Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4371: : Patriarch of Wusun tribe

Lu Bu's power was built on the strength of the Jin army. At this time, the chiefs of the tribes most wanted to stabilize the tribes as soon as possible after this battle, and it is best not to experience the war again.

The patriarchs of these tribes have a deep understanding of the damage caused by the war. If possible, they don't want war and want a stable life.

The era of King Wusun has passed. What the Wusun people need to deal with next is the rule of the Jin army. Under the rule of the Jin army, what kind of life the Wusun people will live is unknown.

At this time, the patriarchs of the various tribes of Wusun were fortunate and worried.

Fortunately, at the crucial time, Xiang Dalu will return. Otherwise, they are still on the way of migration. At that time, the pursuit of the Jin army will cause heavy losses to these tribes. The worry is that they will be squeezed by the Jin army after they join the Jin army. .

The Wusun people are alien in the eyes of the Han people. When the Han people were strong in the past, they had a lot of contempt for Wusun. Now that the Jin army has become the ruler of Wusun, how much change will happen to this situation.

But now they can only act according to Lu Bu's orders, otherwise, the Jin army will show them the swords and guns in their hands, and then it will be the greatest misfortune.

Lu Bu's posture was arrogant, but the patriarch of the Wusun tribe did not feel the killing intent from Lu Bu's words, which also relieved them a little.

After the arrival of the Jin army, they quickly started camping. The location chosen for the camp was a certain distance away from the Wusun tribe. This is also the reason why the Wusun tribe is not at ease. If the Wusun tribe attacks the Jin army at this time, welcome them. It would be a crazy revenge from the Jin army.

When dealing with the enemy, the generals of the Jin army will not have the slightest tenderness.

On today's battlefield, the Jin army occupies an absolute advantage. The Wusun army has already failed. If you want to do more to deal with the Jin army next, you must have sufficient means.

The Jin army led by Lu Bu showed a strong side in front of the Wusun tribe. Under such a situation, the generals of the Jin army had reason to believe that the Wusun people did not dare to act rashly.

In the afternoon that day, the patriarchs of the Wusun tribe went to the Jin army one after another. Seeing the strong defense of the Jin army and the momentum of the lieutenant generals, the patriarchs of many tribes were secretly surprised.

They had only heard about the Jin army before, but now they really saw it. If they want to get the attention of the Jin army, they must show corresponding value at this time.

It is conceivable that in Wusun’s changes this time, Xiang Dalu must have benefited the most, because Xiang Dalu first took refuge in the Jin army and he performed well after the arrival of the Jin army. Lu's credit, then the tribe where Xiang Dalu belongs will get more benefits.

This situation also caused many clan chiefs of many tribes to secretly show their favor to Xiang Dalu, and only if they had a good relationship with Xiang Dalu would their tribes have a certain advantage.

Wusun survives as a tribe. When the tribe develops, it will be accompanied by many dangers. Among them, attacks from other tribes are also guarded by some tribes, especially the weak tribes. The danger of embezzlement.

After entering the Jin Army, the entourages of the patriarchs of the tribes were directly detained. These patriarchs had no other opinions about this. This is the home of the Jin Army. If they cannot act according to the Jin Army's orders, they will suffer.

Choosing to enter the Jin army has already expressed their position, and there is no need to have a conflict with the Jin army at this time.

Seeing the clever side of the Wusun tribe's patriarch, many Jin soldiers smiled with satisfaction. This is the power enjoyed by the victor, and the loser must act according to the victor's orders.

The tent is large enough to hold dozens of people. Outside the tents are soldiers with perseverance. These soldiers look serious, looking at the tribal chiefs, showing a vigilant look.

Not only were the guards detained, but the weapons carried by these patriarchs were also confiscated.

The tent seemed a little quiet. If it were put under the rule of King Wusun, there would be a lot of discussion in the tent at this time, but this is in the Jin army. If they dare not perform better, they will be treated better. There are benefits.

About a quarter of an hour after the patriarchs of the various tribes gathered, Lu Bu appeared in the big tent.

Accompanied by the generals He Tian Feng, Guo Jia and others in the army, these generals wore armors and held weapons.

After glancing at the scene in the tent, Lu Bu nodded slightly to Xiang Dalu.

Xiang Dalu understands that when he stepped forward, the language between Wusun and the Han people was incomprehensible, and the Wusun people who were familiar with the Han language were a minority. At this time, Xiang Dalu only needed to translate Lu Bu's words. .

And this kind of thing is worth showing off in Xiang Dalu's eyes. The Jin army is the most powerful in Wusun now. If it can be taken seriously in front of Lu Bu, it will be good for its future development.

"We commanded the army to enter Wusun because Wusun's situation is terrible. I don't want Wusun to be implicated in the war. You can rely on me at this time because of your trust in me." Lu Bu said in a deep voice.

After Xiang Dalu's translation, the patriarchs of various tribes turned their attention to Lu Bu, and how the Jin army will treat the Wusun tribe in the future is the most critical.

"There are Xianbei people on the I think you know, and the grassland where Xianbei is located is now owned by me. It will be the same." Lu Bu said.

Tian Feng walked out and spoke slowly about the living conditions of the Xianbei people on the grassland.

Discussions sounded in the tent, which is related to the future development of the tribe. According to the way of life of the Xianbei people, the Wusun tribe will not have more soldiers. If this continues, will it be beneficial to the various tribes of Wusun.

However, the method used by the Jin State to govern the grassland is to protect the weak tribes. If these tribes follow the orders of the Jin State, they do not need to worry about infringements from other tribes. Such rules are still very good. .

As everyone knows, it is precisely this kind of order that can make the nomads lose their vigor, and the mutual embezzlement between the tribes will give the Wusun people a sense of tension, and such oppression will make each tribe attach great importance to their own strength. When they don’t need to worry about their own safety, will they still have the fighting spirit of the past?

After the spirit was lost, it was even more difficult for Wusun to rise again.

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