was at the beginning, it was still breached under the attack of the Jin army. From this incident, we can see how powerful the Jin army used to attack the city. It has become an established fact that the Jin army has been dispatched in this regard to break through the city.


"After you return to the army, you must not relax in the slightest. Now it is the time when you are fighting the enemy. What kind of situation is possible to happen. Only by being more cautious can you avoid more lieutenants and soldiers in the war. Broken." Lu Bu exhorted.


Everyone claimed that they are all generals who have experienced many wars, and have demonstrated sufficient ability in previous wars. Even if they are dealing with the current wars, they are not in the slightest. They must be vigilant at all times. When dealing with the enemy, military lieutenants can be more attentive when dealing with the enemy, so that they can plan more benefits for their own victory on the battlefield.


Although the current relationship between the Jin army and Wusun is a united relationship, anyone can see that the relationship between Wusun and Jin is not as friendly as it seems on the surface, but Wusun has many provocations against Jin's army. Yes, this situation will bring about a deepening of the contradiction between the two sides.


   In such a process, it is necessary to guard against Wusun's army. No one is sure whether Wusun's army will turn to attack the Jin army after breaking the city of Dawan.


Even if the strength of the Jin army is strong, it will definitely be chaotic when it is attacked at first, and then the enemy will be given a chance. Such a situation is not what the generals of the Jin army want to see. The generals of the Jin army pursued victory in battles and let more enemies fall on the battlefield. In this case, it was the most beneficial to the Jin country.


   Lieutenant generals have a lot of yearning for war, but how to get a greater victory in the process of fighting the enemy is also the most important thing for military generals to consider.


   After explaining the affairs of the army, the generals in the army left the army one after another. After they returned to the army, they also needed to explain the affairs of the generals below.


Three days later Wusun's army launched an attack on Mahecheng. Wusun obviously has experience in attacking the city, but such experience is not worthwhile in the eyes of the Jin generals who are helping out. It is mentioned that when these Wusun troops attacked the city, they relied on fierceness. Although such an army can cause a lot of trouble to the enemy in a frontal battle, if there is not enough in the process of attacking the city. In terms of means, it is simply impossible to achieve greater victory.


In the Jin army, many generals have done a lot in the battles. They have a lot of knowledge about the war. How to win in a battle is also a question that the generals need to consider. .


   Let the enemy pay a heavier price in the war, and victory can be better.


  The Jin army generals fought in all directions, leaving behind a prestigious name, but it is because of the Jin army's elite and the means of fighting the enemy.


When Lu Bu was in the army, he also cultivated a lot of combat capabilities for the generals in the army, in order to ensure that there are more generals in the army who can stand alone. Under the leadership of such generals, the army will have more Big deed.


  Only in this way, can Jin's army make greater breakthroughs in the war.


   The battlefield is dangerous. It is not easy to make a difference on the battlefield. This requires the generals in the army to have rich experience in the process of combat, and the lieutenants have experience in fighting against the enemy.

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